All Manuals > Release Notes and Installation Guide > 11 Troubleshooting, Patches and Reporting Bugs

11.10 Transferring LispWorks to a different machine

This section lists the steps necessary to transfer LispWorks license to another machine.

  1. Install LispWorks on your new machine.
  2. Add latest patch bundle.
  3. If you received private patches (named patch files, in the lib/8-1-0-0/private-patches directory) for this version of LispWorks, move them and your private-patches/load.lisp file to the corresponding location in the new installation.
  4. Test the new installation by running LispWorks and check the patch banner in the output of Help > Report Bug. It should be identical to the original installation. If it differs, check that the public patches have been installed and that you private patches have been moved to the new private-patches folder along with the load.lisp file.

Please note that the LispWorks EULA restricts multiple installations so you may need to remove the original installation. Check your license agreement if you are unsure: the text of the shrinkwrap agreement is in the file lib/8-1-0-0/license.txt.

Instructions for uninstalling LispWorks are in the per-platform chapters of this manual:

Some operating systems provide ways to copy software to another machine. A copied LispWorks installation will not run. Please contact Lisp Support if you want to install your license to a copied installation of LispWorks.

Release Notes and Installation Guide - 25 Feb 2025 19:14:05