Sometimes an accept method may wish to signal an error while it is parsing the user's input, or a nested call to accept may signal such an error itself. The following functions and conditions may be used:
Summary: The error that is signaled by parse-error
. This is a subclass of error.
parse-error format-string &rest format-arguments
Summary: Reports an error while parsing an input token. Does not return. format-string and format-arguments are as for the Common Lisp function format.
simple-parse-error Condition Class
Summary: The error that is signaled by simple-parse-error
. This is a subclass of parse-error.
simple-parse-error format-string &rest format-arguments
Summary: Signals a simple-parse-error when CLIM does not know how to parse some sort of user input while inside accept. Does not return. format-string and format-arguments are as for the Common Lisp function format.
input-not-of-required-type Condition Class
input-not-of-required-type object type
Summary: This condition is signalled by input-not-of-required-type
. This is a subclass of parse-error.
input-not-of-required-type Function
input-not-of-required-type object type
Summary: Reports that input does not satisfy the specified type by signalling an input-not-of-required-type error. object is a parsed object or an unparsed token (a string). type is a presentation type specifier. Does not return.
CLIM 2.0 User Guide - 18 Feb 2025 15:40:14