LispWorks Patches

The current version of LispWorks Hobbyist, HobbyistDV, Professional and Enterprise Editions is 8.1. There are currently no patches for this version.

Patches for older versions: LispWorks 8.0  LispWorks 7.1  LispWorks 7.0  LispWorks 6.1  LispWorks 6.0  LispWorks 5.1  LispWorks 5.0  earlier

LispWorks 8.0 Patches

Users of LispWorks 8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV, Professional and Enterprise Editions should be running LispWorks 8.0.1. If you are running macOS Monterey 12.6, Ventura 13 or newer, then you need LispWorks 8.0.1 and the extra patches mentioned here

To use LispWorks 8.0.1 you must first have LispWorks 8.0 installed. You then add the 8.0.1 patch release from this page.

Here are the patches for: LispWorks for Macintosh; LispWorks for x86/x86_64 Linux ; LispWorks for ARM Linux ; LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris ; LispWorks for FreeBSD ; LispWorks for Windows ; LispWorks for iOS Runtime ; LispWorks for Android Runtime

LispWorks for Macintosh

Download and run the Installer package for 64-bit LispWorks. Install the patches in the same location where LispWorks 8.0 is already installed. If the LispWorks installation is not found, patches are not installed. Choose the "Install" option when prompted. The installer adds files to the patches subdirectory. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
8.0 readme-801.txt June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
LispWorksPatches80-64bit-bundle1_Installer.pkg June 30, 2022

The patches will be uninstalled if you uninstall LispWorks 8.0.

Extra patches for macOS Monterey 12.6, Ventura 13 or newer

In addition to the 8.0.1 patches listed above, you need to the following patches to allow LispWorks to start on macOS Monterey 12.6, Ventura 13 or newer.

Version Patch Date
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
Sept 28, 2022

To install, extract into your Downloads folder and follow the instructions in the readme-LispWorks80Patches-64bit-Monterey-1.txt.

LispWorks for x86/x86_64 Linux

Download either the RPM or the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Choose tar.gz or RPM depending on how you originally installed LispWorks: you do not need both. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-801.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
8.0 readme-801.txt June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks 8.0.1 tar.gz  or  RPM June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
LispWorks 8.0.1 tar.gz  or  RPM June 30, 2022

LispWorks for ARM Linux

Download the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-801.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
8.0 readme-801.txt June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
lw80-patches1-arm-linux.tar.gz June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
lw80-patches1-arm64-linux.tar.gz June 30, 2022

LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris

Download the package for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-801.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
8.0 readme-801.txt June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches80-32bit-bundle1 June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
LispWorksPatches80-64bit-bundle1 June 30, 2022

LispWorks for FreeBSD

Download the package for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-801.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
8.0 readme-801.txt June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
lispworks80-patches-32bit-8.0.1.txz June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
lispworks80-patches-64bit-8.0.1.txz June 30, 2022

LispWorks for Windows

Run LispWorks801Patches-32bit.exe or LispWorks801Patches-64bit.exe (as appropriate) and follow the on-screen instructions. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
8.0 readme-801.txt June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks801Patches-32bit.exe June 30, 2022
8.0 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
LispWorks801Patches-64bit.exe June 30, 2022

The Windows Control Panel option

Programs and Features > View installed updates

will show "LispWorks 8.0.1" if these patches are installed.

Uninstalling this update restores LispWorks to version 8.0.0.

LispWorks for iOS Runtime

You need to install patches in the same location as you installed LispWorks for iOS Runtime.

Version Patch Date
8.0 readme-801.txt June 30, 2022
8.0 lw80-patches1-ios.tar.gz June 30, 2022

LispWorks for Android Runtime

You need to install patches in the same location as you installed LispWorks for Android Runtime.

Version Patch Date
8.0 readme-801.txt June 30, 2022
8.0 lw80-patches1-android.tar.gz June 30, 2022

LispWorks 7.1 Patches

Users of LispWorks 7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV, Professional and Enterprise Editions should be running LispWorks 7.1.2. If you are running macOS Big Sur, then you need LispWorks 7.1.3. If you are running macOS Monterey, Ventura or newer, then you need LispWorks 7.1.3 and the extra patches mentioned here.

To use LispWorks 7.1.2 or 7.1.3 you must first have LispWorks 7.1 installed. You then add the 7.1.2 or 7.1.3 patch release from this page.

Here are the patches for: LispWorks for Macintosh; LispWorks for x86/x86_64 Linux ; LispWorks for ARM Linux ; LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris ; LispWorks for FreeBSD ; LispWorks for AIX ; LispWorks for Windows ; LispWorks for iOS Runtime ; LispWorks for Android Runtime ; LispWorks for SPARC and SPARC64 Solaris

LispWorks for Macintosh

Download and run the Installer package for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install the patches in the same location where LispWorks 7.1 is already installed. If the LispWorks installation is not found, patches are not installed. Choose the "Install" option when prompted. The installer adds files to the patches subdirectory and updates the LispWorks application bundle. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)

Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)

Mar 12, 2021

The patches will be uninstalled if you uninstall LispWorks 7.1.

Extra patches for macOS Monterey, Ventura or newer

In addition to the 7.1.3 patches listed above, you need to the following patches to allow LispWorks to start on macOS Monterey, Ventura or newer.

Version Patch Date
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
Sept 28, 2022

To install, extract into your Downloads folder and follow the instructions in the readme-LispWorks71Patches-64bit-Monterey-2.txt.

LispWorks for x86/x86_64 Linux

Download either the RPM or the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Choose tar.gz or RPM depending on how you originally installed LispWorks: you do not need both. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-712.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
7.1 readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks 7.1.2 tar.gz  or  RPM Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
LispWorks 7.1.2 tar.gz  or  RPM Sept 5, 2019

LispWorks for ARM Linux

Download the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-712.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
7.1 readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
lw71-patches2-arm-linux.tar.gz Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
lw71-patches2-arm64-linux.tar.gz Sept 5, 2019

LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris

Download the package for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-712.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
7.1 readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches71-32bit-bundle2 Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
LispWorksPatches71-64bit-bundle2 Sept 5, 2019

LispWorks for FreeBSD

Download the package for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-712.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
7.1 readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
lispworks71-patches-32bit-7.1.2.txz Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
lispworks71-patches-64bit-7.1.2.txz Sept 5, 2019

LispWorks for AIX

Download the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-712.txt for further details. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
7.1 readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
lw71-patches2-rs6k-aix.tar.gz Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
lw71-patches2-rs6k64-aix.tar.gz Sept 5, 2019

LispWorks for Windows

Run LispWorks712Patches-32bit.exe or LispWorks712Patches-64bit.exe (as appropriate) and follow the on-screen instructions. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Patch Date
7.1 readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks712Patches-32bit.exe Sept 5, 2019
7.1 Hobbyist, HobbyistDV,
Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
LispWorks712Patches-64bit.exe Sept 5, 2019

The Windows Control Panel option

Programs and Features > View installed updates

will show "LispWorks 7.1.2" if these patches are installed.

Uninstalling this update restores LispWorks to version 7.1.0.

LispWorks for iOS Runtime

You need to install patches in the same location as you installed LispWorks for iOS Runtime.

Version Patch Date
7.1 readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 lw71-patches2-ios.tar.gz Sept 5, 2019

LispWorks for Android Runtime

You need to install patches in the same location as you installed LispWorks for Android Runtime.

Version Patch Date
7.1 readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 lw71-patches2-android.tar.gz Sept 5, 2019

LispWorks for SPARC and SPARC64 Solaris

To use the patches, unpack the tar file in the lispworks directory. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. The patches will be loaded automatically on startup.

Version Platform Filename Date
7.1 ALL readme-712.txt Sept 5, 2019
7.1 SPARC Solaris (64-bit) lw71-patches2-sparc64.tar.gz Sept 5, 2019
7.1 SPARC Solaris (32-bit) lw71-patches2-sparc.tar.gz Sept 5, 2019

LispWorks 7.0 Patches

Java Interface

The file lispcalls.jar is missing from all LispWorks 7.0 products other than LispWorks for Mobile Runtime. It is required to make Java to Lisp calls. After downloading, move it into either:

  • the etc directory of your LispWorks library, that is lib/7-0-0-0/etc/lispcalls.jar (you will need administrator privileges), or
  • somewhere on your classpath as described here.

Its use is described here.

macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and 10.13 (High Sierra)

Download the patches for 32-bit LispWorks for Macintosh or 64-bit LispWorks for Macintosh:

Version Patch Date
7.0 (32-bit) LispWorks70Patches-32bit-Sierra-1.dmg
Oct 3, 2016
7.0 (64-bit) LispWorks70Patches-64bit-Sierra-1.dmg Oct 3, 2016

This set of private patches fixes bugs seen in LispWorks 7.0.0 on macOS 10.12 Sierra and macOS 10.13 High Sierra.

To install, mount the disk image and copy them into the private-patches directory as described in and add the following forms in the body of the flet in private-patches/load.lisp immediately after the commented example there:

#+cocoa (load-one-private-patch "nsglyphstorage-removed" :cocoa)
(load-one-private-patch "layout-divider-perform-move" :capi)
#+cocoa (load-one-private-patch "ns-alerts" :cocoa)
#+cocoa (load-one-private-patch "prompters-non-deprecated" :capi-cocoa)

Save the file private-patches/load.lisp and then restart LispWorks.

Note: You can use these patches on older versions of macOS too.

LispWorks 6.1 Patches

Note: The free LispWorks Personal Edition does not load patches. Do not attempt to install or load these patches in the Personal Edition.

Users of LispWorks 6.1 Professional and Enterprise Editions should be running LispWorks 6.1.1

To use LispWorks 6.1.1 you must first have LispWorks 6.1 installed. You then add the 6.1.1 patch release from this page.

Here are the patches for: LispWorks for Macintosh; LispWorks for Linux ; LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris ; LispWorks for FreeBSD ; LispWorks for AIX ; LispWorks for Windows ; LispWorks (Unix platforms)

LispWorks for Macintosh

Mount the disk in the LispWorks611Patches-32bit.dmg (for 32-bit LispWorks) or LispWorks611Patches-64bit.dmg file (for 64-bit LispWorks) as appropriate. Run the installer. Install the patches in the same location where LispWorks 6.1 is already installed. If the LispWorks installation is not found, patches are not installed. Choose the "Install" option when prompted. The installer adds files to the patches subdirectory and updates the LispWorks application bundle. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.1 readme-611.txt Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks611Patches-32bit.dmg Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks611Patches-64bit.dmg Nov 20, 2012

You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 6.1.0) by running the installer again and choosing the "Uninstall" option when prompted.

Additional patches for macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)

This set of private patches fixes bugs seen in LispWorks 6.1.1 on macOS 10.12 Sierra and macOS 10.13 High Sierra.

Download the patches for 32-bit LispWorks for Macintosh or 64-bit LispWorks for Macintosh after installing the 6.1.1 patch bundle:

Version Patch Date
6.1.1 (32-bit) LispWorks611Patches-32bit-Sierra-1.dmg
Nov 3, 2016
6.1.1 (64-bit) LispWorks611Patches-64bit-Sierra-1.dmg Nov 3, 2016

To install, mount the disk image and copy them into the private-patches directory as described in and add the following forms in the body of the flet in private-patches/load.lisp immediately after the commented example there:

#+cocoa (load-one-private-patch "nsglyphstorage-removed" :cocoa)
(load-one-private-patch "layout-divider-perform-move" :capi)
#+cocoa (load-one-private-patch "ns-alerts" :cocoa)
#+cocoa (load-one-private-patch "prompters-non-deprecated" :capi-cocoa)

Save the file private-patches/load.lisp and then restart LispWorks.

Note: You can use these patches on older versions of macOS too.

LispWorks for Linux

Download either the RPM or the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Choose tar.gz or RPM depending on how you originally installed LispWorks: you do not need both. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-611.txt for further details. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.1 readme-611.txt Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks 6.1.1 tar.gz  or  RPM Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks 6.1.1 tar.gz  or  RPM Nov 20, 2012

LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris

Download the package for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-611.txt for further details. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.1 readme-611.txt Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches61-32bit-bundle1 Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorksPatches61-64bit-bundle1 Nov 20, 2012

LispWorks for FreeBSD

Download the archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Login as root to perform the operations below.

To upgrade from version 6.1.0, do (for example):

% pkg_add lispworks-patches-32bit-6.1.1.tgz

Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.1 readme-611.txt Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
lispworks-patches-32bit-6.1.1.tgz Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Enterprise (64-bit) lispworks-patches-64bit-6.1.1.tgz Nov 20, 2012

You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 6.1.0) by

% pkg_delete lispworks-patches-6.1.1

LispWorks for AIX

64-bit LispWorks is installed by default in


although it is possible to install it elsewhere. You need to install patches in the same location as you installed LispWorks. For example:

cd /opt/LispWorks/lib/LispWorks-64-bit # or your installation directory
gzip -d lw61-patches1-rs6k64-aix.tar.gz
tar xf lw61-patches1-rs6k64-aix.tar

Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.1 readme-611.txt Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Enterprise (64-bit) lw61-patches1-rs6k64-aix.tar.gz Nov 20, 2012

LispWorks for Windows

Run LispWorks611Patches-32bit.exe or LispWorks611Patches-64bit.exe (as appropriate) and follow the on-screen instructions. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.1 readme-611.txt Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks611Patches-32bit.exe Nov 20, 2012
6.1 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks611Patches-64bit.exe Nov 20, 2012

The Windows XP option

Add/Remove Programs > Show updates
and the Vista/Windows 7 option
Programs and Features > View installed updates
will show "LispWorks 6.1.1" if these patches are installed.

Unlike previous versions of LispWorks for Windows, removing this update uninstalls only these patches, restoring LispWorks to version 6.1.0.

LispWorks (Unix platforms)

To use the patches, unpack the tar file in the lispworks directory. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Platform Filename Date
6.1 ALL readme-611.txt Nov 20, 2012
6.1 SPARC Solaris (64-bit) lw611-patches-sparc64.tar.gz Nov 20, 2012
6.1 SPARC Solaris (32-bit) lw611-patches-sparc.tar.gz Nov 20, 2012
6.1 HP PA lw611-patches-hp-pa.tar.gz Nov 20, 2012

LispWorks 6.0 Patches

Note: The free LispWorks Personal Edition does not load patches. Do not attempt to install or load these patches in the Personal Edition.

Users of LispWorks 6.0 Professional and Enterprise Editions should be running LispWorks 6.0.1

To use LispWorks 6.0.1 you must first have LispWorks 6.0 installed. You then add the 6.0.1 patch release from this page.

Here are the patches for: LispWorks for Macintosh; LispWorks for Linux ; LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris ; LispWorks for FreeBSD ; LispWorks for Windows ; LispWorks (Unix platforms)

LispWorks for Macintosh

Mount the disk in the LispWorksPatches-6.0.1.dmg (for 32-bit LispWorks) or LispWorks64bitPatches-6.0.1.dmg file (for 64-bit LispWorks) as appropriate. Run the installer. Install the patches in the same location where LispWorks 6.0 is already installed. If the LispWorks installation is not found, patches are not installed. Choose the "Install" option when prompted. The installer adds files to the patches subdirectory and updates the LispWorks application bundle. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.0 readme-601.txt May 04, 2010
6.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches-6.0.1.dmg May 04, 2010
6.0 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks64bitPatches-6.0.1.dmg May 04, 2010

You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 6.0.0) by running the installer again and choosing the "Uninstall" option when prompted.

LispWorks for Linux

Download either the RPM or the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Choose tar.gz or RPM depending on how you originally installed LispWorks: you do not need both. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-601.txt for further details. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.0 readme-601.txt May 04, 2010
6.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks 6.0.1 tar.gz  or  RPM May 04, 2010
6.0 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks 6.0.1 tar.gz  or  RPM May 04, 2010

LispWorks for x86/x64 Solaris

Download the package for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-601.txt for further details. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.0 readme-601.txt May 04, 2010
6.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches60-32bit-bundle1 May 04, 2010
6.0 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorksPatches60-64bit-bundle1 May 04, 2010

LispWorks for FreeBSD

Login as root to perform the operations below.

To upgrade from version 6.0.0, do:

% pkg_add lispworks-patches-6.0.1.tgz

Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.0 readme-601.txt May 04, 2010
6.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
lispworks-patches-6.0.1.tgz May 04, 2010

You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 6.0.0) by

% pkg_delete lispworks-patches-6.0.1

LispWorks for Windows

Run LispWorksPatches-6.0.1.exe or LispWorks64bitPatches-6.0.1.exe (as appropriate) and follow the on-screen instructions. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
6.0 readme-601.txt May 04, 2010
6.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 6.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches-6.0.1.exe May 04, 2010
6.0 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks64bitPatches-6.0.1.exe May 04, 2010

The Windows XP option

Add/Remove Programs > Show updates
and the Vista/Windows 7 option
Programs and Features > View installed updates
will show "LispWorks 6.0.1" if these patches are installed.

Unlike previous versions of LispWorks for Windows, removing this update uninstalls only these patches, restoring LispWorks to version 6.0.0.

LispWorks (Unix platforms)

To use the patches, unpack the tar file in the lispworks directory. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Platform Filename Date
6.0 ALL readme-601.txt May 04, 2010
6.0 SPARC Solaris (64-bit) lw601-patches-sparc64.tar.gz May 04, 2010
6.0 SPARC Solaris (32-bit) lw601-patches-sparc.tar.gz May 04, 2010
6.0 HP PA lw601-patches-hp-pa.tar.gz May 04, 2010

LispWorks 5.1 Patches

Note: The free LispWorks Personal Edition does not load patches. Do not attempt to install or load these patches in the Personal Edition.

Users of LispWorks 5.1 Professional and Enterprise Editions should be running LispWorks 5.1.2

To use LispWorks 5.1.2 you must first have LispWorks 5.1 or 5.1.1 installed from a CD-ROM or download. You then add the 5.1.2 patch release from this page.

Here are the patches for: LispWorks for Macintosh; LispWorks for Linux ; LispWorks for FreeBSD ; LispWorks for Windows ; LispWorks (Unix platforms)

LispWorks for Macintosh

Mount the disk in the LispWorksPatches-5.1.2.dmg or LispWorks64bitPatches-5.1.2.dmg file, as appropriate. Run the installer. Install the patches in the same location where LispWorks 5.1 is already installed. If the LispWorks installation is not found, patches are not installed. Choose the "Install" option when prompted. The installer adds files to the patches subdirectory and updates the LispWorks application bundle. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
5.1 readme-512.txt Dec 16, 2008
5.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches-5.1.2.dmg Dec 16, 2008
5.1 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks64bitPatches-5.1.2.dmg Dec 16, 2008

You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 5.1.0) by running the installer again and choosing the "Uninstall" option when prompted.

macOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

Download the patches for 32-bit LispWorks or 64-bit LispWorks:

Version Patch Date
5.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
Jan 28, 2010
5.1 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks64bitPatches-5.1-SnowLeopard-1.dmg Jan 28, 2010

This set of private patches fixes bugs seen in LispWorks 5.1.2 on macOS 10.6 Snow Leopard, including problems using menu accelerators.

To install, mount the disk image and copy all the patch binaries to:

/Applications/LispWorks 5.1/Library/lib/5-1-0-0/private-patches


/Applications/LispWorks 5.1 (64-bit)/Library/lib/5-1-0-0/private-patches

Open the file private-patches/load.lisp with and edit it to add these loading forms inside the flet form, on the line below the example form:

(load-one-private-patch "validate-menu-item" :capi-cocoa)
(load-one-private-patch "reenter-on-different-stack" :system)
(load-one-private-patch "periodic-tasks-function" :mp)

Save the file private-patches/load.lisp and then restart LispWorks.

Note: You also need to have installed 5.1.2.

Note: You can use these patches on older versions of macOS too.

There is a detailed description of how to install private patches here.

LispWorks for Linux

Download either the RPM or the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Choose RPM or tar depending on how you originally installed LispWorks: you do not need both. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-512.txt for further details. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
5.1 readme-512.txt Dec 16, 2008
5.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks 5.1.2 tar.gz  or  RPM Dec 16, 2008
5.1 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks 5.1.2 tar.gz  or  RPM Dec 16, 2008

LispWorks for FreeBSD

Login as root to perform the operations below.

To upgrade from version 5.1.1, first do:

% pkg_delete lispworks-patches-5.1.1

and then do:

% pkg_add lispworks-patches-5.1.2.tgz

To upgrade from version 5.1.0, do:

% pkg_add lispworks-patches-5.1.2.tgz

Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
5.1 readme-512.txt Dec 16, 2008
5.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
lispworks-patches-5.1.2.tgz Dec 16, 2008

You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 5.1.0) by

% pkg_delete lispworks-patches-5.1.2

LispWorks for Windows

Download and run LispWorksPatches-5.1.2.exe (for 32-bit LispWorks) or LispWorks64bitPatches-5.1.2.exe (for 64-bit LispWorks) as appropriate, and follow the on-screen instructions. This will add files to the patches subdirectory and upgrades LispWorks to version 5.1.2. You can see this Add/Remove Programs (on XP the option is "Show updates"; on Vista the option is "View installed updates"). Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Patch Date
5.1 readme-512.txt Dec 16, 2008
5.1 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.1 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches-5.1.2.exe Dec 16, 2008
5.1 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks64bitPatches-5.1.2.exe Dec 16, 2008

Uninstalling LispWorks 5.1.2 uninstalls the entire LispWorks installation, including the original software and these patches.

LispWorks (Unix platforms)

To use the patches, unpack the tar file in the lispworks directory. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Call load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file: this ensures patches are loaded at startup.

Version Platform Filename Date
5.1 ALL readme-512.txt Dec 16, 2008
5.1 SPARC Solaris (64-bit) lw512-patches-sparc64.tar.gz Dec 16, 2008
5.1 SPARC Solaris (32-bit) lw512-patches-sparc.tar.gz Dec 16, 2008
5.1 HP PA lw512-patches-hp-pa.tar.gz Dec 16, 2008

LispWorks 5.0 Patches

Note: The free LispWorks Personal Edition does not load patches. Do not attempt to install or load these patches in the Personal Edition.

Users of LispWorks 5.0 Professional and Enterprise Editions should be running LispWorks 5.0.2

To use LispWorks 5.0.2 you must first have LispWorks 5.0 or 5.0.1 installed from the CD-ROM or download which you have purchased. You then add the 5.0.2 patch release from this page.

Here are the patches for: LispWorks for Macintosh; LispWorks for Linux ; LispWorks for FreeBSD ; LispWorks for Windows ; LispWorks (Unix platforms)

LispWorks for Macintosh

Mount the disk in the LispWorksPatches-5.0.2.dmg or LispWorks64bitPatches-5.0.2.dmg file, as appropriate. Run the installer. Install the patches in the same location where LispWorks 5.0 is already installed. If the LispWorks installation is not found, patches are not installed. Choose the "Install" option when prompted. The installer will add files to the patches subdirectory and (for 32-bit LispWorks) also update the LispWorks application bundle. After installing the new patches, check that there is a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file. This ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
5.0 readme-502.txt Apr 16, 2007
5.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches-5.0.2.dmg Apr 16, 2007
5.0 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks64bitPatches-5.0.2.dmg Apr 16, 2007

You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 5.0) by running the installer again and choosing the "Uninstall" option when prompted.

macOS 10.5 (Leopard)

Download the patches for 32-bit LispWorks or 64-bit LispWorks:

Version Patch Date
5.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
& 5.0 Academic (32-bit)
Nov 6, 2007
5.0 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks64bitPatches-5.0-Leopard-1.dmg Nov 6, 2007

Mount the disk image and copy all the patch binaries to:

/Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/private-patches

Open the file private-patches/load.lisp with and edit it to add these loading forms inside the flet form:

(LOAD-ONE-PRIVATE-PATCH "convert-dib-to-cocoa-image-representation" :CAPI-COCOA)
(LOAD-ONE-PRIVATE-PATCH "get-font-a-width-cocoa" :CAPI-COCOA)
(LOAD-ONE-PRIVATE-PATCH "set-split-view-frames" :CAPI-COCOA)
(LOAD-ONE-PRIVATE-PATCH "tab-view-needs-display" :CAPI-COCOA)
(LOAD-ONE-PRIVATE-PATCH "find-method-signature-for-selector" :OBJC)
(LOAD-ONE-PRIVATE-PATCH "precompiled-templates-objc-10-5" :OBJC)
(LOAD-ONE-PRIVATE-PATCH "precompiled-templates-capi-cocoa-10-5" :CAPI-COCOA)
(LOAD-ONE-PRIVATE-PATCH "connect-sockterm-output" :SYSTEM)

Then restart LispWorks.

Note: You will need all of the patch binaries to deliver 32-bit universal binary applications using your Intel Macintosh.

Refer to section Private patches of your Release Notes and Installation Guide for a detailed description on how to install private patches.

LispWorks for Linux

Download either the RPM or the tar archive for 32-bit or 64-bit LispWorks as appropriate. Choose RPM or tar depending on how you originally installed LispWorks: you do not need both. Install it in the installation directory. See readme-502.txt for further details. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
5.0 readme-502.txt Apr 16, 2007
5.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorks 5.0.2 tar.gz  or  RPM Apr 16, 2007
5.0 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks 5.0.2 tar.gz  or  RPM Apr 16, 2007

LispWorks for FreeBSD

Login as root to perform the operations below.

To upgrade from version 5.0.1, first do:

% pkg_delete lispworks-patches-5.0.1

and then do:

% pkg_add lispworks-patches-5.0.2.tgz

To upgrade from version 5.0.0, do:

% pkg_add lispworks-patches-5.0.2.tgz

Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
5.0 readme-502.txt Apr 16, 2007
5.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
lispworks-patches-5.0.2.tgz Apr 16, 2007

LispWorks for Windows

Download and run LispWorksPatches-5.0.2.exe (for 32-bit LispWorks) or LispWorks64bitPatches-5.0.2.exe (for 64-bit LispWorks) as appropriate, and follow the on-screen instructions. This will add files to the patches subdirectory and upgrades LispWorks to version 5.0.2 as shown in the Add/Remove Programs window. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
5.0 readme-502.txt Apr 16, 2007
5.0 Professional (32-bit)
& 5.0 Enterprise (32-bit)
LispWorksPatches-5.0.2.exe Apr 16, 2007
5.0 Enterprise (64-bit) LispWorks64bitPatches-5.0.2.exe Apr 16, 2007

Uninstalling LispWorks 5.0.2 uninstalls the entire LispWorks installation, including the original software and these patches.

LispWorks (Unix platforms)

To use the patches, unpack the tar file in the lispworks directory. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches, as described in the Release Notes and Installation Guide.

Version Platform Filename Date
5.0 ALL readme-502.txt Apr 16, 2007
5.0 SPARC Solaris (64-bit) lw502-patches-sparc64.tar.gz Apr 16, 2007
5.0 SPARC Solaris (32-bit) lw502-patches-sparc.tar.gz Apr 16, 2007
5.0 HP PA lw502-patches-hp-pa.tar.gz Apr 16, 2007

Patches for LispWorks 4.4 and earlier

Users of LispWorks 4.4.5, or Xanalys LispWorks 4.4, should be running LispWorks version 4.4.6.

You must first have LispWorks 4.4.5 installed from the CD-ROM or download which you have purchased. You then add the 4.4.6 patch release from this page.

Here are the patches for: LispWorks 4.4 for Macintosh ; LispWorks 4.4 for Linux ; LispWorks 4.4 for Windows ; LispWorks 4.4 (Unix platforms) ; LispWorks for Macintosh 4.3 ; LispWorks for Linux 4.3 and earlier ; LispWorks for Windows 4.3 and earlier ; LispWorks (Unix platforms) 4.3 and earlier

Here's a patch for editor source location in LispWorks 4.3 Professional or Enterprise Edition.

The last patch release for LispWorks 4.3 is LispWorks 4.3.7. This upgrades all versions 4.3.x. LispWorks patch releases are cumulative so you do not need to first install 4.3.6, though it does not matter if you have done that.

The last patch release for version 4.2 is LispWorks 4.2.7.

There will be no further patch releases for LispWorks 4.4 or previous versions.

To benefit from the latest LispWorks features, improvements and patches upgrade to LispWorks 5.0.

LispWorks® for Macintosh®

Mount the disk in the LispWorksPatches4.4.6.dmg file. Run the installer 'LispWorks Patches'. Install the patches in the same location LispWorks 4.4.5 is already installed. If the LispWorks installation is not found, patches are not installed. Choose the "Easy Install" option when prompted. The installer will add files to the patches subdirectory and also update the LispWorks application bundle. After installing the new patches, check that there is a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file. This ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

LispWorks 4.4.5 users with macOS 10.4 (Tiger) need only to install patch release 4.4.6 to make the menu bar menus update correctly and make images with transparent backgrounds work. After installing 4.4.6 you can remove the private patches appkit-tiger-1.nfasl, capi-cocoa-tiger-1.nfasl and premultiply-rgba32-standalone.nfasl, though it does not matter if you leave them in place.

Version Patch Date
4.4.5 Professional
& 4.4.5 Enterprise
README for LispWorks 4.4.6 Nov 02, 2005
LispWorks 4.4.6 Nov 04, 2005

You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 4.4.5) by running the installer 'LispWorks Patches' again and choosing the "Uninstall" option when prompted.

LispWorks® for Linux

Download either the RPM or the tar archive (depending on how you originally installed LispWorks) and unpack it in the installation directory. See the README file for further details. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
4.4.5 Professional
& 4.4.5 Enterprise
README for LispWorks 4.4.6 Nov 02, 2005
LispWorks 4.4.6 tar.gz  or  RPM Nov 02, 2005

LispWorks® for Windows®

To use the patches, unzip the archive in the installation directory (by default this is C:\Program Files\LispWorks). This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
4.4.5 Professional
& 4.4.5 Enterprise
README for LispWorks 4.4.6 Nov 02, 2005
LispWorks 4.4.6 Nov 02, 2005

LispWorks® (Unix platforms)

To use the patches, unpack the tar file in the lispworks directory. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches, as described in the Release Notes and Installation Guide.

Version Platform Filename Date
4.4.5 ALL README Nov 02, 2005
4.4.5 DEC ALPHA alpha-lispworks44-patches6.tar.Z Nov 02, 2005
4.4.5 HP PA hp-pa-lispworks44-patches6.tar.Z Nov 02, 2005
4.4.5 SUN SPARC Solaris sparc-lispworks44-patches6.tar.Z Nov 02, 2005

LispWorks® for Macintosh®

Mount the disk in the 'LispWorks Patches 4.3.7.dmg' file. Run the installer 'LispWorks Patches'. Install the patches in the same location LispWorks 4.3 is already installed. If the LispWorks installation is not found, patches are not installed. Choose the "Easy Install" option when prompted. The installer will add files to the patches subdirectory and also update the LispWorks application bundle. You can remove the patches (restoring LispWorks to version 4.3.0) by running the installer 'LispWorks Patches' again and choosing the "Uninstall" option when prompted. After installing the new patches, check that there is a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file. This ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
4.3 Professional
& 4.3 Enterprise
README for LispWorks 4.3.7 May 12, 2004
LispWorks 4.3.7 May 12, 2004

LispWorks® for Linux

Download either the RPM or the tar archive (depending on how you originally installed LispWorks) and unpack it in the installation directory. See the README file for further details. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
4.3 Professional
& 4.3 Enterprise
README for LispWorks 4.3.7 May 12, 2004
LispWorks 4.3.7 tar.gz  or  RPM May 12, 2004
4.2 Professional
& 4.2 Enterprise
README for LispWorks 4.2.7 Oct 01, 2002
LispWorks 4.2.7 tar.gz  or  RPM Oct 01, 2002

LispWorks® for Windows®

To use the patches, unzip the archive in the installation directory (by default this is C:\Program Files\Xanalys\LispWorks for LispWorks 4.4 and previous). This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches.

Version Patch Date
4.3 Professional
& 4.3 Enterprise
README for LispWorks 4.3.7 May 12, 2004
LispWorks 4.3.7 May 12, 2004
4.2 Professional
& 4.2 Enterprise
README for LispWorks 4.2.7 Oct 01, 2002
LispWorks 4.2.7 Oct 01, 2002

LispWorks® (Unix platforms)

To use the patches, unpack the tar file in the lispworks directory. This will add files to the patches subdirectory. Check there's a call to load-all-patches in your siteinit.lisp file, this ensures patches are loaded at startup. It is best to save an image containing the new patches, as described in the Release Notes and Installation Guide.

Version Platform Filename Date
4.3 ALL README May 12, 2004
4.3 DEC ALPHA alpha-lispworks43-patches7.tar.Z May 12, 2004
4.3 HP PA hp-pa-lispworks43-patches7.tar.Z May 12, 2004
4.3 SUN SPARC Solaris sparc-lispworks43-patches7.tar.Z May 12, 2004

Version Platform Filename Date
4.2 ALL README Oct 01, 2002
4.2 DEC ALPHA alpha-lispworks42-patches7.tar.Z Oct 01, 2002
4.2 HP PA hp-pa-lispworks42-patches7.tar.Z Oct 01, 2002
4.2 SUN SPARC Solaris sparc-lispworks42-patches7.tar.Z Oct 01, 2002

Editor source location

The tags database distributed in the LispWorks 4.3 Professional/Enterprise Edition library is broken. To fix it, download the corrected binary for your platform and replace the LispWorks library file (default locations shown below). After restarting LispWorks and configuring it as described in the Installation Guide, location of Editor source code should work.

Platform Filename & Default Location Date
macOS editor-tags-db.nfasl
Oct 8, 2003
Windows editor-tags-db.fsl
C:\Program Files\Xanalys\LispWorks\lib\4-3-0-0\src\editor\
Oct 8, 2003
Linux editor-tags-db.ufsl
Oct 8, 2003


Windows 2000 and Windows Millennium

LispWorks 4.2 and later supports these operating systems.

Liquid Common LispTM 5.0.x

All users should now be at version 5.0.6 Please note that the 5.0.6 patch bundle is dependent on the installation of the 5.0.4 patch bundle. Do not install 5.0.6 until you have installed 5.0.4.

The 5.0.6 patch bundle contains 5.0.5

Version Platform Filename Date Size
5.0.4 ALL README Jun 3 1998 15 Kb
5.0.4 HP PA hppa-202-clim-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 1051 Kb
5.0.4 HP PA hppa-504-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 333 Kb
5.0.4 IBM RS6000 AIX rios-202-clim-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 1033 Kb
5.0.4 IBM RS6000 AIX rios-504-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 311 Kb
5.0.4 SGI MIPS sgi-202-clim-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 1068 Kb
5.0.4 SGI MIPS sgi-504-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 338 Kb
5.0.4 Sun SPARC Solaris solaris-202-clim-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 977 Kb
5.0.4 Sun SPARC Solaris solaris-504-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 314 Kb
5.0.4 Sun SPARC SunOS sunrise-202-clim-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 977 Kb
5.0.4 Sun SPARC SunOS sunrise-504-patches.tar.Z Jun 3 1998 312 Kb

Version Platform Filename Date Size
5.0.6 ALL README Dec 15 1998 8 Kb
5.0.6 HP PA hppa-506-patches.tar.Z Dec 14 1998 113 Kb
5.0.6 IBM RS6000 AIX rios-506-patches.tar.Z Dec 14 1998 105 Kb
5.0.6 SGI MIPS sgi-506-patches.tar.Z Dec 14 1998 112 Kb
5.0.6 Sun SPARC Solaris solaris-506-patches.tar.Z Dec 14 1998 110 Kb
5.0.6 Sun SPARC SunOS sunrise-506-patches.tar.Z Dec 14 1998 103 Kb

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