All Manuals > Release Notes and Installation Guide > 5 Installation on x86/x64 Solaris

5.5 Running LispWorks

Run LispWorks (all variants) from the directory /opt/LispWorks/bin.

The LispWorks executable is named as shown here:


32-bit Personal Edition


64-bit Personal Edition


32-bit LispWorks


64-bit LispWorks

This executable should not be moved without being resaved because it needs to be able to locate the corresponding library directory on startup.

When you run LispWorks, the splashscreen should appear, followed by the LispWorks Podium and a Listener. See 11.1 Troubleshooting for details if this does not happen.

5.5.1 Entering the license data

When you run LispWorks for the first time, you will need to enter your license details. This should be done as follows (all on one line):

lispworks-8-1-0-x86-solaris --lwlicenseserial SERIALNUMBER --lwlicensekey LICENSEKEY

where SERIALNUMBER and LICENSEKEY are the strings supplied with LispWorks. A message:

LispWorks license installed successfully.

should be printed and thereafter you can run LispWorks without those command line arguments.

Your license key will be supplied to you in email from Lisp Support or Lisp Sales.

If you have problems with your LispWorks license key, send it to, showing the complete output after you enter it.

Note: the LispWorks Personal Edition does not ask you to enter license data.

Release Notes and Installation Guide - 25 Feb 2025 19:14:04