aggregate FLI types 2 : FLI Types , 2.2 : Aggregate types
aggregate types 2 : FLI Types
align-of function
alloca function
allocate-dynamic-foreign-object function
allocate-foreign-block function
allocate-foreign-object function
allocating memory dynamically 1.4 : An example of dynamic memory allocation , allocate-foreign-object
Block object 5.7 : Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
:bool FLI type descriptor
:boolean FLI type descriptor
:byte FLI type descriptor
C 5.7 : Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
calling from Lisp 1.1.1 : Defining the FLI function , 5.7.1 : Calling foreign code that receives a block as argument
calling from Lisp with a block 5.7.1 : Calling foreign code that receives a block as argument
calling into Lisp 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions
calling from Lisp 1.1.1 : Defining the FLI function , 5.7.1 : Calling foreign code that receives a block as argument
calling from Lisp with a block 5.7.1 : Calling foreign code that receives a block as argument
calling into Lisp 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions
calling convention
specifying 4.2 : Specifying a calling convention.
:c-array FLI type descriptor
cast-integer function
C code
declarations 9.1 : Introduction
:char FLI type descriptor
CLANG 5.7 : Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
condition classes
connected-module-pathname function
argument to register-module
:const FLI type descriptor
convert-from-foreign-string function
convert-integer-to-dynamic-foreign-object function
convert-to-dynamic-foreign-string function
convert-to-foreign-string function
copy-pointer function
decf-pointer function
define-c-enum macro
define-c-struct macro
define-c-typedef macro
define-c-union macro
define-foreign-block-callable-type macro
define-foreign-block-invoker macro
define-foreign-callable macro 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions , 4.1.1 : Strings and foreign callables
define-foreign-converter macro
define-foreign-forward-reference-type macro
define-foreign-funcallable macro
define-foreign-function macro 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions
define-foreign-pointer macro 3.1.1 : Creating pointers
define-foreign-type macro 2 : FLI Types
define-foreign-variable macro
define-opaque-pointer macro
defining FLI functions 1.2.2 : Defining a FLI function
defining FLI types 1.2.1 : Defining FLI types
defining forms
ambiguity process-foreign-file
automated generation 9.1 : Introduction
macro 5.6 : Incorporating a foreign module into a LispWorks image
dereference accessor
disconnect-module function
exporting functions from 5.5 : Using DLLs within the LispWorks FLI
documentation strings 2 : FLI Types
:double FLI type descriptor
:double-complex FLI type descriptor
dynamic memory allocation 1.4 : An example of dynamic memory allocation
:ef-mb-string FLI type descriptor
:ef-wc-string FLI type descriptor
Embedded dynamic modules 5.6 : Incorporating a foreign module into a LispWorks image
member option for defsystem
type : cfile 5.6 : Incorporating a foreign module into a LispWorks image
:enum FLI type descriptor
:enumeration FLI type descriptor
enum-symbols function
enum-symbol-value function
enum-symbol-value-pairs function
enum-values function
enum-value-symbol function
environment variable
register-module , register-module
fill-foreign-object function
:fixnum FLI type descriptor
FLI functions
defining 1.2.2 : Defining a FLI function
FLI templates print-collected-template-info , start-collecting-template-info
FLI type constructors 2 : FLI Types
FLI type descriptors
foreign-block-pointer 5.7 : Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
FLI types
aggregate 2 : FLI Types , 2.2 : Aggregate types
defining 1.2.1 : Defining FLI types
defining new types 5.4 : Defining new types
immediate 2 : FLI Types
:float FLI type descriptor
:float-complex FLI type descriptor
foreign-aref accessor
:foreign-array FLI type descriptor
foreign-array-dimensions function
foreign-array-element-type function
foreign-array-pointer function
foreign-block-copy function
foreign-block-pointer FLI type descriptor 5.7 : Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
foreign-block-release function
Foreign blocks 5.7 : Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
foreign callable
defining 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions
passing and returning strings 4.1.1 : Strings and foreign callables
foreign-function-pointer function
Foreign Parser 9.1 : Introduction
foreign-slot-names function
foreign-slot-offset function
foreign-slot-pointer function
foreign-slot-type function
foreign-slot-value accessor
foreign-symbol-defined-p function
foreign-typed-aref accessor
foreign-type-equal-p function
foreign-type-error condition class
free function
free-foreign-block function
free-foreign-object function
:function FLI type descriptor
GCD 5.7 : Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
gdi+ 5.8 : Interfacing to graphics functions
gdiplus 5.8 : Interfacing to graphics functions
get-embedded-module function
get-embedded-module-data function
Grand Central Dispatch 5.7 : Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
graphics functions 5.8 : Interfacing to graphics functions
immediate FLI types 2 : FLI Types
incf-pointer function
install-embedded-module function
*install-embedded-module-delay-delete* variable
:int16 FLI type descriptor
type foreign-typed-aref
:int32 FLI type descriptor
type foreign-typed-aref
:int64 FLI type descriptor
:int8 FLI type descriptor
:int FLI type descriptor
:int-boolean FLI type descriptor
:intmax FLI type descriptor
:intptr FLI type descriptor
languages supported 1 : Introduction to the FLI
argument to register-module
Linux 4.2.2 : ARM 32-bit calling conventions
calling from C 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions
calling from C++ 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions
calling into C 1.1.1 : Defining the FLI function , 5.7.1 : Calling foreign code that receives a block as argument
calling into C++ 1.1.1 : Defining the FLI function , 5.7.1 : Calling foreign code that receives a block as argument
calling into C with a block 5.7.1 : Calling foreign code that receives a block as argument
calling into C++ with a block 5.7.1 : Calling foreign code that receives a block as argument
:lisp-array FLI type descriptor
:lisp-double-float FLI type descriptor
:lisp-float FLI type descriptor
:lisp-simple-1d-array FLI type descriptor
:lisp-single-float FLI type descriptor
*locale-external-formats* variable
:long FLI type descriptor
:long-long FLI type descriptor
FLI type descriptor 5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
FLI type descriptor 5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
FLI type descriptor 5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
FLI type descriptor 5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
define-foreign-callable 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions , 4.1.1 : Strings and foreign callables
define-foreign-function 4.1 : Foreign callables and foreign functions
define-foreign-pointer 3.1.1 : Creating pointers
define-foreign-type 2 : FLI Types
5.6 : Incorporating a foreign module into a LispWorks image
make-integer-from-bytes function
make-pointer function
malloc function
memory allocation 1.4 : An example of dynamic memory allocation , 3.1.3 : Allocation of FLI memory
module-unresolved-symbols function
New in LispWorks 7.0
64-bit integer FLI types supported in 32-bit LispWorks define-foreign-callable , dereference , foreign-slot-value
foreign-function-pointer function
hard-float and soft-float calling conventions for ARM platforms 4.2.2 : ARM 32-bit calling conventions
released-foreign-block-pointer FLI type descriptor
replace-foreign-array function
Store a foreign module in a Lisp image with defsystem
member option :embedded
-module 5.6 : Incorporating a foreign module into a LispWorks image
New in LispWorks 7.1
ARM 64-bit platform 4.2.3 : ARM 64-bit calling conventions
fastcall calling convention for 32-bit x86 platforms 4.2.4 : Fastcall on 32-bit x86 platforms
iOS calling convention for ARM 32-bit platforms 4.2.2 : ARM 32-bit calling conventions
specifying variadic foreign functions define-foreign-function
*use-sse2-for-ext-vector-type* variable
keyword define-foreign-function
vector types 2.2.4 : Vector types
New in LispWorks 8.0
delay-delete argument to install-embedded-module
:double-complex FLI type descriptor
:float-complex FLI type descriptor
*install-embedded-module-delay-delete* variable
valid-foreign-type-p function
New in LispWorks 8.1
:bool FLI type descriptor
foreign-symbol-defined-p function
:int-boolean FLI type descriptor
*null-pointer* variable
null-pointer-p function
null pointers 3.2 : Pointer testing functions
:one-of FLI type descriptor
:pointer FLI type descriptor
pointer-address function
pointer-element-size function
pointer-element-type function
pointer-element-type-p function
pointer-eq function
pointerp function
pointer-pointer-type function
pointers 3 : FLI Pointers
coercing 3.3 : Pointer dereferencing and coercing
copying 3.1.2 : Copying pointers
creating 3.1.1 : Creating pointers
dereferencing 3.3 : Pointer dereferencing and coercing
dynamically allocating 3.4 : An example of dynamic pointer allocation
null pointers 3.2 : Pointer testing functions
test functions for 3.2 : Pointer testing functions
*preprocessor* variable 9.1.1 : Requirements
*preprocessor-format-string* variable
*preprocessor-include-path* variable
*preprocessor-options* variable
print-collected-template-info function
print-foreign-modules function
process-foreign-file function
:ptr FLI type descriptor
:ptrdiff-t FLI type descriptor
:reference FLI type descriptor
:reference-pass FLI type descriptor
:reference-return FLI type descriptor
register-module function
released-foreign-block-pointer FLI type descriptor
replace-foreign-array function
replace-foreign-object function
Self-contained examples
foreign blocks 6.1 : Foreign block examples
miscellaneous examples 6.2 : Miscellaneous examples
set-locale function
set-locale-encodings function
setup-embedded-module function
:short FLI type descriptor
:signed FLI type descriptor
size-of function
:size-t FLI type descriptor
:ssize-t FLI type descriptor
start-collecting-template-info function
FLI type descriptor 5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
modifying in C 5.2.4 : Modifying a string in a C function
passing to C 5.1 : Passing a string to a Windows function , 5.2.2 : Passing a string
returning from C 5.2.3 : Returning a string via a buffer
:struct FLI type descriptor
templates, FLI print-collected-template-info , start-collecting-template-info
:time-t FLI type descriptor
FLI type descriptor 5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
type constructors 2 : FLI Types
:uint16 FLI type descriptor
:uint32 FLI type descriptor
:uint64 FLI type descriptor
:uint8 FLI type descriptor
:uintmax FLI type descriptor
:uintptr FLI type descriptor
:union FLI type descriptor
:unsigned FLI type descriptor
*use-sse2-for-ext-vector-type* variable
valid-foreign-type-p function
*preprocessor* 9.1.1 : Requirements
vector-char16 FLI type descriptor
vector-char2 FLI type descriptor
vector-char3 FLI type descriptor
vector-char32 FLI type descriptor
vector-char4 FLI type descriptor
vector-char8 FLI type descriptor
vector-double2 FLI type descriptor
vector-double3 FLI type descriptor
vector-double4 FLI type descriptor
vector-double8 FLI type descriptor
vector-float16 FLI type descriptor
vector-float2 FLI type descriptor
vector-float3 FLI type descriptor
vector-float4 FLI type descriptor
vector-float8 FLI type descriptor
vector-int16 FLI type descriptor
vector-int2 FLI type descriptor
vector-int3 FLI type descriptor
vector-int4 FLI type descriptor
vector-int8 FLI type descriptor
vector-long1 FLI type descriptor
vector-long2 FLI type descriptor
vector-long3 FLI type descriptor
vector-long4 FLI type descriptor
vector-long8 FLI type descriptor
vector-short16 FLI type descriptor
vector-short2 FLI type descriptor
vector-short3 FLI type descriptor
vector-short32 FLI type descriptor
vector-short4 FLI type descriptor
vector-short8 FLI type descriptor
vector-uchar16 FLI type descriptor
vector-uchar2 FLI type descriptor
vector-uchar3 FLI type descriptor
vector-uchar32 FLI type descriptor
vector-uchar4 FLI type descriptor
vector-uchar8 FLI type descriptor
vector-uint16 FLI type descriptor
vector-uint2 FLI type descriptor
vector-uint3 FLI type descriptor
vector-uint4 FLI type descriptor
vector-uint8 FLI type descriptor
vector-ulong1 FLI type descriptor
vector-ulong2 FLI type descriptor
vector-ulong3 FLI type descriptor
vector-ulong4 FLI type descriptor
vector-ulong8 FLI type descriptor
vector-ushort16 FLI type descriptor
vector-ushort2 FLI type descriptor
vector-ushort3 FLI type descriptor
vector-ushort32 FLI type descriptor
vector-ushort4 FLI type descriptor
vector-ushort8 FLI type descriptor
:void FLI type descriptor
:volatile FLI type descriptor
:wchar-t FLI type descriptor
with-coerced-pointer macro
with-dynamic-foreign-objects macro
with-dynamic-lisp-array-pointer macro
with-foreign-block macro
with-foreign-slots macro
with-foreign-string macro
with-integer-bytes macro
with-local-foreign-block macro
:wrapper FLI type descriptor
FLI type descriptor 5.2.8 : Win32 API functions that handle strings
Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:52:04