All Manuals > Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual > 7 Function, Macro and Variable Reference

disconnect-module Function


Disconnects the DLL associated with a registered module.




disconnect-module name &key verbose remove => result

A symbol or string.
nil, t or an output stream.
A boolean.
nil, t or :removed.

The function disconnect-module disconnects the DLL associated with a registered module specified by name and registered with register-module.

When disconnecting, if verbose is a stream, then disconnect-module will send disconnection information to that stream. If verbose is t, this is interpreted as standard output. The default value of verbose is nil.

If remove is nil then after disconnection the module will be in the same state as it was when first registered by register-module, that is, lookups for foreign symbols can still automatically reconnect the DLL. If remove is non-nil then name is removed from the list of registered modules. Any foreign symbols which refer to the module will then be reset as unresolved symbols. The default value of remove is nil.

disconnect-module returns t if it actually disconnected the module, which means it unloaded the foreign module, but has not removed the module. It returns :removed when it also removed the module. Note that when disconnect-module is supplied with a non-nil remove, it may still decline to remove the module if there are symbols which are explicitly associated withe the module (for example by by passing :module to define-foreign-function). nil is returned if it fails to find the module, or it was not already connected before the call and was not removed by the call.

See also


Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:32