All Manuals > Release Notes and Installation Guide > 12 Release Notes

12.17 Known Problems

12.17.1 Problems with CAPI on GTK+

The capi:interface-override-cursor is ignored by capi:text-input-pane which always displays its usual I-beam cursor. This is due to a limitation in the way that text-input-pane is implemented by GTK.

The normal navigation gesture (Tab) is treated as an editor command in capi:editor-pane and IDE tools based on this. Instead, use Ctrl+Tab to navigate from an editor pane in GTK+.

In GTK+ versions older than 2.12, the value of capi:option-pane enabled-positions has no effect on the visible representation of the items. In later versions of GTK+, the disabled items are grayed out.

In GTK+ versions older than 2.12, capi:display-tooltip does not work. In version 2.12 and later, the :x and :y keyword arguments of capi:display-tooltip might not be handled.

12.17.2 Problems with LispWorks for Macintosh

The Motif GUI does not work "out of the box" with Fink because LispWorks does not look for libXm etc in /sw/lib/.

12.17.3 Problems with the LispWorks IDE on Cocoa

Multithreading in the CAPI is different from other platforms. In particular, all windows run in a single thread, whereas on other platforms there is a thread per window.

The debugger currently does not work for errors in Cocoa Event Loop or Editor Command Loop threads. However, there is a Get Backtrace button so you can obtain a backtrace and also a Debug Snapshot button which aborts from the error but displays a debugger with a copy (snapshot) of the stack where the error occurred.

The online documentation interface currently starts a new browser window each time.

Setting lispworks:*enter-debugger-directly* to t can allow the undebuggable processes to enter the debugger, resulting in the UI freezing.

Inspecting a long list (for example, 1000 items) via the Listener's Inspect Star editor command prompts you about truncation in a random window. If you cancel, the Inspector is still displayed.

The Definitions > Compile and Definitions > Evaluate menu options cause multiple "Press space to continue" messages to be displayed and happen interleaved rather than sequentially.

The Buffers > Compile and Buffers > Evaluate menu options cause multiple "Press space to continue" messages to be displayed and happen interleaved rather than sequentially.

12.17.4 Problems with CAPI and Graphics Ports on Cocoa

The capi:interface-override-cursor is ignored.

Some graphics state parameters are ignored, in particular operation, stipple, pattern and fill-style.

LispWorks ignores the System Preferences setting for the smallest font size to smooth.

There is no support for state images or checkboxes in capi:tree-view.

capi:with-page does not work, because Cocoa tries to control page printing.

The :help-callback initarg is only implemented for the :tooltip value of the type argument.

The :visible-border initarg only works for scrolling panes.

Caret movement and selection setting in capi:text-input-pane is implemented, but note that it works only for the focussed pane.

capi:docking-layout does not support (un)docking.

There is no meta key in the input-model of capi:output-pane. Note that, in the editor when using Emacs emulation, the Escape key can be used as a prefix.

There has been no testing with 256 color displays.

Some pinboard code uses :operation boole-xor which is not implemented.

The default menu bar is visible when the current window has no menu bar.

capi:tree-view is slow for a large number (thousands) of items.

The editor displays decomposed characters as separate glyphs.

The :gap option is not supported for the columns of capi:multi-column-list-panel.

capi:display-dialog ignores the specified :x and :y coordinates of the dialog (for drop-down sheets the coordinates are not relevant, and for dialogs which are separate windows Cocoa forces the window to be in the top-center of the screen).

Release Notes and Installation Guide - 25 Feb 2025 19:14:05