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CLIM 2.0 User Guide

Version 8.1

The Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM) is a powerful Lisp-based toolkit that provides a layered set of portable facilities for constructing user interfaces. The CLIM User Guide is intended for CLIM programmers who are looking for material arranged by concept. The Guide, based on the CLIM II Specification, is a complete reference for the LispWorks® version of CLIM. Each chapter explains a key aspect of CLIM and includes summaries of conditions, constants, functions, macros, and presentation types that pertain to the particular topic, as well as many examples of code.

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1 Using CLIM

2 Drawing Graphics

3 The CLIM Drawing Environment

4 Text Styles

5 Drawing in Color

6 Presentation Types

7 Defining a New Presentation Type

8 Presentation Translators in CLIM

9 Defining Application Frames

10 Panes and Gadgets

11 Commands

12 Menus and Dialogs

13 Extended Stream Output Facilities

14 Output Recording and Redisplay

15 Extended Stream Input Facilities

16 Input Editing and Completion Facilities

17 Formatted Output

18 Sheets

19 Ports, Grafts, and Mirrored Sheets

Appendix A: Glossary

Appendix B: Implementation Specifics

Appendix C: The CLIM-SYS Package

Appendix D: Common Lisp Streams

Appendix E: Windows


CLIM 2.0 User Guide - 18 Feb 2025 15:40:08