All Manuals > Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual > 7 Function, Macro and Variable Reference

foreign-slot-value Accessor


Returns the value of a slot in a foreign object.




foreign-slot-value object slot-name &key type object-type copy-foreign-object => value

setf (foreign-slot-value object slot-name &key type object-type copy-foreign-object) value => value

Either an instance of or a pointer to a FLI structure.
A symbol or a list of symbols identifying the slot to be accessed.
A foreign type.
The FLI structure type that contains slot-name. If this is passed, the compiler might be able to optimize the access to the slot. If this is omitted, the object type is determined dynamically from object.
One of t, nil or :error.
The value of the slot slot-name in the FLI object object is returned.
The value of the slot slot-name in the FLI object object is returned.

The accessor foreign-slot-value accesses and returns the value of a slot in a specified object. An error is signaled if the slot is an aggregate type and copy-foreign-object is not supplied as t or nil. Use foreign-slot-pointer to access such aggregate slots.

If slot-name is a symbol then it names the slot of object to be accessed. If slot-name is a list of symbols, then these symbols name slots in nested structures starting with the outermost structure object, as in the inner/middle/outer example below.

If type is supplied, then foreign-slot-value assumes that the slot contains an object of that type, overriding the type in the structure definition.

copy-foreign-object is only used when the type of the slot (or type if supplied) is an aggregate type, because objects of these types cannot be converted to a Lisp value. If copy-foreign-object is t, foreign-slot-value makes a copy of the aggregate object in the slot and returns the copy. If copy-foreign-object is nil, foreign-slot-value returns the aggregate object directly. If copy-foreign-object is :error (the default) then foreign-slot-value signals an error.

If object-type is supplied then foreign-slot-value assumes that object is of the that type and the compiler might be able to optimize the access to the slot. If object-type is not supplied, then the object type is determined dynamically from object.

The setf form of foreign-slot-value can be used to set the value of a slot in a structure, as shown in the example below.

Compatibility note

64-bit integer types such as (:long :long), :int64 and :uint64 are now supported for type in foreign-slot-value in 32-bit LispWorks. In 32-bit LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions, these types could only be used by define-foreign-function.


In the following example a foreign structure is defined, an instance of the structure is made with my-pos pointing to the instance, and foreign-slot-value is used to set the y slot of the object to 10.

(fli:define-c-struct POS
  (x :int)
  (y :int)
  (z :int))
(setq my-pos (fli:allocate-foreign-object :type 'POS))
(setf (fli:foreign-slot-value my-pos 'y) 10)

The next forms both return the value of the y slot at my-pos, which is 10.

(fli:foreign-slot-value my-pos 'y)
(fli:foreign-slot-value my-pos 'y :object-type 'pos)

See the section 9.7 Optimizing your code in the LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual for an example showing how to inline foreign slot access.

This example accesses a slot in nested structures:

(fli:define-c-struct inner
  (v1 :int)
  (v2 :int))
(fli:define-c-struct middle
  (i1 (:struct inner))
  (i2 (:struct inner)))
(fli:define-c-struct outer
  (m1 (:struct middle))
  (m2 (:struct middle)))
    ((obj (:struct outer)))
  (setf (fli:foreign-slot-value obj '(m1 i2 v1)) 99))
See also

2.2.3 Structures and unions

Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:32