KnowledgeWorks Objects Browser
The Objects Browser is obtained by choosing KnowledgeWorks > Objects. Any <expression>
(See 3.1 Forward chaining) may be entered into the Query pane. This expression may be a query about the object base or any expression for the backward chainer to prove. The Pattern pane contains the pattern to be instantiated for each solution of the query. If left blank, the pattern used is the query itself.
The Show Inferencing State dropdown allows you to choose which named inferencing state is used to supply the object base for the query.
The Preset query/pattern pane offers a convenient way to examine instances on a per-class basis. All the instances of a class class-name known to KnowledgeWorks (either a CLOS class or a KnowledgeWorks structure class) may be examined by selecting class-name, and all the instances in the object base may be viewed by selecting All classes.
The package used to read and print symbols may be modified by choosing Works > Tools > Preferences... > Objects Browser > Package and entering a package name into the Package pane. Clicking OK will update the tool.
The pane below the query displays all the instantiations of the query, and if the entries refer to an object (so are of the form (<class-name> <object> ...)
or just <object>
) double-clicking on them will display the slot names and values, and information on when the object was created or modified (if debugging is turned on) in the bottom pane. The selected query item may be inspected by choosing Instantiations > Inspect.
The Objects Browser may be updated by positioning the mouse in either the Query or the Pattern pane and pressing Return
or by choosing Works > Refresh.
KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:37:20