These instructions assume that a CLIM image has already been built, or that CLIM has been loaded. Load CLIM via (require "clim")
. See the Release Notes and Installation Guide for instructions on saving an image.
Below, '>
' represents the Listener prompt which may appear differently in your Lisp image.
Load the sample file provided which contains CLIM code that defines an application frame:
> (load "<library-directory>/clim2/test/template.lisp")
Next, enter the following at the Lisp prompt:
> (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'test :width 400 :height 500))
To exit the application and return to the Lisp top level, left-click on the Exit menu item. Enter (quit)
at the Lisp prompt to quit Lisp.
CLIM 2.0 User Guide - 18 Feb 2025 15:40:09