This section is divided into three parts. The first two provide details of commands used for searching. These commands are, on the whole, non-modifying and non-destructive, and merely search for strings and patterns. The third part provides details of commands used for replacing a string or pattern.
Most of the search commands perform straightforward searches, but there are two useful commands (Incremental Search and Reverse Incremental Search) which perform incremental searches. This means that the search is started as soon as the first character is typed.
Incremental Search Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: Ctrl+S
Searches forward, starting from the current point, for the search string that is input, beginning the search as soon as each character is typed in. When a match is found for the search string, the current point is moved to the end of the matched string. If the search string is not found between the current point and the end of the buffer, an error is signaled.
The search result is highlighted. You can change the style of the highlighting in the LispWorks IDE by Preferences... > Environment > Styles > Colors and Attributes > Search Match.
Incremental Search
records the starting location (see 3.10 Locations).
With a prefix argument p the matches are displayed at a fixed line position, p lines below the top of the window. Otherwise, the position of the matched string within the window is influenced by the editor variable incremental-search-minimum-visible-lines.
For example, to display successive definitions one line from the top of the text view of the Editor window, enter:
Ctrl+U 2 Ctrl+S ( d e f Ctrl+S Ctrl+S
All incremental searches can be controlled by entering one of the following key sequences at any time during the search.
Ctrl+S | If the search string is empty, repeats the last incremental search, otherwise repeats a forward search for the current search string. If the search string cannot be found, starts the search from the beginning of the buffer (wrap-around search). |
Ctrl+R | Changes to a backward (reverse) search. |
Delete | Cancels the last character typed. |
Ctrl+Q | Quotes the next character typed. |
Ctrl+W | Adds the next word under the cursor to the search string. |
Meta +Ctrl+Y | Adds the next form under the cursor to the search string. |
Ctrl+Y | Adds the remainder of the line under the cursor to the search string. |
Meta +Y | Adds the current kill string to the search string. |
Ctrl+C | Add the editor window's selected text to the search string. |
Esc | If the search string is empty, invokes a non-incremental search, otherwise exits the search, leaving the current point at the last find. |
Ctrl+G | Aborts the search, returning the current point to its original location.
If the search string cannot be found, cancels the last character typed (equivalent to |
Return | Exits the search, leaving the current point at the last find. |
Meta +S Space | |
Toggle lax whitespace match. See isearch-lax-whitespace for details. |
incremental-search-minimum-visible-lines Editor Variable
Default value: 3
Determines the minimum of visible lines between an incremental search match and the closest window border (top or bottom). If the point is closer to the border than the value, the point is scrolled to the center of the window.
Lines are counted from the start of the match, and the line where the match starts is included in the count.
Note that this has no effect when doing "fixed position" search (with numeric prefix), for example Ctrl+U digit Ctrl+S
, or if the window is too short.
Setting the value to 0 makes incremental searching behave as in LispWorks 6.0 and earlier versions, that is the match can be shown on the top or bottom line currently displayed in the window.
replace-regexp-lax-whitespace Editor Variables
Default value: nil
Each of these variables controls the default state of lax whitespace match search in the respective operation:
controls lax whitespace match in ordinary (non-regexp) search.isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace
controls lax whitespace match in regular expression search.replace-lax-whitespace
controls lax whitespace in query replace match with ordinary match.replace-regexp-lax-whitespace
controls lax whitespace match in regular expression query replace.
In all cases, when the value of the variable is nil
, then each space in the match string is treated like other ordinary characters (normal match). If the variable is non-nil, a single space in the match string is effectively replaced by the value of search-whitespace-regexp, interpreted as a regular expression even the ordinary search and replace operation (this is called a lax whitespace match). By default search-whitespace-regexp is set to a regular expression that matches any sequence of whitespace characters.
In regular expression search and query replace, a space is replaced by search-whitespace-regexp only if it is not in a "special" position in the match. "Special" positions are:
), star (*
) or plus (+
For incremental searches, the respective variable determines the initial state of lax whitespace match. You can toggle the state on and off during an incremental search by typing Meta
, which only affects the current operation.
search-whitespace-regexp Editor Variable
Default value: a string made from the 7 characters: #\[ #\Space #\Tab #\Return #\Newline #\] #\+
When lax whitespace match is on, the value of search-whitespace-regexp
is used to effectively replace any single space in the match string.
Whether lax whitespace match is on is controlled by the variables isearch-lax-whitespace, isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace, replace-lax-whitespace and replace-regexp-lax-whitespace.
Note that the value of search-whitespace-regexp
is always interpreted as a regexp, including in the ordinary search and replace operations.
Reverse Incremental Search Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: Ctrl+R
Searches backward, starting from the current point, for the search string that is input, beginning the search as soon as each character is provided. When a match is found for the search string, the current point is moved to the start of the matched string. If the search string is not found between the current point and the beginning of the buffer, an error is signaled.
You can use a fixed line position for the matches and/or modify the style used to display them, as described for Incremental Search.
With a prefix argument p the matches are displayed at a fixed line position, p lines below the top of the window. Otherwise, the position of the matched string within the window is influenced by the editor variable incremental-search-minimum-visible-lines.
The search can be controlled by entering one of the following key sequences at any time during the search.
Ctrl+R | If the search string is empty, repeats the last incremental search, otherwise repeats a backward search for the current search string. If the search string cannot be found, starts the search from the end of the buffer (wrap-around search). |
Ctrl+S |
Changes to a forward search. |
Delete |
Cancels the last character typed. |
Esc |
If the search string is empty, invokes a non-incremental search, otherwise exits the search, leaving the current point at the last find. |
Ctrl+G | Aborts the search, returning the current point to its original location.
If the search string cannot be found, cancels the last character typed (equivalent to |
Ctrl+Q |
Quotes the next character typed. |
Arguments: string
Key sequence: Ctrl+S Esc
editor:forward-search-command p &optional string the-point
The default for the-point is the current point.
Searches forwards from the-point for string. When a match is found, the-point is moved to the end of the matched string. In contrast with Incremental Search, the search string must be terminated with a carriage return before any searching is done. If an empty string is provided, the last search is repeated.
Records the starting location (see 3.10 Locations).
Backward Search Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: None
editor:reverse-search-command p &optional string the-point
The default for the-point is the current point.
Searches backwards from the-point for string. When a match is found, the-point is moved to the start of the matched string. In contrast with Reverse Incremental Search, the search string must be terminated with a carriage return before any searching is done. If an empty string is provided, the last search is repeated.
Records the starting location (see 3.10 Locations).
Reverse Search
is a synonym for Backward Search
List Matching Lines Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: None
editor:list-matching-lines-command p &optional string
Lists all lines after the current point that contain string, in a Matches window.
A prefix argument causes the appropriate number of lines before and after each matching line to be listed also.
Delete Matching Lines Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: None
editor:delete-matching-lines-command p &optional string
Deletes all lines after the current point that match string.
Delete Non-Matching Lines Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: None
editor:delete-non-matching-lines-command p &optional string
Deletes all lines after the current point that do not match string.
Search All Buffers Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: None
Searches all the buffers for string. If only one buffer contains string, it becomes the current buffer, with the cursor positioned at the start of the string. If more than one buffer contains the string, a popup window displays a list of those buffers. A buffer may then be selected from this list.
Arguments: search-string
Key sequence: None
The command Buffers Search
searches all opened buffers for search-string, displaying the first match.
Use the key sequence Meta
to find subsequent occurrences of search-string.
Arguments: search-string
Key sequence: None
The command Search Buffers
searches all opened buffers using the Search Files tool.
It prompts for a string and then activates the Search Files tool in the Opened Buffers mode. See the LispWorks IDE User Guide for a description of the Search Files tool.
Directory Search Editor Command
Arguments: directory string
Key sequence: None
Searches source files in directory for string. The current working directory is offered as a default for directory.
By default only files with suffix .lisp
, .lsp
, .c
, .cpp
or .h
are searched. A non-nil prefix argument causes all files to be searched, except for those ending with one of the strings in the list system:*ignorable-file-suffices*
Directory Search
displays the first match. Use the key sequence Meta
to find subsequent occurrences of the search string.
Arguments: search-string directory
Key sequence: Ctrl+X *
search-string directory
Searches for a string in a directory using a Search Files tool.
The command prompts for search-string and directory and then raises a Search Files tool. The configuration of the Search Files tool controls which files in the directory are searched. If the search string is not empty, it starts searching automatically, unless a prefix argument is given.
See the LispWorks IDE User Guide for a description of the Search Files tool.
Search Files Matching Patterns Editor Command
Arguments: search-string directory patterns
Key sequence: Ctrl+X &
search-string directory patterns
Searches for a string in files under a directory with names matching given patterns, using a Search Files tool.
The command prompts for search-string, directory and patterns, and raises a Search Files tool in Roots and Patterns mode. If the search string is not empty, it starts searching automatically, unless a prefix argument is given.
patterns should be a comma-separated set of filename patterns delimited by braces. A pattern where the last component does not contain *
is assumed to be a directory onto which the Search Files tool adds its own filename pattern. patterns defaults to {*.lisp,*.lsp,*.c,*.h}
See the LispWorks IDE User Guide for a description of the Search Files tool.
Arguments: system string
Key sequence: None
Searches the files of system for string.
Matches are shown in editor buffers consecutively. Use the key sequence Meta
to find subsequent definitions of the search string.
Arguments: search-string system
Key sequence: None
Prompts for search-string and system and then raises a Search Files tool in System Search mode, which displays the search results and allows you to visit the files.
See the LispWorks IDE User Guide for a description of the Search Files tool.
default-search-kind Editor Variable
Default value: :string-insensitive
Defines the default method of searching. By default, all searching (including regexp searching, and replacing commands) ignores case. If you want searching to be case-sensitive, the value of this variable should be set to :string-sensitive
using Set Variable.
It is also possible to search a set of files programmatically using the search-files
editor:search-files &key string files generator => nil
searches all the files in a list for a given string.
string is a string to search for (prompted if not given).
files is a list of pathnames of files to search, and generator is a function to generate the files if none are supplied.
If a match is found the file is displayed in a buffer with the cursor on the occurrence. Meta
makes the search continue until the next occurrence.
returns nil
For example:
(editor:search-files :files '(".login" ".cshrc") :string "alias")
The syntax of regular expressions in LispWorks is defined in 28.7 Regular expression syntax in the LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual.
The following commands search using regular expressions.
Regexp Forward Search
Regexp Reverse Search Editor Commands
Arguments: string
Key sequence: None
Performs a forward or backward search for string using regular expressions. The search pattern must be terminated with a carriage return before any searching is done. If an empty string is provided, the last regexp search is repeated.
See also: editor:regular-expression-search.
ISearch Forward Regexp Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: Meta
The command ISearch Forward Regexp
performs incremental search forwards, using regular expression matching.
ISearch Backward Regexp Editor Command
Arguments: string
Key sequence: Meta
The command ISearch Backward Regexp
performs incremental search backwards, using regular expression matching.
Count Occurrences Editor Command
Arguments: None
Default binding: None
editor:count-occurrences-command p &optional regexp
Counts the number of regular expression matches for the string regexp between the current point and the end of the buffer.
Count Matches
is a synonym for Count Occurrences
Arguments: target replacement
Key sequence: None
editor:replace-string-command p &optional target replacement
Replaces all occurrences of target string by replacement string, starting from the current point.
Whenever replacement is substituted for target, case may be preserved, depending on the value of the editor variable case-replace.
Arguments: target replacement
Key sequence: Meta
target replacement
editor:query-replace-command p &optional target replacement
Replaces occurrences of target string by replacement string, starting from the current point, but only after querying the user. Each time target is found, an action must be indicated from the keyboard.
Whenever replacement is substituted for target, case may be preserved, depending on the value of the editor variable case-replace.
The following key sequences are used to control Query Replace
Space or y |
Replace target by replacement and move to the next occurrence of target. |
Delete |
Skip target without replacing it and move to the next occurrence of target. |
. |
Replace target by replacement and then exit. |
! |
Replace all subsequent occurrences of target by replacement without prompting. |
Ctrl+R |
Enter recursive edit. This allows the current occurrence of target to be edited. When this editing is completed, Exit Recursive Edit should be invoked. The next instance of target is then found. |
Esc |
Quit from Query Replace with no further replacements. |
Directory Query Replace Editor Command
Arguments: directory target replacement
Key sequence: None
Replaces occurrences of target string by replacement string for each source file in directory, but only after querying the user.
The current working directory is offered as a default for directory.
By default only files with suffix .lisp
, .lsp
, .c
, .cpp
or .h
are searched. A non-nil prefix argument causes all files to be searched, except for those ending with one of the strings in the list system:*ignorable-file-suffices
Each time target is found, an action must be indicated from the keyboard. For details of possible actions see Query Replace.
System Query Replace Editor Command
Arguments: system target replacement
Key sequence: None
Replaces occurrences of target string by replacement string, for each file in system, but only after querying the user. Each time target is found, an action must be indicated from the keyboard. For details of possible actions see Query Replace.
Buffers Query Replace Editor Command
Arguments: target replacement
Key sequence: None
The command Buffers Query Replace
does a query replace operation on all opened buffers. See Query Replace for details of the operation.
Default value: t
If the value of this variable is t
, Replace String and Query Replace try to preserve case when doing replacements. If its value is nil
, the case of the replacement string is as defined by the user.
Replace Regexp
Query Replace Regexp Editor Commands
Arguments: target replacement
Key sequence: None
editor:replace-regexp-command p &optional target replacement
editor:query-replace-regexp-command p &optional target replacement
Replaces matches of target regular expression by replacement string, starting from the current point.
See 28.7 Regular expression syntax in the LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual for a description of regular expressions.
Replace Regexp
replaces all matches.
Query Replace Regexp
asks the user whether to replace each match in turn. Each time target is matched, an action must be indicated from the keyboard.
See 28.7 Regular expression syntax in the LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual for a description of regular expressions, and Query Replace for the keyboard gestures available.
When replacement contains a \
character, it has a special meaning. After each match, the Editor replaces all occurrences of \
char in replacement by the an appropriate string as documented below, and uses the result as the replacement string for this match. The character char following the Backslash must be one of:
& |
Use the string that matched the whole pattern. |
# |
Use a string that is the decimal representation of the number of matches that have already been replaced in the current operation (first one will use 0). |
\ |
Use the single character string "\\" . |
A non-zero digit |
Use the string that matched the corresponding \( and \) pair in the pattern, starting from 1. The pairs are counted by the order of appearance of the \( in the pattern, so nested pairs have larger numbers than their enclosing pairs. |
For example, you can change dates in the form dd/mm/yyyy
to the form yyyy-mm-dd
by using:
target | \([0-9][0-9]\)/\([0-9][0-9]\)/\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\) |
replacement | \3-\2-\1 |
This replaces, for example, 12/03/1979
by 1979-03-12
Compatibility note: the special meaning of the Backslash character \
was introduced in LispWorks 7.0.
Editor User Guide (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:51