All Manuals > CLIM 2.0 User Guide > 2 Drawing Graphics

2.2 Examples of Using CLIM Drawing Functions

Simple Use of the Drawing Functions shows the result of evaluating the following forms:

(clim:draw-rectangle* *my-sheet* 10 10 200 150 :filled nil
                      :line-thickness 2)
(clim:draw-line* *my-sheet* 200 10 10 150)
(clim:draw-point* *my-sheet* 180 25) 
(clim:draw-circle* *my-sheet* 100 75 40 :filled nil) 
(clim:draw-ellipse* *my-sheet* 160 110 30 0 0 10 :filled nil) 
(clim:draw-ellipse* *my-sheet* 160 110 10 0 0 30) 
(clim:draw-polygon* *my-sheet* '(20 20 50 80 40 20) :filled nil) 
(clim:draw-polygon* *my-sheet* '(30 90 40 110 20 110)) 

Simple Use of the Drawing Functions

CLIM 2.0 User Guide - 18 Feb 2025 15:40:09