1.2.3 Appearance of the graphical tools
2.4.4 Forward Chaining History
2.6.1 Monitoring Forward Chaining Rules
2.6.3 Editing Rule Definitions
3.1.3 Defining Forward Chaining Rules
3.1.4 The Forward Chaining Interpreter
3.1.7 Forward Chaining Debugging
3.2.2 Backward Chaining Syntax
3.2.4 Defining Backward Chaining Rules
3.2.5 The Backward Chaining Interpreter
3.2.6 Edinburgh Prolog Translator
3.2.7 Backward Chaining Debugging
4.2 Relational Database Objects
5.1 The KnowledgeWorks Listener
5.8 Debugging with the Environment
5.9.1 Forward Chaining History Functions defined on Instantiations A Simple Explanation Facility Reasoning with Certainty Factors
6.1.2 User-definable Conflict Resolution KnowledgeWorks Structures Efficient Forward Chaining Rule Preconditions Optimization of the Strategy
6.4 Logical Dependencies and Truth Maintenance
6.5.1 Creating and Maintaining Inferencing States
6.5.2 The Current Inferencing State
6.5.3 Uses of Inferencing States Interleaved in a Single Thread
A.1.1.1 Starting Common Prolog
A.4 Using The Logic Interpreter
A.5 Accessing Lisp From Common Prolog
A.6.2.1 any, findall and findallset
A.9 Defining Definite Clause Grammars
A.9.1.1 Example 1: A simple definition.
A.9.1.2 Example 2: Using extra arguments.
A.11 Graphic Development Environment
A.13 Adding Built-in Predicates
A.14 Edinburgh Compatibility Predicates
B.3 Uncertain Reasoning Facility
Appendix C: Implementation Notes
C.1.1 Forward Chaining Algorithm
C.1.2 CLOS and the Forward Chainer
C.1.3 Forward Chaining and the Backward Chainer
C.2.1 Backward Chaining Algorithm
Appendix D: For More Information
D.1.2 Backward Chaining and Prolog
KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:37:23