All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 7 The Class Browser

7.5 Examining generic functions and methods

Click the Functions tab to examine information about the generic functions and methods defined on the current class. The functions view shown in Displaying function information in the Class Browser appears.

Displaying function information in the Class Browser

This view can be especially useful when used in conjunction with the Generic Function Browser. The areas available are described below.

7.5.1 Class box

As with other views in the Class Browser, the name of the class being browsed is given here. See 7.2.1 Class box for more details.

7.5.2 Filter box

The Filter box lets you restrict the information displayed in the list of functions or methods. See 3.12 Filtering information for a description of how to use the Filter box in any tool, and 7.1.3 Filtering slot information for an example of how to use it in the Class Browser.

7.5.3 List of functions or methods

This lists either the generic functions with applicable methods for the current class, or the applicable methods for the current class. Items selected in this list can be operated on via the Works > Methods menu, as described in 7.5.6 Operations specific to the current function or method. Double-clicking on a function or method displays its source code definition in the Editor, if possible.

Select Methods or Generic Functions from the drop-down list box to choose which type of information to list.

If Include Inherited is checked, generic functions or methods inherited from the superclasses of the current class are displayed.

If Include Accessors is checked, accessor methods/functions are displayed. When Include Accessors is not checked, methods/functions defined by the :readers, :writers and :accessors slot options in defclass are omitted from the display.

You can configure the default settings of these options in the Preferences dialog. To do this raise the dialog as described in 3.2 Setting preferences, then select Class Browser in the list on the left side and then select the Slots/Functions tab to see the default settings that you can configure.

7.5.4 Description list

The list at the bottom of the tool gives a description of the function or method selected in the main list. The following information is shown:

The name of the selected generic function or method.
The function which the selected function or method relates to.
Lambda List
The lambda list of the selected generic function or method.
The Common Lisp documentation for the selected function or method, if any exists.
Source Files
The source files for the selected generic function or method.

To operate on any of the items displayed in this area, select them and choose a command from the Works > Description menu. This submenu contains the standard actions commands described in 3.8 Performing operations on selected objects. You can operate on more than one item at once by making a multiple selection in this area.

7.5.5 Performing operations on the current class

You can operate on the current class using the commands in the Works > Classes menu. The standard action commands described in 3.8 Performing operations on selected objects are available from this submenu.

Choose Works > Classes > Browse Metaclass to select and describe the class of the current class.

7.5.6 Operations specific to the current function or method

In addition to the commands described above, the following commands are available when using the functions view.

The standard action commands described in 3.8 Performing operations on selected objects are available from the Works > Methods menu.

Choose Works > Methods > Undefine... to remove the selected functions or methods from the LispWorks image. You are prompted before the functions or methods are removed.

Warning: Do not remove system functions and methods, such as those defined for CAPI classes used as examples in this chapter.

Choose Works > Methods > Trace to display the Trace submenu available from several tools. This submenu lets you trace the selected methods or generic functions. A full description of the commands in this submenu is given in 3.10 Tracing symbols from tools.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:13