All Manuals > Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual > 9 The Foreign Parser

9.1 Introduction

The Foreign Parser automates the generation of Foreign Language Interface defining forms, given files containing C declarations.

The result does often need some editing, due to ambiguities in C.

9.1.1 Requirements

The Foreign Parser requires a C preprocessor, so you must have a suitable preprocessor installed on your machine.

By default LispWorks invokes cl.exe (VC++) on Windows and cc on other platforms. If you have this installed, then make sure it is on your PATH.

On Windows, if you don't have cl.exe, download the VC++ toolkit from Microsoft.

Preprocessors known to work with LispWorks are:

To use a preprocessor other than the default, set the variable foreign-parser:*preprocessor*, for example:

(setf foreign-parser:*preprocessor* "gcc")

Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:37