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28.7 Regular expression syntax

Regular expressions can be used with functions such as find-regexp-in-string, regexp-find-symbols, count-regexp-occurrences and editor:regular-expression-search and also in the LispWorks IDE.

A regular expression (regexp) allows the specification of the search string to include wild characters, repeated characters, ranges of characters, and alternatives. Strings which follow a specific pattern can be located, which makes regular expression searches very powerful.

The regular expression syntax used is similar to that of GNU Emacs. Most characters match themselves, but a regular expression can contain the following special characters to produce the search pattern:

Matches any single character except a newline. For example, c.r matches any three character string starting with c and ending with r.

Matches the previous regexp any number of times (including zero times). For example, ca*r matches strings beginning with c and ending with r, with any number of as in-between.

An empty regexp followed by * matches an empty part of the input. By extension, ^* will match exactly what ^ matches.

Matches the previous regexp any number of times, but at least once. For example, ca+r matches strings beginning with c and ending with r, with at least one a in-between. An empty regexp followed by + matches an empty part of the input.
Matches the previous regexp either 0 or 1 times. For example, ca?r matches either the string cr or car, and nothing else. An empty regexp followed by ? matches an empty part of the input.
Matches the next regexp as long as it is at the beginning of a line. For example, ^foo matches the string foo as long as it is at the beginning of a line.
Matches the previous regexp as long as it is at the end of a line. For example, foo$ matches the string foo as long as it is at the end of a line.
[ ]

Contains a character set to be used for matching, where the other special characters mentioned do not apply. The empty string is automatically part of the character set. For example, [a.b] matches either a or . or b or the empty string. The regexp c[ad]*r matches strings beginning with c and ending with r , with any number of as and ds in-between.

The characters - and ^ have special meanings inside character sets. - defines a range and ^ defines a complement character set. For example, [a-d] matches any character in the range a to d inclusive, and [^ab] matches any character except a or b.

Quotes the special characters. For example, \* matches the character * (that is, * has lost its special meaning).
Specifies an alternative. For example, ab\|cd matches either ab or cd.
\(, \)
Provides a grouping construct. For example, ab\(cd\|ef\) matches either abcd or abef.

LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:08