To load the demo software, enter the following in a listener:
(require "clim-demo")
To run it, enter:
This creates a new window, containing a menu listing all the demos. Choose the demo you wish to see. The CLIM demos are quick sketches of possible applications which demonstrate a variety of CLIM programming techniques. They are not robust, production-quality applications with complete error checking, but they can provide you with some ideas.
Note that the appearance of CLIM windows can be configured on some systems. See 1.7.1 Changing the appearance of CLIM windows.
The sources for all the demos are included. The test suite is a collection of examples of CLIM's capabilities. The test suite examples are simple and succinct, so we recommend examining their sources for examples of CLIM's functionality that you may want to employ.
You can also run the demos directly, rather than using the menu, with the following function calls:
This section describes how you can configure the fonts, colors and so on used in CLIM windows on some systems.
For more information see the section "Properties of the host window system" in the CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual.
LispWorks (version 5.0 and greater) is a "themed" application on Microsoft Windows XP and later versions. Themes alter the appearance of some CLIM panes.
To make CLIM appear as on earlier versions of Windows and in LispWorks 4.x, call:
(win32:set-application-themed nil)
before creating any CLIM windows.
You can change CLIM's color scheme and default fonts with X resources. Place your X resources in a file called CLIM port
(that is, nine characters including the space) on your resource lookup path.
These are the default resources:
*buttonFontList: *times-bold-r-normal--14* *labelFontList: *times-bold-r-normal--14* CLIM port*CLIM-menu-bar*foreground: #000080 CLIM port*CLIM-menu-bar*background: #b3e6fd CLIM port*CLIMprogressbar.foreground: Red CLIM port*CLIMpointerdoctext*foreground: #000080 CLIM port*CLIMpointerdoc*background: #b3e6fd CLIM port*foreground: Black CLIM port*background: White
By default, CLIM windows are mostly white. This is specified in the last line above.
CLIM 2.0 User Guide - 18 Feb 2025 15:40:09