All Manuals > Release Notes and Installation Guide > 2 Installation on macOS

2.3 Software and hardware requirements

LispWorks 8.1 supports Macintosh computers containing Intel CPUs.

An overview of system requirements is provided in the table System requirements on macOS. The sections that follow discuss any relevant details.

System requirements on macOS
ProductHardware RequirementsSoftware Requirements

LispWorks (64-bit)
for Macintosh

Intel or Apple silicon processor.

356 MB of disk space including documentation

macOS version 10.6.x or higher for Intel and 11.5.x or higher for Apple silicon.

GTK+ 3 (version 3.24 or higher) or GTK+ 2 (version 2.4 or higher) to run the GTK+ GUI.

Open Motif 2.3 and Imlib2 1.4.9 if you want to run the deprecated Motif GUI.

Release Notes and Installation Guide - 25 Feb 2025 19:14:03