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7 The Class Browser

The Class Browser allows you to examine Common Lisp classes. It contains seven views, allowing you to view class information in a number of different ways. You can display each view by clicking the appropriate tab. The available views are as follows:

To create a Class Browser, choose Tools > Class Browser or click . Alternatively, to invoke a Class Browser on a Lisp object use Alt+X Describe Class in an Editor, or choose Class from any submenu that provides the standard action commands to invoke a Class Browser on the Lisp object referred to by that submenu, or click . This automatically browses the class of the Lisp object. For more information on how the standard action commands refer to objects in the environment, see 3.8 Performing operations on selected objects.

7.1 Simple use of the Class Browser

7.2 Examining slot information

7.3 Examining superclasses and subclasses

7.4 Examining classes graphically

7.5 Examining generic functions and methods

7.6 Examining initargs

7.7 Examining class precedences

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:13