All Manuals > Release Notes and Installation Guide


1 Introduction

1.1 LispWorks Editions

1.1.1 Personal Edition

1.1.2 Hobbyist Edition

1.1.3 HobbyistDV Edition

1.1.4 Professional Edition

1.1.5 Enterprise Edition

1.2 LispWorks for Mobile Runtime

1.3 Evaluation quick guide

1.4 Further details

1.5 About this Guide

1.5.1 Installation and Configuration

1.5.2 Troubleshooting

1.5.3 Release Notes

2 Installation on macOS

2.1 Choosing the Graphical User Interface

2.2 Documentation

2.3 Software and hardware requirements

2.4 Installing LispWorks for Macintosh

2.4.1 Main installation and patches

2.4.2 Information for Beta testers

2.4.3 Information for users of previous versions

2.4.4 Launch the LispWorks installer

2.4.5 The Read Me

2.4.6 The License Agreement

2.4.7 Install Location

2.4.8 Choose your installation type The native macOS GUI The X11 GTK+ and Motif GUIs The Documentation

2.4.9 Installing and entering license data

2.4.10 LispWorks is added to the Dock

2.4.11 Finishing up

2.4.12 Installing Patches

2.4.13 Obtaining X11 GTK+

2.4.14 Obtaining Open Motif and Imlib2

2.5 Starting LispWorks for Macintosh

2.5.1 Start the native macOS LispWorks GUI

2.5.2 Start the GTK+ LispWorks GUI

2.5.3 Start the Motif LispWorks GUI

2.6 Uninstalling LispWorks for Macintosh

2.7 Upgrading the LispWorks Edition

3 Installation on Windows

3.1 Documentation

3.2 Installing LispWorks for Windows

3.2.1 Main installation and patches

3.2.2 Visual Studio runtime components and Windows Installer

3.2.3 Installing over previous versions

3.2.4 Information for Beta testers

3.2.5 To install LispWorks Entering the License Data Installation location Installing the Documentation Installing Patches Starting LispWorks

3.3 Uninstalling LispWorks for Windows

3.4 Upgrading the LispWorks Edition

3.5 Upgrading to 64-bit LispWorks

4 Installation on Linux

4.1 Software and hardware requirements

4.1.1 GUI libraries GTK+ Motif

4.1.2 Disk requirements

4.2 License agreement

4.3 Software delivery and installer formats

4.3.1 Contents of the LispWorks distribution

4.4 Installing LispWorks for Linux

4.4.1 Main installation and patches

4.4.2 Installing over previous versions

4.4.3 Information for Beta testers

4.4.4 Installation from the binary RPM file (x86 and x86_64 only) Installation directories Selecting the correct RPM files Installing or upgrading LispWorks for Linux Installing CLIM 2.0 Installing loadable Enterprise Edition modules Documentation and saving space Installing Patches

4.4.5 Installation from the tar files Installing Patches

4.5 LispWorks looks for a license key

4.6 Running LispWorks

4.6.1 Entering the license data

4.7 Configuring the image

4.8 Printable LispWorks documentation

4.9 Uninstalling LispWorks for Linux

4.10 Upgrading the LispWorks Edition

4.11 Upgrading to 64-bit LispWorks

5 Installation on x86/x64 Solaris

5.1 Software and hardware requirements

5.1.1 GUI libraries GTK+ Motif

5.1.2 Disk requirements

5.2 Software delivery and installer format

5.2.1 Contents of the LispWorks distribution

5.2.2 Personal Edition distribution

5.3 Installing LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris

5.3.1 Main installation and patches

5.3.2 Installing over previous versions

5.3.3 Information for Beta testers

5.3.4 Installation directories

5.3.5 Selecting the correct software package file

5.3.6 Installing the package file

5.3.7 Installing Patches

5.4 LispWorks looks for a license key

5.5 Running LispWorks

5.5.1 Entering the license data

5.6 Configuring the image

5.7 Printable LispWorks documentation

5.8 Uninstalling LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris

5.9 Upgrading the LispWorks Edition

5.10 Upgrading to 64-bit LispWorks

6 Installation on FreeBSD

6.1 Software and hardware requirements

6.1.1 GUI libraries GTK+ Motif

6.1.2 Disk requirements

6.2 License agreement

6.3 Software delivery and installer format

6.3.1 Contents of the LispWorks distribution

6.3.2 Personal Edition distribution

6.4 Installing LispWorks for FreeBSD

6.4.1 Main installation and patches

6.4.2 Installing over previous versions

6.4.3 Information for Beta testers

6.4.4 Installation directories

6.4.5 Selecting the correct software package file

6.4.6 Installing LispWorks for FreeBSD

6.4.7 Installing Patches

6.5 LispWorks looks for a license key

6.6 Running LispWorks

6.6.1 Entering the license data

6.7 Configuring the image

6.8 Printable LispWorks documentation

6.9 Uninstalling LispWorks for FreeBSD

6.10 Upgrading the LispWorks Edition

6.11 Upgrading to 64-bit LispWorks

7 Installation of LispWorks for Mobile Runtime

7.1 Installing LispWorks for Android Runtime

7.2 Installing LispWorks for iOS Runtime

8 Configuration on macOS

8.1 Introduction

8.2 License keys

8.3 Configuring your LispWorks installation

8.3.1 Levels of configuration

8.3.2 Configuring images for the different GUIs

8.3.3 Configuration files available

8.4 Saving and testing the configured image

8.4.1 Create a configuration file

8.4.2 Create and use a save-image script

8.4.3 What to do if no image is saved

8.4.4 Testing the newly saved image

8.4.5 Saving a non-windowing image

8.5 Initializing LispWorks

8.6 Loading CLIM 2.0

8.7 The Common SQL interface

8.7.1 Loading Common SQL

8.7.2 Supported databases

8.7.3 Special considerations when using Common SQL Location of .odbc.ini Errors using PSQLODBC psqlODBC version Locating the Oracle, MySQL or PostgreSQL client libraries

8.8 Common Prolog and KnowledgeWorks

9 Configuration on Windows

9.1 Introduction

9.2 License keys

9.3 Configuring your LispWorks installation

9.3.1 Levels of configuration

9.3.2 Configuration files available

9.4 Saving and testing the configured image

9.4.1 Create a configuration file

9.4.2 Create and use a save-image script

9.4.3 What to do if no image is saved

9.4.4 Testing the newly saved image

9.4.5 Saving a non-windowing image

9.5 Initializing LispWorks

9.6 Loading CLIM 2.0

9.6.1 Running the CLIM demos

9.7 The Common SQL interface

9.7.1 Loading the Common SQL interface

9.8 Common Prolog and KnowledgeWorks

9.9 Runtime library requirement on Windows

10 Configuration on Linux, x86/x64 Solaris & FreeBSD

10.1 Introduction

10.2 License keys

10.3 Configuring your LispWorks installation

10.3.1 Levels of configuration

10.3.2 Configuration files available

10.4 Saving and testing the configured image

10.4.1 Create a configuration file

10.4.2 Create and use a save-image script

10.4.3 Testing the newly saved image

10.4.4 Saving a non-windowing image

10.5 Initializing LispWorks

10.6 Loading CLIM 2.0

10.6.1 Running the CLIM demos

10.7 The Common SQL interface

10.7.1 Loading the Common SQL interface

10.8 Common Prolog and KnowledgeWorks

10.9 Documentation on x86/x64 Solaris and FreeBSD

11 Troubleshooting, Patches and Reporting Bugs

11.1 Troubleshooting

11.1.1 License key errors

11.1.2 Failure of the load-on-demand system

11.1.3 Build phase (delivery-time) errors

11.1.4 Memory requirements

11.1.5 Corrupted LispWorks executable

11.2 Troubleshooting on Windows

11.2.1 Private patches not loaded on Windows 7, 8 & 10

11.3 Troubleshooting on macOS

11.3.1 Uninstall requires administrator on macOS

11.4 Troubleshooting on Linux

11.4.1 Processes hanging

11.4.2 RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX not set

11.4.3 Using multiple versions of Motif on Linux

11.5 Troubleshooting on x86/x64 Solaris

11.5.1 GTK+ version

11.6 Troubleshooting on FreeBSD

11.7 Troubleshooting on X11/Motif

11.7.1 Problems with the X server

11.7.2 Problems with fonts on Motif

11.7.3 Problems with colors

11.7.4 Motif mnemonics and Alt

11.7.5 Non-standard X11/Motif key bindings

11.7.6 X11/Motif resources

11.7.7 Motif installation on macOS

11.8 Updating with patches

11.8.1 Extracting simple patches

11.8.2 If you cannot receive email

11.8.3 Different types of patch Public patches Private patches

11.9 Reporting bugs

11.9.1 Check for existing fixes

11.9.2 Performance Issues

11.9.3 Generate a bug report template

11.9.4 Add details to your bug report

11.9.5 Reporting crashes

11.9.6 Log Files

11.9.7 Reporting bugs in delivered images

11.9.8 Send the bug report

11.9.9 Sending large files

11.9.10 Information for Personal Edition users

11.10 Transferring LispWorks to a different machine

12 Release Notes

12.1 Keeping your old LispWorks installation

12.2 Updating your code for LispWorks 8.1

12.2.1 Conditionalizing code for different versions of LispWorks

12.3 Platform support

12.3.1 Running on 64-bit machines

12.3.2 Code signing LispWorks images

12.3.3 macOS universal binaries

12.3.4 macOS images are split into two files by default

12.4 GTK+ window system

12.4.1 Using Motif instead of GTK+

12.4.2 X11/Motif requires Imlib2 except on Solaris

12.5 New CAPI features

12.5.1 Line numbers in editor-pane

12.5.2 In-place editing for tree-view and list-panel

12.5.3 Support for GTK+ 3

12.5.4 Support for Wayland on GTK+

12.5.5 Forcing dark mode on GTK+

12.5.6 Scaling graphics for high resolution monitors on Microsoft Windows

12.5.7 Determining scale factor for graphics

12.5.8 Evaluating forms in a Listener

12.5.9 Checking if an interface is currently displayed

12.5.10 Hiding or showing scroll bars

12.5.11 Blocking mouse wheel events

12.5.12 Closing all interfaces that have been created with contain

12.5.13 Leaving resizble gaps in a layout

12.5.14 Preventing a pane from being resized except by a layout divider

12.5.15 Recording the positions of layout dividers

12.5.16 The armed-image is now implemented for button on Cocoa

12.5.17 Displaying a level indicator on Cocoa

12.5.18 The accelerator in a menu-item on Cocoa can now specify just Control-Option

12.5.19 Aligning the text in text-input-pane

12.5.20 Controlling tree-view buttons and lines on Microsoft Windows

12.5.21 Column resizing improvement on Microsoft Windows

12.5.22 Horizontal scrolling for tree-view

12.5.23 Controlling the color of in-place completion dialogs

12.5.24 Clipboard and selection functions return a second value

12.6 New graphics ports features

12.6.1 Newly documented initargs for external-image

12.6.2 gp:make-image-from-port should not be used with capi:output-pane

12.7 New color system features

12.7.1 Colors that vary between light and dark mode

12.8 More new features

12.8.1 Use of setf function names in map-environment and augment-environment

12.8.2 Printing potential numbers without escapes

12.8.3 Concatenating a long list of sequences

12.8.4 Recognizing case in characters that are not base-char

12.8.5 The compiler can now optimize based on free type declarations

12.8.6 The compiler can now optimize using symbol macro type declarations

12.8.7 The compiler now warns about unreferenced uninterned symbols

12.8.8 Removing a user-preference value

12.8.9 The current directory in a shell command

12.8.10 New :external-format argument to call-system-showing-output

12.8.11 hcl:create-universal-binary can create a shared library

12.8.12 compile-file with non-nil :load signals an error for compilation failure

12.8.13 Warnings for uninterned variables that are bound but not referenced

12.8.14 New copy-times-p and copy-permissions-p arguments copy-file

12.8.15 Detecting changes in a file system directory

12.8.16 Additional options for encoding and decoding external formats

12.8.17 Miscellaneous changes for SSL connections

12.8.18 handshake-timeout for open-tcp-stream-using-java

12.8.19 Performing a shutdown on an async-io-state

12.8.20 Waiting for asynchronous input to be available

12.8.21 Detecting if a wait-state-collection is alive

12.8.22 Using static buffers with buffered-stream

12.8.23 The :gb18030 external format is now GB18030-2022

12.8.24 The :us-ascii external format

12.8.25 Incomplete utf-8 input now signals an error

12.8.26 Accessing fields in the Java interface without specifying a class name

12.8.27 Improved performance of bignum division on arm64 Linux and Apple Silicon

12.8.28 Consistency of numeric operations on floats

12.9 IDE changes

12.9.1 In-place editing of values in the Inspector

12.9.2 Displaying line numbers in the Editor

12.9.3 Highlighting forms within backquote from the debugger

12.9.4 Editor Find Definitions view has a dropdown list

12.9.5 Double-click to inspect values in the Listener

12.9.6 Full text search and searching for complete Lisp symbols in the documentation

12.9.7 Improved error notification on macOS

12.9.8 Choosing light or dark mode on macOS

12.10 Editor changes

12.10.1 Smooth scrolling in the editor

12.10.2 Displaying line numbers

12.10.3 The Emacs Command editor command

12.10.4 New command Kill Some Buffers

12.10.5 New editor commands to evaluate forms

12.10.6 Evaluation in Listener commands do not usually insert text now

12.10.7 Using the Listener to load a file

12.10.8 Uncommenting (removing comment markers)

12.10.9 Avoiding user interactions when calling editor functions

12.11 Foreign Language interface changes

12.11.1 Boolean types

12.11.2 fli:*locale-external-formats* is not used at all now

12.11.3 Checking if a foreign symbol is defined

12.12 Objective-C changes

12.12.1 NSString conversion functions

12.12.2 Handling typedefs

12.12.3 The NSCopying protocol

12.12.4 Calling variadic methods with objc:invoke

12.13 Common SQL changes

12.13.1 New odbc-keywords keyword argument for connect

12.14 CLOS/MOP changes

12.14.1 class-prototype for built-in-class

12.14.2 short-float is no longer a class on 64-bit

12.15 Other changes

12.15.1 Changes in *features*

12.15.2 ASDF version

12.15.3 Handling of proclaim as a top level form during file compilation

12.15.4 Using :displaced-index-offset without :displaced-to signals an error

12.15.5 logical-pathnames no longer allow incorrect component values

12.15.6 Loading old data files

12.16 Documentation changes

12.16.1 New self-contained examples

12.16.2 Removed self-contained examples

12.17 Known Problems

12.17.1 Problems with CAPI on GTK+

12.17.2 Problems with LispWorks for Macintosh

12.17.3 Problems with the LispWorks IDE on Cocoa

12.17.4 Problems with CAPI and Graphics Ports on Cocoa

12.18 Binary Incompatibility


Release Notes and Installation Guide - 25 Feb 2025 19:14:06