Lisp Knowledgebase
Title: How to set the cursor appearance on Windows
ID: 10049
Product: LispWorks for Windows Version: All OS: All Windows platforms | |
Description: You can set the CAPI:SIMPLE-PANE-CURSOR, e.g. (defun do-motion (pane x y) (if (capi:pinboard-object-at-position pane x y) (setf (capi:simple-pane-cursor pane) :crosshair) (setf (capi:simple-pane-cursor pane) nil))) (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:pinboard-layout :description (list (make-instance 'capi:item-pinboard-object :text "foo" :x 20 :y 30)) :min-width 200 :min-height 200 :input-model '((:motion do-motion)))) The possible values for the cursor are: keyword Win32 constant ---------------------------------------------------------------- :bottom-left-corner IDC_SIZENESW :bottom-right-corner IDC_SIZENWSE :bottom-side IDC_SIZENS :busy IDC_WAIT :crosshair IDC_CROSS :h-double-arrow IDC_SIZEWE :hand IDC_SIZEALL :i-beam IDC_IBEAM :left-side IDC_SIZEWE :move the hand (not a windows built-in) :right-side IDC_SIZEWE :top-left-corner IDC_SIZENWSE :top-right-corner IDC_SIZENESW :top-side IDC_SIZENS :v-double-arrow IDC_SIZENS Note: In LispWorks 6.0 and later versions you can also use a cursor object created by capi:load-cursor. | |
See Also: Workaround: Patch: | |
Hardware:N/A | |
Summary: | |
Bug#: | |
Patch Enhancement#: | |
Reported: |