Lisp Knowledgebase
Title: Enigmatically-named uninterned symbols at delivery level 5
ID: 16001
Product: LispWorks for Windows (Professional / Enterprise) Version: All OS: | |
Description: You have two problems here: (a) to find out which symbols are referred to by the enigmatic #:REA and #:LAT, and (b) to then figure out why a function which was apparently defined at level 4 ceased to be defined at level 5. First things first - see the description in documentation of the delivery keyword :symbol-names-action. Its default value (hint: use the function lw:deliver-keywords to obtain definitive default values) is (>= *delivery-level* 5) Try adding :symbol-names-action nil to your delivery script. This will retain full symbol-names, and should allow you to proceed with debugging the delivery process. | |
See Also: Workaround: Patch: | |
Hardware:N/A | |
Summary:When turning lisp code into stand alone executables I have been able to successfully deliver at level 4, which has reduced the image size from just over 16M to just under 8M. Everything works fine. However, when I go to level 5 I get a message box which says "Undefined function #:REA called with arguments (#<#:LAT 204B9a14>)." | |
Bug#: | |
Patch Enhancement#: | |
Reported: |