All Manuals > CLIM 2.0 User Guide > 15 Extended Stream Input Facilities

15.5 Pointer Tracking

tracking-pointer Macro

tracking-pointer (&optional stream &key pointer multiple-window transformp context-type highlight) &body body

Summary: The tracking-pointer macro provides a general means for running code while following the position of a pointing device and monitoring for other input events. The programmer supplies code (the clauses in body) to be run upon the occurrence of any of the following types of events:

The stream argument is not evaluated, and must be a symbol that is bound to an input sheet or stream. If stream is t, *standard-output* is used. body may have zero or more declarations as its first forms.

The pointer argument specifies a pointer to track. It defaults to the primary pointer for the sheet, (port-pointer stream).

When multiple-window is t, the pointer will be tracked across multiple windows; when nil, it will be tracked only in the window corresponding to stream.

When the boolean transformp is t, then the coordinates supplied to the :pointer-motion clause will be in the "user" coordinate system rather than in stream coordinates; that is, the medium's transformation will be applied to the coordinates.

context-type is used to specify the presentation type of presentations that will be "visible" to the tracking code for purposes of highlighting and for the :presentation, :presentation-button-press, and :presentation-button-release clauses. Supplying context-type is only useful when sheet is an output recording stream. context-type defaults to t, meaning that all presentations are visible.

When highlight is t, tracking-pointer will highlight applicable presentations as the pointer is positioned over them. highlight defaults to t when any of the :presentation, :presentation-button-press, or :presentation-button-release clauses is supplied; otherwise, it defaults to nil.

The body of tracking-pointer consists of a list of clauses. Each clause is of the form (clause-keyword arglist . clause-body) and defines a local function to be run upon occurrence of each type of event. The possible values for clause-keyword and the associated arglist are:

When both :presentation and :pointer-motion clauses are provided, the two are mutually exclusive. The :presentation clause will run only if the pointer is over an applicable presentation; otherwise the :pointer-motion clause will run.

When both :presentation-button-press and :pointer-button-press clauses are provided, the two clauses are mutually exclusive. The :presentation-button-press clause will run only if the pointer is over an applicable presentation; otherwise, the :pointer-button-press clause will run.

When both :presentation-button-release and :pointer-button-release clauses are provided, the two clauses are mutually exclusive. The :presentation-button-release clause will run only if the pointer is over an applicable presentation; otherwise, the :pointer-button-release clause will run.

Here is an example of tracking-pointer:

(in-package 'clim-user)
(define-application-frame test ()
   (main :application)))
(define-test-command (rubberband :menu t) ()
  (let ((x1 0);; x1, y1 represents the fix point
        (y1 0)
        (x2 0);; x2,y2 represents the point that is changing
        (y2 0)
        (mouse-button-press nil);; set to T when mouse button has
        ;; press to select pivot
        (stream (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'main)))
  (event x y )
  (setf x1 x
        y1 y
        x2 x
        y2 y)
  (draw-rectangle* stream x1 y1 x2 y2
                   :ink +flipping-ink+ :filled nil)
  (setf mouse-button-press t))
  (window x y)
  (when mouse-button-press
    (draw-rectangle* stream x1 y1 x2 y2
                     :ink +flipping-ink+ :filled nil)
    ;; draw
    (draw-rectangle* stream x1 y1 x y
                     :ink +flipping-ink+ :filled nil)
    (setf x2 x y2 y)))
 (:pointer-button-release (event x y )
                          (when mouse-button-press
                            (return (list x1 y1 x2 y2)))))))
(define-test-command (com-exit :menu "EXEUNT" :keystroke #-) ()
  (frame-exit *application-frame*))

drag-output-record Generic Function

drag-output-record stream output-record &key repaint multiple-window erase feedback finish-on-release

Summary: Enters an interaction mode in which the user moves the pointer and output-record "follows" the pointer by being dragged on the output recording stream stream. By default, the dragging is accomplished by erasing the output record from its previous position and redrawing at the new position. output-record remains in the output history of stream at its final position.

The returned values are the final x and y positions of the pointer, and the delta-x and delta-y position of the mouse with respect to the origin of the object at the time it was originally selected by the pointer.

The boolean repaint controls the appearance of the windows as the pointer is dragged. If repaint is t (the default), displayed contents of windows are not disturbed as the output record is dragged over them (that is, those regions of the screen are repainted). If it is nil, then no repainting is done as the output record is dragged.

erase identifies a function that will be called to erase the output record as it is dragged. It must be a function of two arguments, the output record to erase and the stream; it has dynamic extent. The default is erase-output-record.

feedback allows the programmer to identify a "feedback" function of seven arguments: the output record, the stream, the initial x and y position of the pointer, the current x and y position of the pointer, and a drawing argument (either :erase or :draw). It has dynamic extent. The default is nil, meaning that the feedback behavior will be for the output record to track the pointer. (The feedback argument is used when the programmer desires more complex feedback behavior, such as drawing a "rubber band" line as the user moves the mouse.) Note that if feedback is supplied, erase is ignored.

If the boolean finish-on-release is nil (the default), drag-output-record is exited when the user presses a pointer button. When it is t, drag-output-record is exited when the user releases the pointer button currently being held down.

dragging-output Macro

dragging-output (&optional stream &key repaint multiple-window finish-on-release) &body body

Summary: This macro is used by functions that want to move output records in an interactive fashion in a CLIM window. The body of the macro invocation contains code to draw a CLIM graphic. The resulting graphic tracks mouse motion in the window until the mouse button is pressed (or released, depending on the options).

body is evaluated inside of with-output-to-output-record to produce an output record for the stream stream, and then invokes drag-output-record on the record in order to drag the output. The output record is not inserted into stream's output history.

The returned values are the final x and y positions of the pointer, and the delta-x and delta-y position of the mouse with respect to the origin of the object at the time it was originally selected by the pointer.

The stream argument is not evaluated, and must be a symbol that is bound to an output recording stream stream. If stream is t (the default), *standard-output* is used. body may have zero or more declarations as its first forms.

repaint and finish-on-release are as for drag-output-record.

pointer-place-rubber-band-line* Function

pointer-place-rubber-band-line* &key start-x start-y stream pointer multiple-window finish-on-release

Summary: This function is used to place a rubber-band line. The input is the end points of a rubber-band line on the stream stream (which defaults to *standard-input*) via the pointer pointer.

If start-x and start-y are provided, the start point of the line is at (start-x,start-y). Otherwise, the start point of the line is selected by pressing a button on the pointer.

The pointer argument specifies a pointer from which to take input. It defaults to (port-pointer stream).

When the boolean multiple-window argument is t, input can be taken from a window other than the default window. However, input cannot be taken from more than one window at the same time. For instance, you cannot press the pointer button in one window to begin the line and release it in another window to indicate the end point of the line; the press and release must happen in the same window.

When the boolean finish-on-release is t, pointer-place-rubber-band-line* is exited when the user releases the pointer button currently being held down. When it is nil, pointer-place-rubber-band-line* is exited when the user presses a pointer button.

pointer-place-rubber-band-line* returns five values: the start X and Y of the line, the end X and Y of the line, and the window on which the line was drawn. The final value is useful only when multiple-window is t.

pointer-input-rectangle* Function

pointer-input-rectangle* &key left top right bottom stream pointer multiple-window finish-on-release

Summary: This function is used to input a rectangle via the pointer pointer. The input is the corners of a rectangle on the stream stream, which defaults to *standard-input*.

If left and top are provided, the upper left corner of the rectangle will be placed at (left,top). If right and bottom are provided, the lower right corner of the rectangle will be placed at (right,bottom). Otherwise, the upper left corner of the rectangle is selected by pressing a button on the pointer.

pointer, multiple-window, and finish-on-release are as for pointer-place-rubber-band-line*.

pointer-input-rectangle* returns five values: the left, top, right, and bottom corners of the rectangle, and the window on which the rectangle was drawn. The final value is useful only when multiple-window is true.

pointer-input-rectangle Function

pointer-input-rectangle &rest options &key rectangle stream pointer multiple-window finish-on-release &allow-other-keys

pointer-input-rectangle is exactly like pointer-input-rectangle* except that it takes as input and returns a rectangle object.

CLIM 2.0 User Guide - 18 Feb 2025 15:40:14