D.1 General References
D.1.1 Forward Chaining
- Programming Expert Systems in OPS5, An Introduction to Rule-Based Programming by Lee Brownston, Robert Farrell, Elaine Kant and Nancy Martin (Addison-Wesley). While being specifically on OPS5, this text covers most aspects of forward chaining in considerable detail.
D.1.2 Backward Chaining and Prolog
- The Art of Prolog, by Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro (MIT Press).
- The Craft of Prolog, by Richard A. O'Keefe (MIT Press). This is a more advanced text.
D.1.3 Uncertain Reasoning
- Rule-Based Expert Systems, by B. G. Buchanan and E. H. Shortliffe (Addison-Wesley). This text covers specifically the MYCIN system.
D.1.4 Expert Systems
- Building Expert Systems, by Frederick Hayes-Roth, Donald A. Waterman and Douglas B. Lenat (Addison-Wesley). This text focuses more on the issues involved in designing an expert system.
D.1.5 Lisp and CLOS
- Common LISPcraft, by Robert Wilensky (Norton). An introductory text on Lisp.
- Common Lisp the Language, Second Edition, by Guy. L. Steele Jr. (Digital Press). This is the complete reference book on Common Lisp.
- Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp, by Sonya E. Keene (Addison-Wesley). An introductory text on CLOS for programmers.
- The Art of the Metaobject Protocol, by Gregor Kiczales, Jim des Rivieres and Daniel G. Bobrow (MIT Press). This is the only proper guide to the CLOS Metaobject Protocol.
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