Lisp Knowledgebase
Title: Crashes and error logs running the IDE on Ubuntu Linux
ID: 17067
Product: LispWorks for Linux Version: All OS: Linux | |
Description: There are some multithreading bugs in Ubuntu modules which cause instability when running the IDE (or a CAPI application).. As a workaround, try setting the environment variable UBUNTU_MENUPROXY to "no" in the shell that starts LispWorks. This will put the menu bars back on the windows, which prevents one problem. You might also need to set the environment variable GTK_IM_MODULE to "xim", which will work around a different bug in the IBus input method (if you are using that). | |
See Also: Workaround: Patch: | |
Hardware:N/A | |
Summary: | |
Bug#: | |
Patch Enhancement#: | |
Reported: |