Use these commands in the Listener tool.
Beginning of Line After Prompt Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+A
Mode: Execute
The command Beginning of Line After Prompt
moves the current point to the beginning of the current line, unless there is a prompt, in which case the point is moved to the end of the prompt.
With a prefix argument p, the point is moved to the beginning of the line p lines below the current line.
Insert from Previous Prompt Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+J
Mode: Execute
The command Insert From Previous Prompt
picks up the form starting from the previous prompt and yanks it to the end of the buffer.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+C Ctrl+I
Mode: Execute
The command Inspect Star
inspects the object that is the value of the symbol cl:*, which is normally the result of the previous command. Inspecting means activating the Inspector tool with the object.
See the LispWorks IDE User Guide for information about the Inspector tool.
Execute or Insert Newline or Yank from Previous Prompt Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Return
Mode: Execute
The command Execute or Insert Newline or Yank from Previous Prompt
does one of the actions indicated by its name, depending on the position of the point relative to the prompt.
If the current point is after or in the middle of the last prompt, insert a newline at the end of the buffer, and if there is an acceptable form after the last prompt, execute it.
If the point is before the last prompt, insert the command before the point at the end of the buffer, and move the point to the end of the buffer.
Throw to Top Level Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Mode: Execute
The command Throw To Top Level
exits the reading of commands, prints a prompt and starts reading again.
Note: this command is useful after you mistakenly pasted a large amount of text into the listener, and you cannot really see where the prompt is.
Use these commands in the Listener and Shell tools.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+C <
Mode: Execute
The command History First
replaces the current command by the first recorded command in the history of commands in the current page.
Note: the length of the history is limited to 100, so earlier commands are not available.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+C >
Mode: Execute
The command History Last
replaces the current command by the last recorded command in the history of commands in the current page.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
or Ctrl+C Ctrl+N
Mode: Execute
The command History Next
replaces the current command by the next one from the history of commands in the current page.
History Previous Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
or Ctrl+C Ctrl+P
Mode: Execute
The command History Previous
replaces the current command by the previous one from the history of commands in the current page.
If immediately follows History Search From Input, it does the search again.
Arguments: search-string
Key sequence: Meta
or Ctrl+C Ctrl+R
Mode: Execute
The command History Search
searches for a previous command containing a supplied string, and replaces the current command with it.
History Kill Current Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+C Ctrl+K
Mode: Execute
The command History Kill Current
deletes the current command, that is the text after the last prompt.
Note: this command is badly named. It has nothing to do with history.
History Search from Input Editor Command
Arguments: search-string
Key sequence: None
The command History Search From Input
searches for a previous command containing the string entered so far, and replaces the current command with it.
Repeated uses step back to previous matches.
If no string has been entered, the command prompts for a string to match like History Search.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+C Ctrl+F
Mode: Execute
The command History Select
opens a menu of the previous commands, and replaces the current command with the selection.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+C Ctrl+Y
Mode: Execute
The command History Yank
inserts the previous command into the current one.
These commands are applicable only in a capi:listener-pane (including listener panes in the Debugger and Inspector tools and so on), when in the debugger. Each has a corresponding short debugger command that you can enter at the debugger prompt. These are listed in the description.
The debugger prompt by default looks like this:
CL-USER 3 : 1 >
The first integer is the number of commands entered in the listener. The second integer is the number of levels deep in the debugger (that is, if it is 2
or more, you have entered the debugger recursively).
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Mode: Execute
Debugger command: :a
The command Debugger Abort
aborts, meaning invoking the restart that is recognized as the cl:abort restart.
Debugger Continue Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Mode: Execute
Debugger command: :c
The command Debugger Continue
continues, meaning invoking the restart that is recognized as the cl:continue restart.
Debugger Backtrace Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Mode: Execute
Debugger command: :bq
or :bb
The command Debugger Backtrace
displays a quick backtrace when in the debugger in a listener window.
A prefix argument makes the backtrace more verbose.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Mode: Execute
Debugger command: :ed
The command Debugger Edit
tries to find the source of the current frame, and if successful displays that source in an Editor tool.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Mode: Execute
Debugger command: :n
The command Debugger Next
makes the next frame current.
Enter :v
(Debugger Print) to see the value in the frame.
Debugger Previous Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Mode: Execute
Debugger command: :p
The command Debugger Previous
makes the previous frame current.
Enter :v
(Debugger Print) to see the value in the frame.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Mode: Execute
Debugger command: :v
The command Debugger Print
displays the current frame.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Debugger command: :top
The command Debugger Top
aborts to the top level.
Throw out of Debugger Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
The command Throw out of Debugger
is deprecated, use Debugger Top and Debugger Abort instead.
Editor User Guide (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:43