All Manuals > CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual




2pi constant 1055


abort-callback function 293

abort-dialog function 167 , 294

abort-exit-confirmer function 295

:accelerator initarg 119 , 644

Accelerators 119 , 561 , 644

accepts-focus-p generic function 296

:accepts-focus-p initarg 14 , 363 , 470

accessor functions

application-interface-application-menu 355

application-interface-dock-menu 355

application-interface-message-callback 355

browser-pane-before-navigate-callback 310

browser-pane-debug 310

browser-pane-document-complete-callback 310

browser-pane-internet-explorer-callback 310

browser-pane-navigate-complete-callback 310

browser-pane-navigate-error-callback 310

browser-pane-new-window-callback 310

browser-pane-status-text-change-callback 310

browser-pane-successful-p 310

browser-pane-title 310

browser-pane-title-change-callback 310

browser-pane-update-commands-callback 310

browser-pane-url 310

button-alternate-callback 804

button-armed-image 322

button-cancel-p 322

button-default-p 322

button-disabled-image 322

button-enabled 322

button-image 322

button-press-callback 804

button-selected 322

button-selected-disabled-image 322

button-selected-image 322

callbacks-action-callback 335

callbacks-callback-type 335

callbacks-extend-callback 335

callbacks-retract-callback 335

callbacks-selection-callback 335

capi-object-name 269 , 338

capi-object-plist 269 , 338

choice-initial-focus-item 343

choice-interaction 63 , 343

choice-selected-item 63

choice-selected-items 63

choice-selection 63 , 343

cocoa-view-pane-init-function 359

cocoa-view-pane-view-class 359

collection-items 102 , 363

collection-items-count-function 363

collection-items-get-function 363

collection-items-map-function 363

collection-print-function 363

collection-test-function 363

collector-pane-stream 369

display-pane-text 417

docking-layout-controller 424

docking-layout-divider-p 424

docking-layout-docking-test-function 424

docking-layout-items 424

docking-layout-orientation 424

document-frame-container 429

drawn-pinboard-object-display-callback 442

editor-pane-buffer 463

editor-pane-change-callback 454

editor-pane-composition-face 454

editor-pane-enabled 454

editor-pane-fixed-fill 454

editor-pane-line-wrap-face 454

editor-pane-line-wrap-marker 454

editor-pane-text 102 , 148 , 454

editor-pane-wrap-style 454

element-interface 471

element-parent 27 , 471

element-widget-name 273 , 471

filled 476 , 815

filtering-layout-matches-text 485

filtering-layout-state 485

form-title-adjust 494

form-title-gap 494

form-vertical-adjust 494

form-vertical-gap 494

graph-edge-from 504

graph-edge-to 504

graph-node-height 504

graph-node-in-edges 504

graph-node-out-edges 504

graph-node-width 504

graph-node-x 504

graph-node-y 504

graph-object-element 505

graph-object-object 505

graph-pane-layout-function 507

graph-pane-roots 507

help-key 363 , 471 , 645 , 992

image-height 226 , 1131

image-pinboard-object-image 526

image-width 226 , 1131

interactive-pane-stream 531

interactive-pane-top-level-function 531

interface-activate-callback 538

interface-confirm-destroy-function 538

interface-create-callback 538

interface-default-toolbar-states 538

interface-destroy-callback 538

interface-drag-image 538

interface-geometry-change-callback 538

interface-help-callback 538

interface-iconify-callback 538 , 548

interface-iconize-callback 548

interface-menu-bar-items 538

interface-message-area 538 , 548

interface-override-cursor 538

interface-pathname 538

interface-pointer-documentation-enabled 538

interface-title 18 , 150 , 538

interface-toolbar-items 538

interface-toolbar-states 538

interface-tooltips-enabled 538

interface-window-styles 538

item-collection 574

item-data 574

item-print-function 574

item-selected 574

item-text 574

labelled-line-text-background 578

labelled-line-text-foreground 578

layout-description 96 , 580

layout-ratios 371 , 836

layout-x-adjust 1054

layout-x-gap 518

layout-x-ratios 518

layout-y-adjust 1054

layout-y-gap 518

layout-y-ratios 518

list-panel-image-function 585

list-panel-keyboard-search-callback 585

list-panel-right-click-selection-behavior 585

list-panel-state-image-function 585

list-view-auto-arrange-icons 602

list-view-auto-reset-column-widths 602

list-view-columns 602

list-view-image-function 602

list-view-state-image-function 602

list-view-subitem-function 602

list-view-subitem-print-functions 602

list-view-view 602

menu-image-function 637

menu-items 637

menu-object-enabled 651

menu-popup-callback 651

menu-title 651

menu-title-function 651

ole-control-component-pane 673

option-pane-enabled 685

option-pane-enabled-positions 685

option-pane-image-function 685

option-pane-popup-callback 685

option-pane-separator-item 685

option-pane-visible-items-count 685

output-pane-composition-callback 690

output-pane-coordinate-origin 690

output-pane-create-callback 690

output-pane-destroy-callback 690

output-pane-display-callback 690

output-pane-focus-callback 690

output-pane-graphics-options 690

output-pane-input-model 690

output-pane-resize-callback 690

output-pane-scroll-callback 690

pane-layout 95 , 327 , 538

password-pane-overwrite-character 727

pinboard-object-activep 735

pinboard-object-graphics-args 735

pinboard-object-pinboard 735

popup-menu-button-menu 756

popup-menu-button-menu-function 756

range-callback 812

range-end 812

range-orientation 812

range-slug-end 812

range-slug-start 812

range-start 812

rich-text-pane-change-callback 826

rich-text-pane-limit 826

rich-text-pane-text 826

screen-depth 839

screen-height 839

screen-height-in-millimeters 839

screen-interfaces 429 , 839

screen-number 839

screen-width 839

screen-width-in-millimeters 839

scroll-bar-line-size 848

scroll-bar-page-size 848

shell-pane-command 891

simple-pane-background 897

simple-pane-cursor 15 , 897

simple-pane-drag-callback 897

simple-pane-drop-callback 897

simple-pane-enabled 485 , 897 , 999

simple-pane-font 897

simple-pane-foreground 897

simple-pane-horizontal-scroll 897

simple-pane-scroll-callback 897

simple-pane-vertical-scroll 897

simple-pane-visible-border 897

slider-print-function 912

slider-show-value-p 912

slider-start-point 912

slider-tick-frequency 912

stacked-tree-empty-tree-string 919

stacked-tree-item-function 919

stacked-tree-item-menu-function 919

stacked-tree-root 919

switchable-layout-combine-child-constraints 944

switchable-layout-visible-child 88 , 944

tab-layout-combine-child-constraints 947

tab-layout-image-function 947

tab-layout-visible-child-function 947

text-input-pane-buttons-enabled 955

text-input-pane-callback 955

text-input-pane-caret-position 955

text-input-pane-change-callback 955

text-input-pane-completion-function 955

text-input-pane-confirm-change-function 955

text-input-pane-editing-callback 955

text-input-pane-enabled 955

text-input-pane-max-characters 955

text-input-pane-navigation-callback 955

text-input-pane-text 955

text-input-range-callback 979

text-input-range-callback-type 979

text-input-range-change-callback 979

text-input-range-end 979

text-input-range-start 979

text-input-range-value 979

text-input-range-wraps-p 979

titled-object-message 983

titled-object-message-font 548 , 983

titled-object-title 148 , 983

titled-object-title-font 983

title-pane-text 981

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu 992

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu-function 992

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu-kind 992

toolbar-button-image 992

toolbar-button-popup-interface 992

toolbar-button-selected-image 992

toolbar-flat-p 989

toolbar-object-enabled-function 999

top-level-interface-external-border 538

top-level-interface-transparency 538

tree-view-action-callback-expand-p 1009

tree-view-checkbox-change-callback 1009

tree-view-checkbox-child-function 1009

tree-view-checkbox-initial-status 1009

tree-view-checkbox-next-map 1009

tree-view-checkbox-parent-function 1009

tree-view-checkbox-status 1009

tree-view-children-function 1009

tree-view-expandp-function 1009

tree-view-has-root-line 1009

tree-view-image-function 1009

tree-view-leaf-node-p-function 1009

tree-view-retain-expanded-nodes 1009

tree-view-right-click-extended-match 1009

tree-view-roots 1009

tree-view-state-image-function 1009


basic-graph-spec-color 1211

basic-graph-spec-function 1211

basic-graph-spec-name 1211

basic-graph-spec-range 1211

basic-graph-spec-start-x 1211

basic-graph-spec-step-x 1211

basic-graph-spec-thickness 1211

basic-graph-spec-var1 1211

basic-graph-spec-var2 1211

basic-graph-spec-var3 1211

basic-graph-spec-var4 1211

basic-graph-spec-var5 1211

basic-graph-spec-var6 1211

basic-graph-spec-x-offset 1211

basic-graph-spec-x-scale 1211

basic-graph-spec-y-offset 1211

basic-graph-spec-y-scale 1211

choice-selection 54

collection-items 66

compound-drawing-object-data 1212

compound-drawing-object-sub-object 1212

display-pane-text 21

editor-pane-line-wrap-face 26

editor-pane-line-wrap-marker 26

editor-pane-text 26

graph-edge-from 60

graph-edge-to 60

graph-node-height 60

graph-node-in-edges 60

graph-node-out-edges 60

graph-node-width 60

graph-node-x 60

graph-node-y 60

graph-pane-direction 59

graph-pane-layout-function 59

graph-pane-roots 56

item-data 32

item-print-function 32

item-text 32

objects-displayer-objects 1243

output-pane-input-model 186 , 692

pinboard-objects-displayer-objects 1245

stacked-tree-width-ratio 931

:action-callback initarg 53 , 58 , 63 , 335

:action-callback-expand-p initarg 1007

:activate-callback initarg 535

activate-pane function 297

:activep initarg 734 , 811

active-pane-copy function 298

active-pane-copy-p function 298

active-pane-cut function 298

active-pane-cut-p function 298

active-pane-deselect-all function 298

active-pane-deselect-all-p function 298

active-pane-paste function 298

active-pane-paste-p function 298

active-pane-select-all function 298

active-pane-select-all-p function 298

active-pane-undo function 298

active-pane-undo-p function 298

ActiveX 679

:adjust initarg 371 , 836

:adjust item in :buttons initarg 963

:after-input-callback initarg 25 , 287 , 453

"alive" interface

definition 480

"alive" pane

definition 302

:alternate-callback initarg 803

:alternating-background initarg 53 , 55 , 583

:alternative initarg 120 , 644

:alternative-action-callback initarg 63 , 335

analyze-external-image function 1056

anti-aliasing 457 , 508 , 691 , 911 , 1040 , 1050 , 1126 , 1130

text on GTK+ 730

text on Microsoft Windows 730

append-items generic function 299

Application menu 29 , 354

for LispWorks applications 124

application-interface-application-menu accessor function 355

application-interface-dock-menu accessor function 355

application-interface-message-callback accessor function 355

:application-menu initarg 355

apply-drawing-object class 1210

apply-in-pane-process function 39 , 97 , 300

apply-in-pane-process-if-alive function 39 , 97 , 302

apply-in-pane-process-wait-multiple function 302

apply-in-pane-process-wait-single function 302

apply-rotation function 1056

apply-rotation-around-point function 1057

apply-scale function 1058

apply-translation function 1059

apropos-color-alias-names function 247 , 1247

apropos-color-names function 246 , 1248

apropos-color-spec-names function 247 , 1249

:armed-image initarg 322

:armed-images initarg 326

arrow-pinboard-object class 304

attach-interface-for-callback function 305

attach-simple-sink function 306

attach-sink function 307

augment-font-description function 220 , 1060

:auto-arrange-icons initarg 601

:automatic-resize initarg 190 , 734 , 896

:auto-menus initarg 122 , 535

:auto-reset-column-widths initarg 601 , 661


background graphics state parameter 1123

:background initarg 12 , 895

balloon help 35

basic-graph-spec structure class 1211

basic-graph-spec-color accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-function accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-name accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-p function 1237

basic-graph-spec-range accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-start-x accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-step-x accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-thickness accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-var1 accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-var2 accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-var3 accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-var4 accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-var5 accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-var6 accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-x-offset accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-x-scale accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-y-offset accessor 1211

basic-graph-spec-y-scale accessor 1211

beep-pane function 308

:before-input-callback initarg 25 , 287 , 453

:before-navigate-callback initarg 309

:best-height initarg 176 , 177 , 535

:best-width initarg 176 , 535

:best-x initarg 535

:best-y initarg 535

Bézier curve 1083

bezier curve 1083

boole function 217

break gesture

on Cocoa 272

on GTK+ 272

on Microsoft Windows 271

on Motif 275

:browse-file item in :buttons initarg 962

browser-pane class 28 , 309

browser-pane-available-p function 317

browser-pane-before-navigate-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-busy function 318

browser-pane-debug accessor function 310

browser-pane-document-complete-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-go-back function 318

browser-pane-go-forward function 318

browser-pane-internet-explorer-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-navigate function 318

browser-pane-navigate-complete-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-navigate-error-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-new-window-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-property-get generic function 320

browser-pane-property-put generic function 320

browser-pane-refresh function 318

browser-pane-set-content function 318

browser-pane-status-text-change-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-stop function 318

browser-pane-successful-p accessor function 310

browser-pane-title accessor function 310

browser-pane-title-change-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-update-commands-callback accessor function 310

browser-pane-url accessor function 310

bubble help 35

:buffer initarg 453

:buffer-modes initarg 453

:buffer-name initarg 27 , 369 , 453

built-in scrolling 501

button class 321

button panels

orientation 45

prompting with 158 - 159

button-alternate-callback accessor function 804

button-armed-image accessor function 322

button-cancel-p accessor function 322

:button-class initarg 326

button-default-p accessor function 322

button-disabled-image accessor function 322

button-enabled accessor function 322

:button-height initarg 988

button-image accessor function 322

button-panel class 44 , 326

button-press-callback accessor function 804


check 33

push 32

radio 33

:buttons initarg 22 , 954

button-selected accessor function 322

button-selected-disabled-image accessor function 322

button-selected-image accessor function 322

:button-width initarg 988


calculate-constraints generic function 71 , 81 , 331

calculate-layout generic function 71 , 333

:callback initarg 21 , 32 , 321 , 323 , 485 , 650 , 812 , 848 , 953 , 979 , 991

:callback-data-function initarg 650

:callback-object initarg 484

callbacks 334

description of 8

for button panels 326

for buttons 323

general properties 19

graph panes 58

in choices 63

in interfaces 147 - 149

passing different variables 306

used for choices 50 - 53

using callback functions 11

callbacks class 19 , 44 , 334

:callbacks initarg 326 , 988 , 997

callbacks-action-callback accessor function 335

callbacks-callback-type accessor function 335

callbacks-extend-callback accessor function 335

callbacks-retract-callback accessor function 335

callbacks-selection-callback accessor function 335

:callback-type initarg 19 , 64 , 334 , 947 , 953 , 979

call-editor function 147

call-editor generic function 25 , 169 , 333

:cancel item in :buttons initarg 961

cancel-button image identifier 964

:cancel-button initarg 327

:cancel-function item in :buttons initarg 962

:cancel-p initarg 321

can-use-metafile-p function 337


basic objects 2 - 3

description of 1 - 3

linking code into 8

using the 5 - 6

CAPI process 407

capi-object class 338

capi-object-name accessor function 269 , 338

capi-object-plist accessor function 269 , 338

capi-object-property function 339

:caret-position initarg 953

:change-callback initarg 24 , 453 , 484 , 826 , 953 , 979

:change-callback-type initarg 953

:character-format initarg 826

charts and graphs

self-contained examples 291

check button panels 46

check buttons 33

:checkbox-change-callback initarg 1008

:checkbox-child-function initarg 1008

:checkbox-initial-status initarg 1008

:checkbox-next-map initarg 1008

:checkbox-parent-function initarg 1008

:checkbox-status initarg 1008

check-button class 33 , 44 , 340

check-button-panel class 44 , 46 , 62 , 341

%child% geometry slot 1043

:child initarg 910


of a layout 69

:children-function initarg 57 , 506 , 1007

choice class 43 , 342

:choice-class initarg 158

choice-initial-focus-item accessor function 343

choice-interaction accessor function 63 , 343

choices 43 - 67

callbacks available 63

description of 43 - 67

general properties 62 - 67

relationship to menus 62

choice-selected-item accessor function 63

choice-selected-item generic function 346

choice-selected-item-p function 348

choice-selected-items accessor function 63

choice-selected-items generic function 349

choice-selection accessor 54

choice-selection accessor function 63 , 343

choice-update-item function 350

class options

:definition 393

:interfaces 402

:layouts 393

:menu-bar 111 , 393

:menus 393

:panes 393

:source-interfaces 402


apply-drawing-object 1210

arrow-pinboard-object 304

browser-pane 28 , 309

button 321

button-panel 44 , 326

callbacks 19 , 44 , 334

capi-object 338

check-button 33 , 44 , 340

check-button-panel 44 , 46 , 62 , 341

choice 43 , 342

cocoa-default-application-interface 29 , 354

cocoa-view-pane 29 , 358

collection 43 , 362

collections 44

collector-pane 369

color-screen 370

column-layout 45 , 72 , 74 , 142 , 370

compound-drawing-object 1212

creating your own 173 - 198

display-pane 21 , 75 , 417

docking-layout 423

document-container 429

document-frame 92 , 429

double-headed-arrow-pinboard-object 430

double-list-panel 431

drawing-object 1215

drawn-pinboard-object 194 , 213 , 442

echo-area-pane 450

editor-pane 23 , 75 , 147 , 168 , 172 , 208 , 453

element 469

ellipse 476

expandable-item-pinboard-object 483

extended-selection-tree-view 55 , 483

external-image 221 , 1096

filtering-layout 484

foreign-owned-interface 493

form-layout 494

geometry-drawing-object 1233

graph-edge 503

graphics-port-mixin 1122

graph-node 504

graph-object 505

graph-pane 56 , 208 , 506

grid-layout 14 , 76 , 517

image 221 , 1131

image-list 53 , 55 , 524

image-pinboard-object 526

image-set 527

interactive-pane 30 , 531

interface 2 , 18 , 35 , 70 , 138 , 534

item 573

item-pinboard-object 190 , 576

labelled-arrow-pinboard-object 577

labelled-line-pinboard-object 578

layout 579

line-pinboard-object 581

listener-pane 31 , 75 , 606

list-panel 14 , 48 , 170 , 583

list-view 600

menu 2 , 110 , 121 , 637

menu-component 2 , 111 , 642

menu-item 2 , 114 , 121 , 644

menu-object 650

message-pane 656

metafile-port 656

mono-screen 660

multi-column-list-panel 661

multi-line-text-input-pane 22 , 666

non-focus-list-interface 668

objects-displayer 1242

ole-control-component 29 , 673

ole-control-doc 675

ole-control-frame 676

ole-control-pane 29 , 679

ole-control-pane-simple-sink 682

option-pane 14 , 60 , 684

output-pane 26 , 35 , 80 , 122 , 173 , 199 , 207 , 208 , 253 , 689

password-pane 727

pinboard-layout 35 , 77 , 187 , 191 , 208 , 728

pinboard-object 69 , 187 , 733

pinboard-objects-displayer 1245

pixmap-port 1162

popup-menu-button 756

printer-port 255 , 767

progress-bar 29 , 771

push-button 32 , 44 , 803

push-button-panel 44 , 805

radio-button 34 , 808

radio-button-panel 44 , 45 , 62 , 809

range-pane 29 , 811

rectangle 815

rich-text-pane 27 , 826

right-angle-line-pinboard-object 835

row-layout 45 , 72 , 836

screen 838

scroll-bar 29 , 848

shell-pane 891

simple-layout 893

simple-network-pane 894

simple-pane 69 , 895

simple-pinboard-layout 909

slider 29 , 912

sorted-object 915

stacked-tree 56 , 918

static-layout 938

string-drawing-object 1246

switchable-layout 943

tab-layout 88 , 946

text-input-choice 951

text-input-pane 14 , 21 , 70 , 168 , 172 , 953

text-input-range 978

titled-menu-object 982

titled-object 14 , 17 , 982

titled-pinboard-object 986

title-pane 17 , 980

toolbar 125 , 134 , 988

toolbar-button 35 , 991

toolbar-component 36 , 127 , 996

toolbar-object 999

tracking-pinboard-layout 1006

tree-view 55 , 1006

x-y-adjustable-layout 1053

clear-external-image-conversions function 224 , 1061

clear-graphics-port function 1061

clear-graphics-port-state function 1062

clear-rectangle function 1062

clip 213 , 215 , 1125 , 1193

clipboard function 351

clipboard-empty function 353

clipping 213 , 215 , 1125 , 1193

clone generic function 354

Close menu command 416

:close-callback initarg 679


clues 35


Cocoa Event Loop process 408

Cocoa view class 29

cocoa-default-application-cocoa-default-application-interface class 29

cocoa-default-application-interface class 354

cocoa-view-pane class 29 , 358

cocoa-view-pane-init-function accessor function 359

cocoa-view-pane-view function 29 , 360

cocoa-view-pane-view-class accessor function 359

collect-interfaces generic function 361

collection class 43 , 362

:collection initarg 573

collection-find-next-string generic function 366

collection-find-string generic function 367

collection-items accessor 66

collection-items accessor function 102 , 363

collection-items-count-function accessor function 363

collection-items-get-function accessor function 363

collection-items-map-function accessor function 363

collection-last-search generic function 367

collection-print-function accessor function 363


description of 43

collection-search generic function 368

collection-test-function accessor function 363

collector panes 30

collector-pane class 369

collector-pane-stream accessor function 369

color-blue function 1251

*color-database* variable 1252

color-from-premultiplied function 1252

:color-function initarg 583 , 919

color-green function 1251

color-hue function 1251

color-level function 1250 , 1254

color-model function 1255

color-red function 1251


prompting for 160

:colors initarg 919

colors= function 248 , 1257

color-saturation function 1251

color-screen class 370

color-spec-model function 245

color-to-premultiplied function 1253

color-value function 1251

color-with-alpha function 1256

:column initarg 517

:column-function initarg 661

column-layout class 45 , 72 , 74 , 142 , 370

column-layout-divider 371

:columns initarg 54 , 661

:combine-child-constraints initarg 944 , 946

combo box 61

combo boxes 60

:command initarg 891

command table 689

complete-button image identifier 964

:complete-do-action initarg 954

complete-in-place function 172

:completion item in :buttons initarg 961

:completion-function initarg 954

component-name function 373

:component-name initarg 679 , 682

compositing-mode graphics state parameter 218 , 1126

:compositing-mode initarg 281

:composition-callback initarg 187 , 690 , 707

:composition-face initarg 454

compound-drawing-object class 1212

compound-drawing-object-data accessor 1212

compound-drawing-object-sub-object accessor 1212

compress-external-image function 1063

compute-char-extents function 1064

compute-drawing-object-from-data function 1213

comtab 689

Confirm Before Exiting 374 , 859

:confirm-change-function initarg 954

:confirm-destroy-function initarg 535

confirmer-pane function 375

confirm-quit function 373

confirm-yes-or-no function 155 , 375


2pi 1055

f2pi 1102

fpi 1110

fpi-by-2 1110

pi-by-2 1161

contain function 7 , 39 , 190 , 376

container 93

container special slot 93 , 430

context menu 122 , 131 , 287 , 421 , 425 , 426 , 547 , 637

continuation function, dialog

creating 1035

using 410 , 708 , 749 , 761 , 774 , 776 , 779 , 781 , 783 , 784 , 786 , 790 , 791 , 792 , 794 , 803

:controller initarg 92 , 424

convert-color function 227 , 249 , 1257

convert-external-image function 225 , 1065

convert-relative-position function 378

convert-to-font-description function 1065

convert-to-screen function 273 , 275 , 379

:coordinate-origin initarg 201 , 689


defining operation for your interface class 105

operation on active element 104

copy-area function 208 , 1066

copy-basic-graph-spec function 1237

copy-external-image function 1068

copy-pixels function 1068

copy-transform function 1070

count-collection-items generic function 382

:create-callback initarg 98 , 535 , 673 , 690

create-dummy-graphics-port function 383

create-pixmap-port function 208 , 212 , 1070

creating menus 109

creating submenus 110

creating toolbars 125

current-dialog-handle function 384

current-document generic function 385

current-pointer-position function 385

current-popup function 386

current-printer function 253 , 387

current-process-send function 40

cursor format

on Cocoa 607

on GTK+ 607

on Microsoft Windows 607

:cursor initarg 15 , 896


defining operation for your interface class 105

operation on active element 104


dash graphics state parameter 1125

dashed graphics state parameter 1125

:data callback type 64

:data initarg 8 , 32 , 573

:data-function initarg 285

:data-interface callback type 64

:debug initarg 310

:default initarg 579

default settings

selections 53

:default-button initarg 327

*default-editor-pane-line-wrap-marker* variable 388

:default-image-set initarg 989 , 997

*default-image-translation-table* variable 1072 , 1140

:default-initargs class option 140 , 142

default-library function 388

*default-non-focus-message-timeout* variable 389

*default-non-focus-message-timeout-extension* variable 389

:default-p initarg 321

:default-toolbar-states initarg 537

defclass macro 138 , 140 , 176

define-color-alias function 245 , 1258

define-color-models macro 250 , 1260

define-command macro 390

define-font-alias function 1072

define-interface macro 138 , 392

arguments supplied to 140

define-layout macro 399

define-menu macro 400

define-ole-control-component macro 29 , 401

:definition class option 393

defpackage function 6

delete-color-translation function 245 , 249 , 1261

:delete-item-callback initarg 1007

deliver function 106 , 223

:depth initarg 838

:description initarg 69 , 73 , 187 , 570 , 579 , 946 , 948

description of the CAPI 1 - 3

destroy button

removal 544

destroy generic function 106 , 403

:destroy-callback initarg 535 , 673 , 690

destroy-dependent-object generic function 404

destroy-pixmap-port function 1073

detach-simple-sink function 405

detach-sink function 406

dialog continuation function

creating 1035

using 410 , 708 , 749 , 761 , 774 , 776 , 779 , 781 , 783 , 784 , 786 , 790 , 791 , 792 , 794 , 803


aborting 294

creating your own 163 - 167

description of 153 - 167

in front 162

modal 161

owners 162 - 163

:directories-only initarg 954

:disabled-image initarg 321

:disabled-images initarg 326

display callback 176

display function 7 , 8 , 39 , 275 , 407

display panes 20

:display-callback initarg 226 , 442 , 689 , 1243

display-dialog function 163 , 167 , 409

display-errors macro 412

displaying text on screen 20

display-message function 9 , 154 , 412

display-message-for-pane function 413

display-message-on-screen function 413

display-non-focus-message function 414

display-pane class 21 , 75 , 417

display-pane-selected-text function 418

display-pane-selection function 419

display-pane-selection-p function 419

display-pane-text accessor 21

display-pane-text accessor function 417

display-popup-menu function 123 , 420

display-replacable-dialog function 421

:display-state initarg 536

display-tooltip generic function 422

dither-color-spec function 1073

:divider-p initarg 424

:dividerp initarg 988

dividers 90

Dock menu 29 , 354

:docking-callback initarg 424

docking-layout class 423

docking-layout-controller accessor function 424

docking-layout-divider-p accessor function 424

docking-layout-docking-test-function accessor function 424

docking-layout-items accessor function 424

docking-layout-orientation accessor function 424

docking-layout-pane-docked-p function 427

docking-layout-pane-visible-p function 428

:docking-test-function initarg 424

:dock-menu initarg 355

document changed

on Cocoa 151 , 556

document modified

on Cocoa 151 , 556

document unsaved

on Cocoa 151 , 556

:document-complete-callback initarg 309

document-container class 429

document-frame class 92 , 429

document-frame-container accessor function 429

double buffering 208

double-headed-arrow-pinboard-object class 430

:double-head-predicate initarg 430

double-list-panel class 431

Drag and drop

coordinates 448

dragging 434

dropping 896

effect 443 , 446

formats 449 , 863

in an output-pane 280

object 447

self-contained examples 283

temporary display 934 , 935

visual feedback while dragging 280

:drag-callback initarg 896

:drag-image initarg 537

drag-pane-object function 434

draw-arc function 214 , 1074

draw-arcs function 214 , 1075

draw-character function 214 , 1076

draw-circle function 175 , 1077

draw-ellipse function 214 , 1078

draw-image function 221 , 222 , 1079

drawing bar charts 238

drawing graphs 238

:drawing-mode initarg 689

drawing-object class 1215

:drawing-object initarg 1243

draw-line function 214 , 1082

draw-lines function 214 , 1083

draw-metafile function 436

draw-metafile-to-image function 437

drawn-pinboard-object class 194 , 213 , 442

drawn-pinboard-object-display-callback accessor function 442

draw-path function 215 , 1083

draw-pinboard-layout-objects function 439

draw-pinboard-object generic function 440

draw-pinboard-object-highlighted generic function 441

draw-point function 178 , 1087

draw-points function 1088

draw-polygon function 214 , 1089

draw-polygons function 214 , 1090

draw-rectangle function 214 , 1091

draw-rectangles function 214 , 1092

draw-string function 214 , 1093

:draw-with-buffer initarg 689

:drop-callback initarg 896

drop-down list box 61

:drop-down-menu initarg 287

:dropdown-menu initarg 991

:dropdown-menu-function initarg 991

:dropdown-menu-kind initarg 991

drop-object-allows-drop-effect-p function 443

drop-object-collection-index function 444

drop-object-collection-item function 445

drop-object-drop-effect function 446

drop-object-get-object function 447

drop-object-pane-x generic function 448

drop-object-pane-y generic function 448

drop-object-provides-format function 449


:echo-area initarg 24 , 453

*echo-area-cursor-inactive-style* variable 450

echo-area-pane class 450

:edge-pane-function initarg 507

:edge-pinboard-class initarg 506

Edit > Copy menu command 119

Edit > Cut menu command 119

Edit > Find... menu command 119

Edit > Paste menu command 119

Edit > Redo menu command 119

Edit > Replace... menu command 119

Edit > Select All menu command 119

Edit > Undo menu command 119

Edit menu 122

edit operations

defining for your interface class 105

on active element 104

:editing-callback initarg 954

editor panes 23

*editor-cursor-active-style* variable 451

*editor-cursor-color* variable 451

*editor-cursor-drag-style* variable 452

*editor-cursor-inactive-style* variable 452

editor-pane class 23 , 75 , 147 , 168 , 172 , 208 , 453

subclasses 30

editor-pane-blink-rate generic function 26 , 462

editor-pane-buffer accessor function 463

editor-pane-change-callback accessor function 454

editor-pane-composition-face accessor function 454

*editor-pane-composition-selected-range-face-plist* variable 464

editor-pane-default-composition-callback function 26 , 464

*editor-pane-default-composition-face* variable 466

editor-pane-enabled accessor function 454

editor-pane-fixed-fill accessor function 454

editor-pane-line-wrap-face accessor 26

editor-pane-line-wrap-face accessor function 454

editor-pane-line-wrap-marker accessor 26

editor-pane-line-wrap-marker accessor function 454

editor-pane-native-blink-rate function 26 , 467

editor-pane-selected-text function 26

editor-pane-selected-text generic function 467

editor-pane-selected-text-p function 26

editor-pane-selected-text-p generic function 468

editor-pane-stream generic function 468

editor-pane-text accessor 26

editor-pane-text accessor function 102 , 148 , 454

editor-pane-wrap-style accessor function 454

editor-window generic function 469

:element callback type 64

element class 469

element-container function 475

element-interface accessor function 471

element-interface-for-callback generic function 475

element-parent accessor function 27 , 471


creating your own 173 - 198

generic properties of 11 - 12

element-screen function 476

element-widget-name accessor function 273 , 471

ellipse class 476

:empty-tree-string initarg 919

:enabled initarg 27 , 32 , 321 , 453 , 484 , 650 , 684 , 895 , 953 , 999

:enabled-function initarg 120 , 650 , 999

:enabled-function-for-dialog initarg 121 , 645

:enabled-positions initarg 684

:enabled-slot initarg 650

:enable-pointer-documentation initarg 536

:enable-tooltips initarg 536

end-pane-drag-operation function 936

:end-x initarg 188 , 581

:end-y initarg 188 , 581

ensure-area-visible generic function 477

ensure-color function 248 , 1261

ensure-gdiplus function 1094

ensure-gray function 1263

ensure-hsv function 1263

ensure-interface-screen function 477

ensure-model-color function 248 , 1262

ensure-rgb function 1263

Escape key 747

:evaluate keyword argument 161

event handler

key strokes 179 , 692

mouse click 179 , 692

mouse gestures 179 , 692

mouse move 179 , 692

event handlers 177 - 186

execute-with-interface function 39 , 97 , 478

execute-with-interface-if-alive function 39 , 97 , 479

exit-confirmer function 163 , 165 , 481

exit-dialog function 165 , 167 , 482

expandable-item-pinboard-object class 483

:expandp-function initarg 1007

:extend-callback initarg 52 , 58 , 63 , 335

extended selection

specifying 62

using on different platforms 62

:extended-selection interaction style 49 , 50 , 62

extended-selection-tree-view class 55 , 483

extension gesture 50

external constraints 80

external image

dimensions 226

from displayed window 229

from on-screen window 229

width and height 226

:external-border initarg 536

external-image class 221 , 1096

external-image-color-table function 1097

externalize-and-write-image function 223 , 1098

externalize-image function 224 , 1100

:external-max-height initarg 81 , 471 , 735

:external-max-width initarg 81 , 471 , 734

:external-min-height initarg 81 , 470 , 734

:external-min-width initarg 80 , 470 , 734


f2pi constant 1102

File > Close menu command 119

File > Exit menu command 119

File > New menu command 119

File > Open... menu command 119

File > Print... menu command 119

File > Save menu command 119

:file-completion initarg 172 , 954

:filename initarg 826


prompting for 159 - 161

filled accessor function 476 , 815

:filled initarg 476 , 815

fill-style graphics state parameter 1124

:filter initarg 53 , 487 , 583

:filter-automatic-p initarg 584

:filter-callback initarg 584

:filter-change-callback-p initarg 584

:filter-help-string initarg 584

filtering-layout class 484

filtering-layout-matches-text accessor function 485

filtering-layout-match-object-and-exclude-p function 489

filtering-layout-state accessor function 485

:filter-matches-title initarg 584

:filter-short-menu-text initarg 584

find-best-font function 219 , 1102

find-graph-edge generic function 489

find-graph-node generic function 490

finding panes

interfaces 393

find-interface generic function 491

find-matching-fonts function 219 , 1103

find-pane 393

find-string-in-collection generic function 492

fit-object function 1217

:fit-size-to-children initarg 938

:fixed-fill initarg 453

:flag initarg 453

:flatp initarg 989


for keyboard gestures 14

for keyboard input 14

keyboard input on Cocoa 545

mouse events on Cocoa 545

moving to a new pane 297

setting to a pane 714 , 879

:focus-callback initarg 690

folding toolbars 125

font graphics state parameter 1126

:font initarg 12 , 895

font type 1104

font-description function 1106

font-description type 1105

font-description-attributes function 1107

font-description-attribute-value function 1107

font-dual-width-p function 1108

font-fixed-width-p function 1108

fonts 12

attributes 219

font descriptions 219

lookup 220

prompting for 160

font-single-width-p function 1109

force-objects-redraw function 1221

force-screen-update function 492

force-update-all-screens function 493

foreground graphics state parameter 1123

:foreground initarg 12 , 895

foreign-owned-interface class 493

form-layout class 494

form-title-adjust accessor function 494

form-title-gap accessor function 494

form-vertical-adjust accessor function 494

form-vertical-gap accessor function 494

fpi constant 1110

fpi-by-2 constant 1110

frame 18 , 984

free-image function 221 , 225 , 1110

free-image-access function 227 , 1111

free-metafile function 495

free-sound function 496

:from initarg 503

full screen windows on Cocoa 545


abort-callback 293

abort-dialog 167 , 294

abort-exit-confirmer 295

activate-pane 297

active-pane-copy 298

active-pane-copy-p 298

active-pane-cut 298

active-pane-cut-p 298

active-pane-deselect-all 298

active-pane-deselect-all-p 298

active-pane-paste 298

active-pane-paste-p 298

active-pane-select-all 298

active-pane-select-all-p 298

active-pane-undo 298

active-pane-undo-p 298

analyze-external-image 1056

apply-in-pane-process 39 , 97 , 300

apply-in-pane-process-if-alive 39 , 97 , 302

apply-in-pane-process-wait-multiple 302

apply-in-pane-process-wait-single 302

apply-rotation 1056

apply-rotation-around-point 1057

apply-scale 1058

apply-translation 1059

apropos-color-alias-names 247 , 1247

apropos-color-names 246 , 1248

apropos-color-spec-names 247 , 1249

attach-interface-for-callback 305

attach-simple-sink 306

attach-sink 307

augment-font-description 220 , 1060

basic-graph-spec-p 1237

beep-pane 308

boole 217

browser-pane-available-p 317

browser-pane-busy 318

browser-pane-go-back 318

browser-pane-go-forward 318

browser-pane-navigate 318

browser-pane-refresh 318

browser-pane-set-content 318

browser-pane-stop 318

call-editor 147 , 169

can-use-metafile-p 337

capi-object-property 339

choice-selected-item-p 348

choice-update-item 350

clear-external-image-conversions 224 , 1061

clear-graphics-port 1061

clear-graphics-port-state 1062

clear-rectangle 1062

clipboard 351

clipboard-empty 353

cocoa-view-pane-view 29 , 360

color-blue 1251

color-from-premultiplied 1252

color-green 1251

color-hue 1251

color-level 1250 , 1254

color-model 1255

color-red 1251

colors= 248 , 1257

color-saturation 1251

color-spec-model 245

color-to-premultiplied 1253

color-value 1251

color-with-alpha 1256

complete-in-place 172

component-name 373

compress-external-image 1063

compute-char-extents 1064

compute-drawing-object-from-data 1213

confirmer-pane 375

confirm-quit 373

confirm-yes-or-no 155 , 375

contain 7 , 39 , 190 , 376

convert-color 227 , 249 , 1257

convert-external-image 225 , 1065

convert-relative-position 378

convert-to-font-description 1065

convert-to-screen 273 , 275 , 379

copy-area 208 , 1066

copy-basic-graph-spec 1237

copy-external-image 1068

copy-pixels 1068

copy-transform 1070

create-dummy-graphics-port 383

create-pixmap-port 208 , 212 , 1070

current-dialog-handle 384

current-pointer-position 385

current-popup 386

current-printer 253 , 387

current-process-send 40

default-library 388

define-color-alias 245 , 1258

define-font-alias 1072

defpackage 6

delete-color-translation 245 , 249 , 1261

deliver 106 , 223

destroy 106

destroy-pixmap-port 1073

detach-simple-sink 405

detach-sink 406

display 7 , 8 , 39 , 275 , 407

display-dialog 163 , 167 , 409

display-message 9 , 154 , 412

display-message-for-pane 413

display-message-on-screen 413

display-non-focus-message 414

display-pane-selected-text 418

display-pane-selection 419

display-pane-selection-p 419

display-popup-menu 123 , 420

display-replacable-dialog 421

dither-color-spec 1073

docking-layout-pane-docked-p 427

docking-layout-pane-visible-p 428

drag-pane-object 434

draw-arc 214 , 1074

draw-arcs 214 , 1075

draw-character 214 , 1076

draw-circle 175 , 1077

draw-ellipse 214 , 1078

draw-image 221 , 222 , 1079

draw-line 214 , 1082

draw-lines 214 , 1083

draw-metafile 436

draw-metafile-to-image 437

draw-path 215 , 1083

draw-pinboard-layout-objects 439

draw-point 178 , 1087

draw-points 1088

draw-polygon 214 , 1089

draw-polygons 214 , 1090

draw-rectangle 214 , 1091

draw-rectangles 214 , 1092

draw-string 214 , 1093

drop-object-allows-drop-effect-p 443

drop-object-collection-index 444

drop-object-collection-item 445

drop-object-drop-effect 446

drop-object-get-object 447

drop-object-provides-format 449

editor-pane-default-composition-callback 26 , 464

editor-pane-native-blink-rate 26 , 467

editor-pane-selected-text 26

editor-pane-selected-text-p 26

element-container 475

element-screen 476

end-pane-drag-operation 936

ensure-color 248 , 1261

ensure-gdiplus 1094

ensure-gray 1263

ensure-hsv 1263

ensure-interface-screen 477

ensure-model-color 248 , 1262

ensure-rgb 1263

execute-with-interface 39 , 97 , 478

execute-with-interface-if-alive 39 , 97 , 479

exit-confirmer 163 , 165 , 481

exit-dialog 165 , 167 , 482

external-image-color-table 1097

externalize-and-write-image 223 , 1098

externalize-image 224 , 1100

filtering-layout-match-object-and-exclude-p 489

find-best-font 219 , 1102

find-matching-fonts 219 , 1103

fit-object 1217

font-description 1106

font-description-attributes 1107

font-description-attribute-value 1107

font-dual-width-p 1108

font-fixed-width-p 1108

font-single-width-p 1109

force-objects-redraw 1221

force-screen-update 492

force-update-all-screens 493

free-image 221 , 225 , 1110

free-image-access 227 , 1111

free-metafile 495

free-sound 496

general-handle-event 40

generate-bar-chart 1222

generate-graph-from-graph-spec 1237

generate-graph-from-pairs 1225

generate-grid-lines 1226

generate-labels 1231

get-all-color-names 247 , 1264

get-bounds 1111

get-character-extent 1114

get-char-ascent 1112

get-char-descent 1113

get-char-width 1113

get-color-alias-translation 246 , 1265

get-color-spec 244 , 1266

get-constraints 71 , 497

get-enclosing-rectangle 1115

get-font-ascent 1115

get-font-average-width 1116

get-font-descent 1116

get-font-height 1117

get-font-width 1117

get-graphics-state 1118

get-origin 1118

get-page-area 255 , 500

get-printer-metrics 255 , 501

get-string-extent 1119

get-transform-scale 1120

graphics-port-background 1121

graphics-port-font 1121

graphics-port-foreground 1121

graphics-port-transform 1121

graphics-state-background 1127

graphics-state-compositing-mode 1127

graphics-state-dash 1127

graphics-state-dashed 1127

graphics-state-fill-style 1127

graphics-state-font 1127

graphics-state-foreground 1127

graphics-state-line-end-style 1127

graphics-state-line-joint-style 1127

graphics-state-mask 1127

graphics-state-mask-transform 1127

graphics-state-mask-x 1127

graphics-state-mask-y 1127

graphics-state-operation 1127

graphics-state-pattern 1127

graphics-state-scale-thickness 1127

graphics-state-shape-mode 1127

graphics-state-stipple 1127

graphics-state-text-mode 1127

graphics-state-thickness 1127

graphics-state-transform 1127

graph-pane-edges 514

graph-pane-nodes 514

graph-pane-object-at-position 515

hide-interface 522

hide-pane 523

highlight-pinboard-object 523

image-access-height 1131

image-access-pixel 226 , 1132

image-access-pixels-from-bgra 1134

image-access-pixels-to-bgra 1135

image-access-transfer-from-image 226 , 227 , 1136

image-access-transfer-to-image 227 , 1137

image-access-width 1131

image-freed-p 1138

image-loader 1138

image-translation 1139

initialize-dithers 1140

inset-rectangle 1140

inside-rectangle 1141

installed-libraries 530

install-postscript-printer 528

interface-customize-toolbar 132 , 554

interface-default-toolbar-states 132

interface-display 221 , 226

interface-display-title 556

interface-document-modified-p 556

interface-iconified-p 559

interface-preserving-state-p 565

interface-toolbar-state 132 , 567

interface-visible-p 569

invalidate-pane-constraints 571

invalidate-rectangle-from-points 1143

invert-transform 1144

invoke-command 572

invoke-untranslated-command 572

line-pinboard-object-coordinates 582

list-all-font-names 219 , 1145

listener-pane-insert-value 606

list-known-image-formats 222 , 223 , 1145

list-panel-items-and-filter 596

list-panel-search-with-function 597

load-color-database 249 , 1267

load-cursor 607

load-icon-image 222 , 225 , 1146

load-image 225 , 1148

load-sound 611

lower-interface 613

make-absolute-drawing 1217

make-absolute-drawing* 1217

make-a-drawing-call 1234

make-basic-graph-spec 1237

make-dither 1150

make-docking-layout-controller 615

make-draw-arc 1234

make-draw-circle 1234

make-draw-ellipse 1234

make-draw-line 1234

make-draw-lines 1234

make-draw-polygon 1234

make-draw-rectangle 1234

make-draw-string 1239

make-font-description 1151

make-foreign-owned-interface 615

make-general-image-set 617

make-graphics-state 1152

make-gray 1268

make-hsv 245 , 1269

make-icon-resource-image-set 618

make-image 1153

make-image-access 226

make-image-from-port 218 , 225 , 1155

make-image-locator 619

make-instance 5

make-menu-for-pane 123 , 619

make-pinboard-objects-displayer 1241

make-resource-image-set 623

make-rgb 245 , 1270

make-scaled-general-image-set 624

make-scaled-image-set 625

make-scaled-sub-image 225 , 1155

make-sorting-description 626

make-sub-image 225 , 1157

make-transform 1158

map-typeout 636

merge-font-descriptions 220 , 1159

modify-editor-pane-buffer 26 , 657

modify-multi-column-list-panel-columns 657

modify-stacked-tree 659

non-focus-list-add-filter 667

non-focus-list-remove-filter 667

non-focus-list-toggle-enable-filter 668

non-focus-list-toggle-filter 667

offset-rectangle 1159

ole-control-add-verbs 672

ole-control-close-object 672

ole-control-i-dispatch 677

ole-control-insert-object 677

ole-control-ole-object 678

ole-control-pane-frame 681

ole-control-user-component 683

ordered-rectangle-union 1160

output-pane-cached-display-user-info 702

output-pane-cache-display 701

output-pane-draw-from-cached-display 703

output-pane-free-cached-display 704

output-pane-stop-composition 706

page-setup-dialog 254 , 708

pane-can-restore-display-p 712

pane-close-display 712

pane-descendant-child-with-focus 713

pane-drag-operation-update 936

pane-modifiers-state 717

pane-restore-display 722

pane-screen-internal-geometry 41 , 151 , 722

pane-supports-menus-with-images 122 , 725

pinboard-object-highlighted-p 741

pixblt 1161

play-sound 745

popup-confirmer 163 , 165 , 167 , 745

popup-menu-force-popdown 124 , 757

port-graphics-state 1163

port-height 1164

port-owner 1164

port-string-height 1165

port-string-width 1165

port-width 1166

position-and-fit-object 1217

position-object 1217

postmultiply-transforms 1167

premultiply-transforms 1167

print-dialog 163 , 254 , 760

print-editor-buffer 26 , 256 , 762

printer-configuration-dialog 257 , 765

printer-metrics-device-height 766

printer-metrics-device-width 766

printer-metrics-dpi-x 766

printer-metrics-dpi-y 766

printer-metrics-height 767

printer-metrics-left-margin 767

printer-metrics-max-height 767

printer-metrics-max-width 767

printer-metrics-min-left-margin 767

printer-metrics-min-top-margin 767

printer-metrics-paper-height 767

printer-metrics-paper-width 767

printer-metrics-top-margin 767

printer-metrics-width 767

printer-port-handle 768

printer-port-supports-p 769

print-file 256 , 762

print-rich-text-pane 763

print-text 256 , 764

process-pending-messages 770

process-send 40

prompt-for-color 160 , 772

prompt-for-confirmation 155 , 773

prompt-for-directory 160 , 774

prompt-for-file 159 , 163 , 776

prompt-for-files 780

prompt-for-font 160 , 781

prompt-for-form 161 , 782

prompt-for-forms 784

prompt-for-integer 156 , 165 , 785

prompt-for-items-from-list 787

prompt-for-number 157 , 788

prompt-for-string 155 , 163 , 788

prompt-for-symbol 161 , 790

prompt-for-value 792

prompt-with-list 157 , 793

prompt-with-list-non-focus 172 , 796

prompt-with-message 802

quit 356

quit-interface 106 , 806

raise-interface 810

range-set-sizes 812

read-and-convert-external-image 225 , 1168

read-color-db 249 , 1271

read-external-image 1169

read-sound-file 813

rectangle-union 1174

recurse-compute-drawing-object 1213

redisplay-interface 166

redisplay-menu-bar 817

redraw-drawing-with-cached-display 818

redraw-pinboard-layout 818

redraw-pinboard-object 819

register-image-load-function 1175

register-image-translation 225 , 1176

remove-capi-object-property 820

replace-dialog 822

reset-image-translation-table 1177

reuse-interfaces-p 825

rich-text-pane-character-format 828

rich-text-pane-operation 829

rich-text-pane-paragraph-format 834

rich-text-version 834

rotate-object 1217

sample 11

save-image 223

screen-active-interface 840

screen-active-p 840

screen-internal-geometries 41 , 151 , 152 , 841

screen-internal-geometry 42 , 842

screen-logical-resolution 844

screen-monitor-geometries 41 , 151 , 844

screens 845

scroll 100

selection 852

selection-empty 853

separation 1178

set-application-interface 854

set-application-themed 271

set-clipboard 856

set-composition-placement 857

set-confirm-quit-flag 858

set-default-editor-pane-blink-rate 26 , 859

set-default-image-load-function 1178

set-default-interface-prefix-suffix 18 , 860

set-default-use-native-input-method 862

set-drop-object-supported-formats 863

set-editor-parenthesis-colors 26 , 865

setf 18 , 32

set-geometric-hint 79 , 866

set-graphics-port-coordinates 1179

set-graphics-state 213 , 1180

set-hint-table 79 , 87 , 866

set-horizontal-scroll-parameters 80

set-interactive-break-gestures 868

set-interface-pane-name-appearance 869

set-interface-pane-type-appearance 869

set-list-panel-keyboard-search-reset-time 873

set-object-automatic-resize 874

set-printer-metrics 255 , 879

set-printer-options 254 , 880

set-rich-text-pane-character-format 881

set-rich-text-pane-paragraph-format 884

set-selection 886

set-top-level-interface-geometry 98

set-vertical-scroll-parameters 80

show-interface 892

show-pane 893

simple-pane-handle 907

simple-pane-visible-height 28

simple-pane-visible-size 28

simple-pane-visible-width 28

simple-print-port 208 , 256 , 910

slot-value 5

sorted-object-sorted-by 917

sort-object-items-by 915

stacked-tree-decrease-font-height 927

stacked-tree-default-color-function 928

stacked-tree-history-backward 929

stacked-tree-history-forward 929

stacked-tree-increase-font-height 927

stacked-tree-item-at-point 930

stacked-tree-zoom-by-factor 932

start-drawing-with-cached-display 933

start-gc-monitor 935

start-pane-drag-operation 936

static-layout-child-geometry 939

stop-gc-monitor 942

stop-sound 943

tab-layout-panes 950

tab-layout-visible-child 951

text-input-pane-append-recent-items 969

text-input-pane-complete-text 970

text-input-pane-copy 971

text-input-pane-cut 972

text-input-pane-delete 972

text-input-pane-delete-recent-items 969

text-input-pane-in-place-complete 973

text-input-pane-paste 973

text-input-pane-prepend-recent-items 969

text-input-pane-recent-items 974

text-input-pane-replace-recent-items 969

text-input-pane-selected-text 418 , 975

text-input-pane-selection 419 , 975

text-input-pane-selection-p 419 , 976

text-input-pane-set-recent-items 977

top-level-interface-geometry 42 , 99 , 151

top-level-interface-geometry-display-state 105

transform-area 1181

transform-distance 1182

transform-distances 1183

transform-is-rotated 1183

transform-point 1184

transform-points 1184

transform-rect 1185

tree-view-ensure-visible 1018

tree-view-item-checkbox-status 1019

tree-view-item-children-checkbox-status 1020

unconvert-color 227 , 1272

undefine-font-alias 1186

unhighlight-pinboard-object 1022

uninstall-postscript-printer 1023

unit-transform-p 1187

unmap-typeout 1024

untransform-distance 1189

untransform-distances 1189

untransform-point 1190

untransform-points 1191

update-all-interface-titles 1024

update-drawing-with-cached-display 1025

update-drawing-with-cached-display-from-points 1025

update-internal-scroll-parameters 203 , 1028

update-pinboard-object 1029

update-screen-interface-titles 1030

update-toolbar 1031

virtual-screen-geometry 42 , 152 , 1032

wrap-text 1051

wrap-text-for-pane 1052

write-external-image 1207


:gap initarg 371 , 836

general-handle-event function 40

generate-bar-chart function 1222

generate-graph-from-graph-spec function 1237

generate-graph-from-pairs function 1225

generate-grid-lines function 1226

generate-labels function 1231

generic functions

accepts-focus-p 296

append-items 299

browser-pane-property-get 320

browser-pane-property-put 320

calculate-constraints 71 , 81 , 331

calculate-layout 71 , 333

call-editor 25 , 333

choice-selected-item 346

choice-selected-items 349

clone 354

collect-interfaces 361

collection-find-next-string 366

collection-find-string 367

collection-last-search 367

collection-search 368

count-collection-items 382

current-document 385

destroy 403

destroy-dependent-object 404

display-tooltip 422

draw-pinboard-object 440

draw-pinboard-object-highlighted 441

drop-object-pane-x 448

drop-object-pane-y 448

editor-pane-blink-rate 26 , 462

editor-pane-selected-text 467

editor-pane-selected-text-p 468

editor-pane-stream 468

editor-window 469

element-interface-for-callback 475

ensure-area-visible 477

find-graph-edge 489

find-graph-node 490

find-interface 491

find-string-in-collection 492

get-collection-item 496

get-horizontal-scroll-parameters 498

get-scroll-position 501

get-vertical-scroll-parameters 502

graph-node-children 504

graph-pane-add-graph-node 511

graph-pane-delete-object 511

graph-pane-delete-objects 512

graph-pane-delete-selected-objects 512

graph-pane-direction 513

graph-pane-select-graph-nodes 516

graph-pane-update-moved-objects 516

interactive-pane-execute-command 533

interface-display 97 , 554

interface-editor-pane 557

interface-extend-title 18 , 558

interface-geometry 559

interface-keys-style 560

interface-match-p 562

interface-menu-groups 563

interface-preserve-state 564

interface-reuse-p 566

interpret-description 69 , 570

invalidate-rectangle 1142

itemp 577

item-pane-interface-copy-object 575

list-panel-enabled 595

list-panel-filter-state 595

list-panel-unfiltered-items 599

locate-interface 612

make-container 614

make-image-access 1153

make-pane-popup-menu 123 , 621

manipulate-pinboard 628

map-collection-items 631

map-pane-children 632

map-pane-descendant-children 635

merge-menu-bars 654

move-line 660

non-focus-maybe-capture-gesture 669

non-focus-terminate 670

non-focus-update 671

output-pane-resize 705

over-pinboard-object-p 707

pane-adjusted-offset 709

pane-adjusted-position 710

pane-got-focus 714

pane-has-focus-p 714

pane-initial-focus 715

pane-interface-copy-object 716

pane-interface-copy-p 716

pane-interface-cut-object 716

pane-interface-cut-p 716

pane-interface-deselect-all 716

pane-interface-deselect-all-p 716

pane-interface-paste-object 716

pane-interface-paste-p 716

pane-interface-select-all 716

pane-interface-select-all-p 716

pane-interface-undo 716

pane-interface-undo-p 716

pane-popup-menu-items 123 , 719

pane-string 724

parse-layout-descriptor 725

pinboard-layout-display 732

pinboard-object-at-position 739

pinboard-object-graphics-arg 740

pinboard-object-overlap-p 742

pinboard-pane-position 742

pinboard-pane-size 744

port-drawing-mode-quality-p 1163

print-capi-button 758

print-collection-item 759

record-dependent-object 814

redisplay-collection-item 815

redisplay-interface 816

reinitialize-interface 819

remove-items 821

replace-items 822

report-active-component-failure 824

scroll 846

scroll-if-not-visible-p 102 , 850

search-for-item 851

set-button-panel-enabled-items 855

set-display-pane-selection 862

set-horizontal-scroll-parameters 867

set-pane-focus 878

set-scroll-position 847

set-scroll-range 868 , 890

set-text-input-pane-selection 887

set-top-level-interface-geometry 888

set-vertical-scroll-parameters 889

simple-pane-visible-height 907

simple-pane-visible-size 908

simple-pane-visible-width 909

sorted-object-sort-by 916

static-layout-child-position 940

static-layout-child-size 941

switchable-layout-switchable-children 945

top-level-interface 1000

top-level-interface-display-state 1000

top-level-interface-geometry 1002

top-level-interface-geometry-key 1003

top-level-interface-p 1005

top-level-interface-save-geometry-p 1005

tree-view-expanded-p 1018

tree-view-update-an-item 1021

tree-view-update-item 1021

unrecord-dependent-object 814

update-interface-title 1027

validate-rectangle 1191

generic properties of elements 11 - 12

geometry of interfaces 151

geometry of interfaces, querying 41

geometry of layouts, specifying 85 - 86

geometry slots

%child% 1043

%height% 1042

%max-height% 1042

%max-width% 1042

%min-height% 1042

%min-width% 1042

%object% 1043

%scroll-height% 1043

%scroll-horizontal-page-size% 1043

%scroll-horizontal-slug-size% 1043

%scroll-horizontal-step-size% 1043

%scroll-start-x% 1043

%scroll-start-y% 1043

%scroll-vertical-page-size% 1043

%scroll-vertical-slug-size% 1043

%scroll-vertical-step-size% 1043

%scroll-width% 1043

%scroll-x% 1043

%scroll-y% 1043

%width% 1042

%x% 1042

%y% 1042

:geometry-change-callback initarg 535

geometry-drawing-object class 1233

:gesture-callbacks initarg 485 , 954

get pane

interface 393

get-all-color-names function 247 , 1264

get-bounds function 1111

get-character-extent function 1114

get-char-ascent function 1112

get-char-descent function 1113

get-char-width function 1113

get-collection-item generic function 496

get-color-alias-translation function 246 , 1265

get-color-spec function 244 , 1266

get-constraints function 71 , 497

get-enclosing-rectangle function 1115

get-font-ascent function 1115

get-font-average-width function 1116

get-font-descent function 1116

get-font-height function 1117

get-font-width function 1117

get-graphics-state function 1118

get-horizontal-scroll-parameters generic function 498

get-origin function 1118

get-page-area function 255 , 500

get-pane 393

get-printer-metrics function 255 , 501

get-scroll-position generic function 501

get-string-extent function 1119

get-transform-scale function 1120

get-vertical-scroll-parameters generic function 502

graph panes

callbacks 58

graph-edge class 503

graph-edge-from accessor 60

graph-edge-from accessor function 504

graph-edge-to accessor 60

graph-edge-to accessor function 504

Graphic Tools

higher level 238

lower level 231

graphic tools

self-contained examples 291


automatic redrawing 176 , 209 , 215

creating permanent displays 176 , 209 , 215

displaying 173 - 176

graphics ports 207

drawing functions 217

pixmap 218

graphics state 211

graphics state parameters 213

graphics tools 231

:graphics-args initarg 188 , 734

:graphics-options initarg 689

graphics-port-background function 1121

graphics-port-font function 1121

graphics-port-foreground function 1121

graphics-port-mixin class 1122

graphics-port-transform function 1121

graphics-state structure class 1122

graphics-state type 212 , 213

graphics-state-background function 1127

graphics-state-compositing-mode function 1127

graphics-state-dash function 1127

graphics-state-dashed function 1127

graphics-state-fill-style function 1127

graphics-state-font function 1127

graphics-state-foreground function 1127

graphics-state-line-end-style function 1127

graphics-state-line-joint-style function 1127

graphics-state-mask function 1127

graphics-state-mask-transform function 1127

graphics-state-mask-x function 1127

graphics-state-mask-y function 1127

graphics-state-operation function 1127

graphics-state-pattern function 1127

graphics-state-scale-thickness function 1127

graphics-state-shape-mode function 1127

graphics-state-stipple function 1127

graphics-state-text-mode function 1127

graphics-state-thickness function 1127

graphics-state-transform function 1127

graph-node class 504

graph-node-children generic function 504

graph-node-height accessor 60

graph-node-height accessor function 504

graph-node-in-edges accessor 60

graph-node-in-edges accessor function 504

graph-node-out-edges accessor 60

graph-node-out-edges accessor function 504

graph-node-width accessor 60

graph-node-width accessor function 504

graph-node-x accessor 60

graph-node-x accessor function 504

graph-node-y accessor 60

graph-node-y accessor function 504

graph-object class 505

graph-object-element accessor function 505

graph-object-object accessor function 505

graph-pane class 56 , 208 , 506

implementation of 191

graph-pane-add-graph-node generic function 511

graph-pane-delete-object generic function 511

graph-pane-delete-objects generic function 512

graph-pane-delete-selected-objects generic function 512

graph-pane-direction accessor 59

graph-pane-direction generic function 513

graph-pane-edges function 514

graph-pane-layout-function accessor 59

graph-pane-layout-function accessor function 507

graph-pane-nodes function 514

graph-pane-object-at-position function 515

graph-pane-roots accessor 56

graph-pane-roots accessor function 507

graph-pane-select-graph-nodes generic function 516

graph-pane-update-moved-objects generic function 516


example 287

prototype implementation 287

grid-layout class 14 , 76 , 517

groupbox 18 , 984

GTK+ 273

resources 273

GTK+ resources 380 , 381 , 472 , 869


hardcopy API 253 - 257

:has-root-line initarg 1007

:has-title-column-p initarg 517

:head initarg 304

:head-breadth initarg 304

:head-direction initarg 304

:header-args initarg 661

:head-graphics-args initarg 304

:head-length initarg 304

%height% geometry slot 1042

:height initarg 838


context help 545

help-callback 541

:help item in :buttons initarg 963

:help-callback initarg 35 , 536

help-key accessor function 363 , 471 , 645 , 992

:help-key initarg 35 , 363 , 470 , 644 , 991

:help-keys initarg 327

:help-string initarg 485

hide-interface function 522

hide-pane function 523

hierarchy of layouts 187

hierarchy of menus 115

:highlight initarg 919

highlight-pinboard-object function 523

:highlight-style initarg 728

hints 35 , 85

:hist-addtofavorites image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:hist-back image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:hist-favorites image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:hist-forward image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:hist-viewtree image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:horizontal-scroll initarg 12 , 29 , 74 , 199 , 849 , 895


displaying 28

HWND 384 , 907


:iconify-callback initarg 535

:ignore-file-suffices initarg 954

image class 221 , 1131

image identifiers

cancel-button 964

complete-button 964

ok-button 964

:image initarg 321 , 526 , 991

image-access-height function 1131

image-access-pixel function 226 , 1132

image-access-pixels-from-bgra function 1134

image-access-pixels-to-bgra function 1135

image-access-transfer-from-image function 226 , 227 , 1136

image-access-transfer-to-image function 227 , 1137

image-access-width function 1131

image-freed-p function 1138

:image-function initarg 53 , 55 , 61 , 121 , 432 , 584 , 601 , 637 , 684 , 947 , 1008

image-height accessor function 226 , 1131

:image-height initarg 433 , 524 , 585 , 988 , 1009

image-list class 53 , 55 , 524

:image-lists initarg 53 , 55 , 65 , 584 , 601 , 684 , 947 , 1009

image-loader function 1138

image-locator type 525

image-pinboard-object class 526

image-pinboard-object-image accessor function 526


alpha channel 282

copying and pasting 281

pixel-by-pixel editing 282

scaling 281

supported formats 222 , 223

:images initarg 326 , 988 , 997

image-set class 527

:image-sets initarg 524

:image-state-function initarg 432

image-translation function 1139

image-width accessor function 226 , 1131

:image-width initarg 432 , 524 , 585 , 988 , 1009

IME 690

index of selected item 53 , 63 , 343

:init-function initarg 359

:initial-constraints initarg 84 , 470

:initial-focus initarg 15 , 536 , 537 , 580

:initial-focus-item initarg 15 , 343

initialize-dithers function 1140

:initial-value initarg 156

in-place completion

in applications 172

user interface 168

:in-place-completion-function initarg 172 , 954

:in-place-filter initarg 172 , 954

input focus 14 , 296

input method 690

:input-model initarg 279 , 689

:insert-callback initarg 679

InsertMenus 563

inset-rectangle function 1140

inside-rectangle function 1141

installed-libraries function 530

install-postscript-printer function 528


prompting for 156 - 157


general properties 62

in lists 49

:interaction initarg 49 , 62 , 112 , 158 , 321 , 342

interaction styles 323


for choice 343

interactive panes 30

interactive-pane class 30 , 531

interactive-pane-execute-command generic function 533

interactive-pane-stream accessor function 531

interactive-pane-top-level-function accessor function 531

interactive-stream 532

interactive-stream-stream 532

interactive-stream-top-level-function 532

:interface callback type 64

interface class 2 , 18 , 35 , 70 , 138 , 534

:interface initarg 470

interface-activate-callback accessor function 538

interface-confirm-destroy-function accessor function 538

interface-create-callback accessor function 538

interface-customize-toolbar function 132 , 554

interface-default-toolbar-states accessor function 538

interface-default-toolbar-states function 132

interface-destroy-callback accessor function 538

interface-display generic function 97 , 221 , 226 , 554

interface-display-title function 556

interface-document-modified-p function 556

interface-drag-image accessor function 538

interface-editor-pane generic function 557

interface-extend-title generic function 18 , 558

interface-geometry generic function 559

interface-geometry-change-callback accessor function 538

interface-help-callback accessor function 538

interface-iconified-p function 559

interface-iconify-callback accessor function 538 , 548

interface-iconize-callback accessor function 548

interface-keys-style generic function 560

interface-match-p generic function 562

interface-menu-bar-items accessor function 538

interface-menu-groups generic function 563

interface-message-area accessor function 538 , 548

interface-override-cursor accessor function 538

interface-pathname accessor function 538

interface-pointer-documentation-enabled accessor function 538

interface-preserve-state generic function 564

interface-preserving-state-p function 565

interface-reuse-p generic function 566


defining 138 - 149

description of 138

geometry 151

layouts, specifying 140

menus, specifying 144 - 147

panes, specifying 140

specifying geometry 41

title, specifying 140

:interfaces class option 402

:interfaces initarg 838

interface-title accessor function 18 , 150 , 538

interface-toolbar-items accessor function 538

interface-toolbar-state function 132 , 567

interface-toolbar-states accessor function 538

interface-tooltips-enabled accessor function 538

interface-visible-p function 569

interface-window-styles accessor function 538

internal constraints 81

internal scrolling 693

:internal-border initarg 896

:internal-max-height initarg 81 , 471 , 735

:internal-max-width initarg 81 , 471 , 735

:internal-min-height initarg 81 , 471 , 735

:internal-min-width initarg 81 , 471 , 735

:internet-explorer-callback initarg 310

interpret-description generic function 69 , 570

Interrupt playing a MIDI file 943

invalidate-pane-constraints function 571

invalidate-rectangle generic function 1142

invalidate-rectangle-from-points function 1143

invert-transform function 1144

invoke-command function 572

invoke-untranslated-command function 572

item class 573

item-collection accessor function 574

item-data accessor 32

item-data accessor function 574

:item-function initarg 918

:item-menu-function initarg 919

itemp generic function 577

item-pane-interface-copy-object generic function 575

item-pinboard-object class 190 , 576

item-print-function accessor 32

item-print-function accessor function 574

:item-print-functions initarg 54 , 661

:items initarg 47 , 114 , 362 , 424 , 484 , 637 , 642 , 946 , 1017

:items-count-function initarg 363 , 484 , 1017

item-selected accessor function 574

:items-function initarg 394 , 637 , 642

:items-get-function initarg 363 , 484 , 1017

:items-map-function initarg 363 , 484 , 1017

item-text accessor 32

item-text accessor function 574


:keep-selection-p initarg 343

key press 177 - 186

key press event handler 179 , 692

:keyboard-search-callback initarg 54 , 584

key-press events 179 , 692


labelled-arrow-pinboard-object class 577

labelled-line-pinboard-object class 578

labelled-line-text-background accessor function 578

labelled-line-text-foreground accessor function 578

:label-style initarg 485

:large-image-height initarg 602

:large-image-width initarg 601

layout class 579

:layout initarg 535

:layout-args initarg 326

:layout-class initarg 45 , 326

layout-description accessor function 96 , 580

*layout-divider-default-size* 371 , 837

:layout-function initarg 506

layout-ratios accessor function 371 , 836


children 69

combining different 77 - 79

description of 69 - 86

introduction to 7

layout hierarchy 187

self-contained examples 288

specifying geometry 85 - 86

specifying size of panes in 74

:layouts class option 393

:layouts interface option 138

layout-x-adjust accessor function 1054

:layout-x-adjust initarg 506

layout-x-gap accessor function 518

layout-x-ratios accessor function 518

layout-y-adjust accessor function 1054

:layout-y-adjust initarg 506

layout-y-gap accessor function 518

layout-y-ratios accessor function 518

:leaf-node-p-function initarg 1007


underlined in menus and titles 13

line-end-style graphics state parameter 1125

line-joint-style graphics state parameter 1125

line-pinboard-object class 581

line-pinboard-object-coordinates function 582

:line-size initarg 848

:line-wrap-face initarg 454

:line-wrap-marker initarg 454

Lisp forms

prompting for 161

LispWorks as ActiveX control 401 , 673

list items, specifying 49

list panels 48

list-all-font-names function 219 , 1145

listener panes 31

listener-pane class 31 , 75 , 606

listener-pane-insert-value function 606

list-known-image-formats function 222 , 223 , 1145

list-panel class 14 , 48 , 170 , 583

list-panel-enabled generic function 595

list-panel-filter-state generic function 595

list-panel-image-function accessor function 585

list-panel-items-and-filter function 596

list-panel-keyboard-search-callback accessor function 585

list-panel-right-click-selection-behavior accessor function 585

list-panel-search-with-function function 597

list-panel-state-image-function accessor function 585

list-panel-unfiltered-items generic function 599


actions in 50

deselection in 50

extended selection in 49

extended selections 50

interaction in 49

multiple selection in 49

prompting with 157 - 159

retraction in 50

single selection in 49

list-view class 600

list-view-auto-arrange-icons accessor function 602

list-view-auto-reset-column-widths accessor function 602

list-view-columns accessor function 602

list-view-image-function accessor function 602

list-view-state-image-function accessor function 602

list-view-subitem-function accessor function 602

list-view-subitem-print-functions accessor function 602

list-view-view accessor function 602

:list-visible-min-height initarg 432

:list-visible-min-width initarg 432

load-color-database function 249 , 1267

load-cursor function 607

load-icon-image function 222 , 225 , 1146

load-image function 225 , 1148

load-sound function 611

locate-interface generic function 612

lookup pane

interface 393

lookup-pane 393

lower-interface function 613


Mac OS X Dock 29 , 354 , 723


defclass 138 , 140 , 176

define-color-models 250 , 1260

define-command 390

define-interface 138 , 392

define-layout 399

define-menu 400

define-ole-control-component 29 , 401

display-errors 412

rectangle-bind 1171

rectangle-bottom 1171

rectangle-height 1172

rectangle-left 1172

rectangle-right 1173

rectangle-top 1173

rectangle-width 1175

rect-bind 1170

undefine-menu 1022

union-rectangle 1186

unless-empty-rect-bind 1188

with-atomic-redisplay 1032

with-busy-interface 1033

with-dialog-results 162 , 1034

with-dither 1192

with-document-pages 254 , 1037

with-external-metafile 208 , 1038

with-geometry 28 , 1041

with-graphics-mask 1193

with-graphics-post-translation 1195

with-graphics-rotation 1196

with-graphics-scale 1196

with-graphics-state 213 , 1197

with-graphics-transform 1199

with-graphics-transform-reset 1200

with-graphics-translation 1196

with-internal-metafile 208 , 1044

with-inverse-graphics 1201

with-output-to-printer 256 , 1046

without-relative-drawing 1206

with-page 254 , 1047

with-page-transform 255 , 1048

with-pixmap-graphics-port 208 , 229 , 1201

with-print-job 208 , 254 , 1049

with-random-typeout 1051

with-transformed-area 1203

with-transformed-point 1204

with-transformed-points 1205

with-transformed-rect 1205

make-absolute-drawing function 1217

make-absolute-drawing* function 1217

make-a-drawing-call function 1234

make-basic-graph-spec function 1237

make-container generic function 614

make-dither function 1150

make-docking-layout-controller function 615

make-draw-arc function 1234

make-draw-circle function 1234

make-draw-ellipse function 1234

make-draw-line function 1234

make-draw-lines function 1234

make-draw-polygon function 1234

make-draw-rectangle function 1234

make-draw-string function 1239

make-font-description function 1151

make-foreign-owned-interface function 615

make-general-image-set function 617

make-graphics-state function 1152

make-gray function 1268

make-hsv function 245 , 1269

make-icon-resource-image-set function 618

make-image function 1153

make-image-access function 226

make-image-access generic function 1153

make-image-from-port function 218 , 225 , 1155

make-image-locator function 619

make-instance function 5

make-menu-for-pane function 123 , 619

make-pane-popup-menu generic function 123 , 621

make-pinboard-objects-displayer function 1241

make-resource-image-set function 623

make-rgb function 245 , 1270

make-scaled-general-image-set function 624

make-scaled-image-set function 625

make-scaled-sub-image function 225 , 1155

make-sorting-description function 626

make-sub-image function 225 , 1157

make-transform function 1158

manipulate-pinboard generic function 628

map-collection-items generic function 631

map-pane-children generic function 632

map-pane-descendant-children generic function 635

map-typeout function 636

mask 213 , 215

mask graphics state parameter 1125

mask-transform graphics state parameter 1126

mask-x graphics state parameter, deprecated 1126

mask-y graphics state parameter, deprecated 1126

:matches-title initarg 485

Matching resources 273 , 276

:max keyword argument 156

:max-characters initarg 953

%max-height% geometry slot 1042

:max-height initarg 82

*maximum-moving-objects-to-track-edges* variable 636

:maximum-recent-items initarg 955

:max-level initarg 919

%max-width% geometry slot 1042

:max-width initarg 82

MDI 92 , 137 , 379 , 385 , 429

menu class 2 , 110 , 121 , 637

menu hierarchy 115

:menu initarg 756

:menu-bar class option 109 , 111 , 393

:menu-bar interface option 138 , 144

:menu-bar-items initarg 109 , 110 , 535

menu-component class 2 , 111 , 642

:menu-function initarg 756

menu-image-function accessor function 637

menu-item class 2 , 114 , 121 , 644

menu-items accessor function 637

menu-object class 650

menu-object-enabled accessor function 651

menu-popup-callback accessor function 651


components 62

context 122 , 131 , 421 , 425 , 426 , 547 , 637

creating 109

creating submenus 110

description of 109 - 122

disabling items in 120 - 121

Edit 122

grouping items together 111 - 114

individual items in 114 - 115

menu hierarchy 115

nesting 111

Right button 122 , 131 , 421 , 425 , 426 , 547 , 637

specifying alternative items 119

:menus class option 393

:menus interface option 138 , 144

menu-title accessor function 651

menu-title-function accessor function 651

merge-font-descriptions function 220 , 1159

merge-menu-bars generic function 654

:message initarg 983

:message-area initarg 536

:message-callback initarg 355

:message-gap initarg 983

message-pane class 656

metafile-port class 656

metafiles 282

Microsoft Windows

Multiple-Document Interface 92

themes 271

MIDI files

interrupting 943

:min keyword argument 156

:min-column-width initarg 518

%min-height% geometry slot 1042

:min-height initarg 82

:min-row-height initarg 518

%min-width% geometry slot 1042

:min-width initarg 82

:mnemonic initarg 13 , 34 , 322 , 327 , 637 , 638 , 645

:mnemonic-escape initarg 322 , 327 , 637 , 645

mnemonics 13

in a button-panel 46

in menus 117

:mnemonics initarg 46

:mnemonic-text initarg 34 , 322 , 327

:mnemonic-title initarg 14 , 327 , 637 , 645 , 983

modal dialogs 161 , 410 , 749 , 1035

modify-editor-pane-buffer function 26 , 657

modify-multi-column-list-panel-columns function 657

modify-stacked-tree function 659

mono-screen class 660


resources 276

Motif resources 472

:motion-callback initarg 919

mouse clicks 179 , 692

mouse coordinates 385

mouse cursor

tracking 199

mouse events 179 , 692

mouse position 385

move-line generic function 660

multi-column-list-panel class 661

multi-line-text-input-pane class 22 , 666

Multiple Document Interface 137 , 379 , 385 , 429

:multiple-selection interaction style 49 , 62 , 114 , 323

multi-touch support 182


:name initarg 338

:names initarg 988 , 997

:natural-height initarg 1243

:natural-width initarg 1243

:navigate-complete-callback initarg 309

:navigate-error-callback initarg 310

:navigation-callback initarg 954

New in LispWorks 7.0

apply-drawing-object class 1210

as-dialog argument to contain 376

basic-graph-spec structure class 1211

basic-graph-spec-p function 1237

browser-pane-available-p function 317

Cached Display interface 691

color-from-premultiplied function 1252

color-to-premultiplied function 1253

compound-drawing-object class 1212

compute-drawing-object-from-data function 1213

copy-basic-graph-spec function 1237

create-dummy-graphics-port function 383

*default-non-focus-message-timeout* variable 389

*default-non-focus-message-timeout-extension* variable 389

destroy-dependent-object generic function 404

display-non-focus-message function 414

drawing-object class 1215

draw-pinboard-layout-objects function 439

editor-pane supports variable-width fonts on Cocoa 458

example combining an XML parser with tree-view to display an RSS file 1017

fit-object function 1217

:flag initarg for editor-pane 453

force-objects-redraw function 1221

full screen windows on Cocoa 545 , 1001

generate-bar-chart function 1222

generate-graph-from-graph-spec function 1237

generate-graph-from-pairs function 1225

generate-grid-lines function 1226

generate-labels function 1231

geometry-drawing-object class 1233

graphic tools 1209

graphics-port-mixin class 1122

:image-function initarg for double-list-panel 432

:image-height initarg for double-list-panel 433

image-locator type 525

:image-state-function initarg for double-list-panel 432

:image-width initarg for double-list-panel 432

input-model of output-pane supports modifier changes 179 , 692

invalidate-rectangle-from-points function 1143

:list-visible-min-height initarg for double-list-panel 432

:list-visible-min-width initarg for double-list-panel 432

make-absolute-drawing function 1217

make-absolute-drawing* function 1217

make-a-drawing-call function 1234

make-basic-graph-spec function 1237

make-draw-arc function 1234

make-draw-circle function 1234

make-draw-ellipse function 1234

make-draw-line function 1234

make-draw-lines function 1234

make-draw-polygon function 1234

make-draw-rectangle function 1234

make-draw-string function 1239

make-pinboard-objects-displayer function 1241

metafile-port class 656

:min-column-width initarg for grid-layout 518

:min-row-height initarg for grid-layout 518

modify-multi-column-list-panel-columns function 657

multi-touch support 182

:name initarg 269

:names initarg for toolbar 988

:names initarg for toolbar-component 997

:no-highlight initarg 734

objects-displayer class 1242

object-sort-caller argument to make-sorting-description 626

output-pane-cached-display-user-info function 702

output-pane-cache-display function 701

output-pane-draw-from-cached-display function 703

output-pane-free-cached-display function 704

output-pane-resize generic function 705

output-pane-stop-composition function 706

pane-can-restore-display-p function 712

pane-modifiers-state function 717

pane-restore-display function 722

pinboard-layout-display generic function 732

pinboard-object-highlighted-p function 741

pinboard-objects-displayer class 1245

popup-menu-force-popdown function 757

port-owner function 1164

position-and-fit-object function 1217

position-object function 1217

predicate for availability of browser-pane 316

printer-port class 767

prompt for a directory from a text-input-pane button 962 , 967

record-dependent-object generic function 814

recurse-compute-drawing-object function 1213

redraw-drawing-with-cached-display function 818

rotate-object function 1217

:selected-items-filter initarg for double-list-panel 432

:selected-items-title initarg for double-list-panel 432

start-drawing-with-cached-display function 933

:state-image-height initarg for double-list-panel 433

:state-image-width initarg for double-list-panel 433

static-layout-child-geometry function 939

string-drawing-object class 1246

:texts initarg for toolbar 988

:texts initarg for toolbar-component 997

touch gestures 182

touchscreen and trackpad gestures 182

transparent-color-index supports replacement and transparency 1169

unrecord-dependent-object generic function 814

:unselected-items-filter initarg for double-list-panel 432

:unselected-items-title initarg for double-list-panel 432

update-drawing-with-cached-display function 1025

update-drawing-with-cached-display-from-points function 1025

User guide chapter "Adding Toolbars" xxvii

User guide chapter "Self-contained examples" xxviii

New in LispWorks 7.1

apply-in-pane-process-wait-multiple function 302

apply-in-pane-process-wait-single function 302

browser-pane-set-content function 318

end-pane-drag-operation function 936

make-scaled-sub-image function 1155

modify-stacked-tree function 659

pane-drag-operation-update function 936

set-interface-pane-name-appearance function 869

set-interface-pane-type-appearance function 869

stacked-tree class 918

stacked-tree-decrease-font-height function 927

stacked-tree-default-color-function function 928

stacked-tree-history-backward function 929

stacked-tree-history-forward function 929

stacked-tree-increase-font-height function 927

stacked-tree-item-at-point function 930

stacked-tree-width-ratio accessor 931

stacked-tree-zoom-by-factor function 932

start-pane-drag-operation function 936

update-internal-scroll-parameters function 1028

Newly documented in LispWorks 7.0

:owner argument to with-external-metafile 1039

:owner argument to with-internal-metafile 1044

:new-window-callback initarg 309

:node-pane-function initarg 506

:node-pinboard-class initarg 506

:no-highlight initarg 189 , 734

:none callback type 64

non-focus-list-add-filter function 667

non-focus-list-interface class 668

non-focus-list-remove-filter function 667

non-focus-list-toggle-enable-filter function 668

non-focus-list-toggle-filter function 667

non-focus-maybe-capture-gesture generic function 669

non-focus-terminate generic function 670

non-focus-update generic function 671

:no-selection interaction style 62 , 323

:number initarg 838


%object% geometry slot 1043

objects-displayer class 1242

objects-displayer-objects accessor 1243

off screen 207

off-screen 207

offscreen 207

offset-rectangle function 1159

:ok item in :buttons initarg 961

ok-button image identifier 964

:ok-check keyword argument 156 , 161 , 167

OLE control 401 , 673

OLE embedding 401 , 673

ole-control-add-verbs function 672

ole-control-close-object function 672

ole-control-component class 29 , 673

ole-control-component-pane accessor function 673

ole-control-doc class 675

ole-control-frame class 676

ole-control-i-dispatch function 677

ole-control-insert-object function 677

ole-control-ole-object function 678

ole-control-pane class 29 , 679

ole-control-pane-frame function 681

ole-control-pane-simple-sink class 682

ole-control-user-component function 683

on screen 207

on-screen 207

onscreen 207

operation graphics state parameter 212 , 1123

option panes 60

option-pane class 14 , 60 , 684

option-pane-enabled accessor function 685

option-pane-enabled-positions accessor function 685

option-pane-image-function accessor function 685

option-pane-popup-callback accessor function 685

option-pane-separator-item accessor function 685

option-pane-visible-items-count accessor function 685

ordered-rectangle-union function 1160

ordinary scrolling 692

organizing panes 72

:orientation initarg 424 , 517 , 812

:orientation item in :buttons initarg 963

output-pane class 26 , 35 , 80 , 122 , 173 , 199 , 207 , 208 , 253 , 689

output-pane-cached-display-user-info function 702

output-pane-cache-display function 701

output-pane-composition-callback accessor function 690

output-pane-coordinate-origin accessor function 690

output-pane-create-callback accessor function 690

output-pane-destroy-callback accessor function 690

output-pane-display-callback accessor function 690

output-pane-draw-from-cached-display function 703

output-pane-focus-callback accessor function 690

output-pane-free-cached-display function 704

output-pane-graphics-options accessor function 690

output-pane-input-model accessor 186 , 692

output-pane-input-model accessor function 690

output-pane-resize generic function 705

output-pane-resize-callback accessor function 690

output-pane-scroll-callback accessor function 690

output-pane-stop-composition function 706

over-pinboard-object-p generic function 707

:override-cursor initarg 536


page-setup-dialog function 254 , 708

:page-size initarg 848

pane-adjusted-offset generic function 709

pane-adjusted-position generic function 710

:pane-args initarg 159

pane-can-restore-display-p function 712

:pane-can-scroll deprecated initarg 696

pane-close-display function 712

pane-descendant-child-with-focus function 713

pane-drag-operation-update function 936

:pane-function initarg 673

pane-got-focus generic function 714

pane-has-focus-p generic function 714

pane-initial-focus generic function 715

pane-interface-copy-object generic function 716

pane-interface-copy-p generic function 716

pane-interface-cut-object generic function 716

pane-interface-cut-p generic function 716

pane-interface-deselect-all generic function 716

pane-interface-deselect-all-p generic function 716

pane-interface-paste-object generic function 716

pane-interface-paste-p generic function 716

pane-interface-select-all generic function 716

pane-interface-select-all-p generic function 716

pane-interface-undo generic function 716

pane-interface-undo-p generic function 716


button layout 45

pane-layout accessor function 95 , 327 , 538


check button 46

list 48

push button 44

radio button 45

:pane-menu initarg 122 , 896 , 981

pane-modifiers-state function 717

pane-popup-menu-items generic function 123 , 719

pane-restore-display function 722


accessing 142

collector 30

creating your own 173 - 198

default title position 18

display 20

editor 23

finding 142

graphs 56

interactive 30

listener 31

lookup 142

option 60

organizing 72

sizing 74

text input 21

title 17

:panes class option 393

:panes interface option 138

pane-screen-internal-geometry function 41 , 151 , 722

pane-string generic function 724

pane-supports-menus-with-images function 122 , 725

:paragraph-format initarg 826

:parent initarg 470

parse-layout-descriptor generic function 725

password-pane class 727

password-pane-overwrite-character accessor function 727


defining operation for your interface class 105

operation on active element 104

path 1083

:pathname initarg 537

:pathname keyword argument 160

pattern graphics state parameter 1124

pi-by-2 constant 1161


buffered display 191

double buffering 191

flickering 191

:pinboard initarg 734

pinboard objects 187

creating your own 194 - 198

pinboard-layout class 35 , 77 , 187 , 191 , 208 , 728

pinboard-layout-display generic function 732

pinboard-object class 69 , 187 , 733

pinboard-object-activep accessor function 735

pinboard-object-at-position generic function 739

pinboard-object-graphics-arg generic function 740

pinboard-object-graphics-args accessor function 735

pinboard-object-highlighted-p function 741

pinboard-object-overlap-p generic function 742

pinboard-object-pinboard accessor function 735

pinboard-objects-displayer class 1245

pinboard-objects-displayer-objects accessor 1245

pinboard-pane-position generic function 742

pinboard-pane-size generic function 744

pixblt function 1161

pixmap-port class 1162

play-sound function 745

:plist initarg 338

popup menu 287

:popup-callback initarg 287 , 650 , 684 , 952

popup-confirmer function 163 , 165 , 167 , 745

:popup-interface initarg 991

popup-menu-button class 756

popup-menu-button-menu accessor function 756

popup-menu-button-menu-function accessor function 756

popup-menu-force-popdown function 124 , 757

portable font descriptions 219 - 220

port-drawing-mode-quality-p generic function 1163

port-graphics-state function 1163

port-height function 1164

port-owner function 1164

port-string-height function 1165

port-string-width function 1165

port-width function 1166

:position item in :buttons initarg 964

position-and-fit-object function 1217

position-object function 1217

postmultiply-transforms function 1167

*ppd-directory* variable 758

premultiply-transforms function 1167

:press-callback initarg 803

print function 43

printable area 1048

print-capi-button generic function 758

print-collection-item generic function 759

print-dialog function 163 , 254 , 760

print-editor-buffer function 26 , 256 , 762

printer-configuration-dialog function 257 , 765

printer-metrics structure class 766

printer-metrics-device-height function 766

printer-metrics-device-width function 766

printer-metrics-dpi-x function 766

printer-metrics-dpi-y function 766

printer-metrics-height function 767

printer-metrics-left-margin function 767

printer-metrics-max-height function 767

printer-metrics-max-width function 767

printer-metrics-min-left-margin function 767

printer-metrics-min-top-margin function 767

printer-metrics-paper-height function 767

printer-metrics-paper-width function 767

printer-metrics-top-margin function 767

printer-metrics-width function 767

printer-port class 255 , 767

printer-port-handle function 768

printer-port-supports-p function 769

*printer-search-path* variable 769

print-file function 256 , 762

:print-function initarg 32 , 43 , 285 , 362 , 573 , 912 , 946


on multiple pages 290

self-contained examples 290

print-rich-text-pane function 763

print-text function 256 , 764


CAPI 407

Cocoa Event Loop 408

process-pending-messages function 770

process-send function 40

progress-bar class 29 , 771

prompt-for-color function 160 , 772

prompt-for-confirmation function 155 , 773

prompt-for-directory function 160 , 774

prompt-for-file function 159 , 163 , 776

prompt-for-files function 780

prompt-for-font function 160 , 781

prompt-for-form function 161 , 782

prompt-for-forms function 784

prompt-for-integer function 156 , 165 , 785

prompt-for-items-from-list function 787

prompt-for-number function 157 , 788

prompt-for-string function 155 , 163 , 788

prompt-for-symbol function 161 , 790

prompt-for-value function 792

prompt-with-list function 157 , 793

prompt-with-list-non-focus function 172 , 796

prompt-with-message function 9 , 802

:protected-callback initarg 826

push button panels

creating 44

push buttons 32

push-button class 32 , 44 , 803

push-button-panel class 44 , 805


quit function 356

quit-interface function 106 , 806


radio button panels

creating 45

radio buttons 33

radio-button class 34 , 808

radio-button-panel class 44 , 45 , 62 , 809

raise-interface function 810

range-callback accessor function 812

range-end accessor function 812

range-orientation accessor function 812

range-pane class 29 , 811

range-set-sizes function 812

range-slug-end accessor function 812

range-slug-start accessor function 812

range-start accessor function 812

:ratios initarg 371 , 836

read-and-convert-external-image function 225 , 1168

read-color-db function 249 , 1271

:reader slot option 142

read-external-image function 1169

read-sound-file function 813

:recent-items initarg 955

:recent-items-mode initarg 955

:recent-items-name initarg 955

record-dependent-object generic function 814

rectangle class 815

rectangle-bind macro 1171

rectangle-bottom macro 1171

rectangle-height macro 1172

rectangle-left macro 1172

rectangle-right macro 1173

rectangle-top macro 1173

rectangle-union function 1174

rectangle-width macro 1175

rect-bind macro 1170

recurse-compute-drawing-object function 1213

red Close button

on Cocoa 151 , 556


efficiency issues 40

of choices 40

of items 40

of pinboards 40

of several updates together 41

redisplay-collection-item generic function 815

redisplay-interface function 166

redisplay-interface generic function 816

redisplay-menu-bar function 817

redraw-drawing-with-cached-display function 818

redraw-pinboard-layout function 818

redraw-pinboard-object function 819

register-image-load-function function 1175

register-image-translation function 225 , 1176

reinitialize-interface generic function 819

:remapped initarg 991

remove-capi-object-property function 820

remove-items generic function 821

replace-dialog function 822

replace-items generic function 822

report-active-component-failure generic function 824

reset-image-translation-table function 1177


dialogs 545

elements 473

windows 540

:resize-callback initarg 690 , 705

resizing 473 , 540 , 545


of display 844

of printer 501


GTK+ 273

X11/Motif 276

:retain-expanded-nodes initarg 1007

:retract-callback initarg 32 , 33 , 51 , 58 , 63 , 323 , 335

Return key 747

reuse-interfaces-p function 825

rich-text-pane class 27 , 826

rich-text-pane-change-callback accessor function 826

rich-text-pane-character-format function 828

rich-text-pane-limit accessor function 826

rich-text-pane-operation function 829

rich-text-pane-paragraph-format function 834

rich-text-pane-text accessor function 826

rich-text-version function 834

Right button menu 122 , 131 , 421 , 425 , 426 , 547 , 637

right-angle-line-pinboard-object class 835

right-button menu 287

:right-click-extended-match initarg 1007

:right-click-selection-behavior initarg 583

:root initarg 918

:roots initarg 56 , 506 , 1007

rotate-object function 1217

row-layout class 45 , 72 , 836

row-layout-divider 837

:rows initarg 517


save-image function 223

:save-name initarg 679


for a printer 501

scale-thickness graphics state parameter 1125


while printing 1048


usable region of 842

screen class 838

screen-active-interface function 840

screen-active-p function 840

screen-depth accessor function 839

screen-height accessor function 839

screen-height-in-millimeters accessor function 839

screen-interfaces accessor function 429 , 839

screen-internal-geometries function 41 , 151 , 152 , 841

screen-internal-geometry function 42 , 842

screen-logical-resolution function 844

screen-monitor-geometries function 41 , 151 , 844

screen-number accessor function 839

screens function 845

screentips 35

screen-width accessor function 839

screen-width-in-millimeters accessor function 839

scroll bars

programmatic control 100

specifying 12

scroll generic function 100 , 846

scroll-bar class 29 , 848

scroll-bar-line-size accessor function 848

scroll-bar-page-size accessor function 848

scroll-callback 693

:scroll-callback initarg 200 , 280 , 689

%scroll-height% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-height initarg 80 , 200 , 897

%scroll-horizontal-page-size% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-horizontal-page-size initarg 897

%scroll-horizontal-slug-size% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-horizontal-slug-size initarg 896

%scroll-horizontal-step-size% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-horizontal-step-size initarg 897

scroll-if-not-visible-p generic function 102 , 850

:scroll-if-not-visible-p initarg 896

scrolling 280

built-in 501

internal 693

ordinary 692

:scroll-initial-x initarg 897

:scroll-initial-y initarg 897

%scroll-start-x% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-start-x initarg 897

%scroll-start-y% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-start-y initarg 897

%scroll-vertical-page-size% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-vertical-page-size initarg 897

%scroll-vertical-slug-size% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-vertical-slug-size initarg 896

%scroll-vertical-step-size% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-vertical-step-size initarg 897

%scroll-width% geometry slot 1043

:scroll-width initarg 80 , 200 , 897

%scroll-x% geometry slot 1043

%scroll-y% geometry slot 1043

:search-field initarg 22 , 955

search-for-item generic function 851

:selected initarg 33 , 321 , 573

:selected-disabled-image initarg 322

:selected-disabled-images initarg 327

:selected-function initarg 645

:selected-image initarg 321 , 991

:selected-images initarg 326

:selected-item initarg 61 , 63 , 343 , 1017

:selected-item-function initarg 642 , 997

:selected-items initarg 63 , 343

:selected-items-filter initarg 432

:selected-items-function initarg 642 , 997

:selected-items-title initarg 432

selecting nth item 53 , 63 , 343

selection function 852

selection gesture 50

:selection initarg 63 , 342

:selection-callback initarg 32 , 49 , 51 , 58 , 63 , 148 , 323 , 335 , 947

selection-empty function 853

:selection-function initarg 642 , 997

selections 49 - 53

default settings 53

extending 50

general properties 63

specifying multiple 62

Self-contained examples

alpha channel 281

animation 283

charts and graphs 291

choices 285

Cocoa-specific 284

combining pixels when drawing 281

complete CAPI applications 284

dialogs and prompts 286

Drag and drop 283

Drawing a chart 282

Drawing based on dynamic computation 281 , 282

draw-path 282

editor panes 287

graphic tools 291

graphics transforms 281

graphs 284

GTK+-specific 288

highlighting objects in an output-pane 281

highlighting pinboard objects 283

image editing 281

image transparency 281

layouts 288

menus 287

metafiles 281

Motif-specific 288

output-pane 279

paths 281

pinboard-layout 279

pinboards 282

printing 290

selecting objects in an output-pane 281

selecting pinboard objects 283

static-layout 279

tooltips 289

various pane classes 289

separation function 1178

:separator-item initarg 684

separators 90

set-application-interface function 854

set-application-themed function 271

set-button-panel-enabled-items generic function 855

set-clipboard function 856

set-composition-placement function 857

set-confirm-quit-flag function 858

set-default-editor-pane-blink-rate function 26 , 859

set-default-image-load-function function 1178

set-default-interface-prefix-suffix function 18 , 860

set-default-use-native-input-method function 862

set-display-pane-selection generic function 862

set-drop-object-supported-formats function 863

set-editor-parenthesis-colors function 26 , 865

setf function 18 , 32

set-geometric-hint function 79 , 866

set-graphics-port-coordinates function 1179

set-graphics-state function 213 , 1180

set-hint-table function 79 , 87 , 866

set-horizontal-scroll-parameters function 80

set-horizontal-scroll-parameters generic function 867

set-interactive-break-gestures function 868

set-interface-pane-name-appearance function 869

set-interface-pane-type-appearance function 869

set-list-panel-keyboard-search-reset-time function 873

set-object-automatic-resize function 874

set-pane-focus generic function 878

set-printer-metrics function 255 , 879

set-printer-options function 254 , 880

set-rich-text-pane-character-format function 881

set-rich-text-pane-paragraph-format function 884

set-scroll-position generic function 847

set-scroll-range generic function 868 , 890

set-selection function 886

set-text-input-pane-selection generic function 887

set-top-level-interface-geometry function 98

set-top-level-interface-geometry generic function 888

:setup-callback-argument initarg 651

set-vertical-scroll-parameters function 80

set-vertical-scroll-parameters generic function 889

shape-mode graphics state parameter 212 , 815 , 1126

shell-pane class 891

shell-pane-command accessor function 891

show-interface function 892

show-pane function 893

:show-value-p initarg 912 , 916

simple-layout class 893

simple-network-pane class 894

simple-pane class 69 , 895

simple-pane-background accessor function 897

simple-pane-cursor accessor function 15 , 897

simple-pane-drag-callback accessor function 897

simple-pane-drop-callback accessor function 897

simple-pane-enabled accessor function 485 , 897 , 999

simple-pane-font accessor function 897

simple-pane-foreground accessor function 897

simple-pane-handle function 907

simple-pane-horizontal-scroll accessor function 897

simple-pane-scroll-callback accessor function 897

simple-pane-vertical-scroll accessor function 897

simple-pane-visible-border accessor function 897

simple-pane-visible-height function 28

simple-pane-visible-height generic function 907

simple-pane-visible-size function 28

simple-pane-visible-size generic function 908

simple-pane-visible-width function 28

simple-pane-visible-width generic function 909

simple-pinboard-layout class 909

simple-print-port function 208 , 256 , 910

single selection

specifying 62

:single-selection interaction style 49 , 62 , 113 , 323

:sinks initarg 679

slider class 29 , 912

slider-print-function accessor function 912

slider-show-value-p accessor function 912

slider-start-point accessor function 912

slider-tick-frequency accessor function 912

slot 5

slot-value function 5

:slug-end initarg 811

:slug-start initarg 811

:small-image-height initarg 602

:small-image-width initarg 602

sorted-object class 915

sorted-object-sort-by generic function 916

sorted-object-sorted-by function 917

sort-object-items-by function 915

Sound API 268

:source-interfaces class option 402

Spaces on Mac OS X 42

special slots

container 93 , 430

windows-menu 93 , 430

stacked-tree class 56 , 918

stacked-tree-decrease-font-height function 927

stacked-tree-default-color-function function 928

stacked-tree-empty-tree-string accessor function 919

stacked-tree-history-backward function 929

stacked-tree-history-forward function 929

stacked-tree-increase-font-height function 927

stacked-tree-item-at-point function 930

stacked-tree-item-function accessor function 919

stacked-tree-item-menu-function accessor function 919

stacked-tree-root accessor function 919

stacked-tree-width-ratio accessor 931

stacked-tree-zoom-by-factor function 932

standard image symbols

:std-copy 589 , 992 , 1012

:std-cut 589 , 992 , 1012

:std-delete 589 , 992 , 1012

:std-file-new 589 , 992 , 1012

:std-file-open 589 , 992 , 1012

:std-file-save 589 , 992 , 1012

:std-find 589 , 993 , 1012

:std-help 589 , 993 , 1012

:std-paste 589 , 992 , 1012

:std-print 589 , 993 , 1012

:std-print-pre 589 , 993 , 1012

:std-properties 589 , 993 , 1012

:std-redo 589 , 992 , 1012

:std-replace 589 , 993 , 1012

:std-undo 589 , 992 , 1012

:start initarg 811 , 978

start-drawing-with-cached-display function 933

start-gc-monitor function 935

start-pane-drag-operation function 936

:start-point initarg 912

:start-x initarg 188 , 581

:start-y initarg 188 , 581

:state-image-function initarg 53 , 55 , 584 , 601 , 1008

:state-image-height initarg 433 , 585 , 602 , 1009

:state-image-width initarg 433 , 585 , 602 , 1009

static-layout class 938

static-layout-child-geometry function 939

static-layout-child-position generic function 940

static-layout-child-size generic function 941

:status-text-change-callback initarg 309

:std-copy image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-cut image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-delete image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-file-new image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-file-open image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-file-save image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-find image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-help image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-paste image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-print image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-print-pre image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-properties image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-redo image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-replace image symbol 589 , 1012

:std-undo image symbol 589 , 1012

stipple graphics state parameter 1124

stop-gc-monitor function 942

stop-sound function 943

:stream initarg 369

streams 369

:stretch-text-p initarg 988

string-drawing-object class 1246


prompting for 155

structure classes

basic-graph-spec 1211

graphics-state 1122

printer-metrics 766


finding 18

subclasses, finding 18

:subitem-function initarg 600

:subitem-print-functions initarg 601

switchable-layout class 943

switchable-layout-combine-child-constraints accessor function 944

switchable-layout-switchable-children generic function 945

switchable-layout-visible-child accessor function 88 , 944


prompting for 161

system clipboard API 269


tab-layout class 88 , 946

tab-layout-combine-child-constraints accessor function 947

tab-layout-image-function accessor function 947

tab-layout-panes function 950

tab-layout-visible-child function 951

tab-layout-visible-child-function accessor function 947

tabstops 296

:temp new value for :buffer-name initarg 27

:test-function initarg 362


displaying 20 , 27

displaying on screen 20

editing 20 , 27

entering 20 , 27

:text initarg 12 , 20 , 22 , 32 , 33 , 417 , 453 , 485 , 573 , 826 , 953 , 979 , 981

text input panes 21

:text-background initarg 578

:text-change-callback initarg 953

:text-foreground initarg 578

text-input-choice class 951

text-input-pane class 14 , 21 , 70 , 168 , 172 , 953

text-input-pane-append-recent-items function 969

text-input-pane-buttons-enabled accessor function 955

text-input-pane-callback accessor function 955

text-input-pane-caret-position accessor function 955

text-input-pane-change-callback accessor function 955

text-input-pane-complete-text function 970

text-input-pane-completion-function accessor function 955

text-input-pane-confirm-change-function accessor function 955

text-input-pane-copy function 971

text-input-pane-cut function 972

text-input-pane-delete function 972

text-input-pane-delete-recent-items function 969

text-input-pane-editing-callback accessor function 955

text-input-pane-enabled accessor function 955

text-input-pane-in-place-complete function 973

text-input-pane-max-characters accessor function 955

text-input-pane-navigation-callback accessor function 955

text-input-pane-paste function 973

text-input-pane-prepend-recent-items function 969

text-input-pane-recent-items function 974

text-input-pane-replace-recent-items function 969

text-input-pane-selected-text function 418 , 975

text-input-pane-selection function 419 , 975

text-input-pane-selection-p function 419 , 976

text-input-pane-set-recent-items function 977

text-input-pane-text accessor function 955

text-input-range class 978

text-input-range-callback accessor function 979

text-input-range-callback-type accessor function 979

text-input-range-change-callback accessor function 979

text-input-range-end accessor function 979

text-input-range-start accessor function 979

text-input-range-value accessor function 979

text-input-range-wraps-p accessor function 979

:text-limit initarg 826

text-mode graphics state parameter 212 , 1126

:texts initarg 988 , 997

thickness graphics state parameter 1125

:tick-frequency initarg 912

tips 35

title bar

removal 544

:title initarg 18 , 140 , 150 , 535 , 651 , 983

title panes 17

:title-adjust initarg 494 , 983

:title-args initarg 983

:title-change-callback initarg 309

titled-menu-object class 982

titled-object class 14 , 17 , 982

titled-object-message accessor function 983

titled-object-message-font accessor function 548 , 983

titled-object-title accessor function 148 , 983

titled-object-title-font accessor function 983

titled-pane 985

titled-pane-message 985

titled-pane-title 985

titled-pinboard-object class 986

:title-font initarg 18 , 983

:title-function initarg 651

:title-gap initarg 494 , 983

title-pane class 17 , 980

title-pane-text accessor function 981

:title-position initarg 19 , 74 , 983


changing 18 , 150

changing interactively 18

for elements 18

for interfaces 18 , 150

for windows 18 , 150

specifying 17 , 17 - 19

specifying directly 18

:to initarg 504


customize 34

folding 34

toolbar buttons 34

toolbar class 125 , 134 , 988

toolbar-button class 35 , 991

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu accessor function 992

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu-function accessor function 992

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu-kind accessor function 992

toolbar-button-image accessor function 992

toolbar-button-popup-interface accessor function 992

toolbar-button-selected-image accessor function 992

toolbar-component class 36 , 127 , 996

toolbar-flat-p accessor function 989

:toolbar-items initarg 125 , 537 , 990

toolbar-object class 999

toolbar-object-enabled-function accessor function 999

toolbars 34 , 290

adding 125

description of 125 - 135

disabling items in 134 , 134

folding on Cocoa 125

grouping items together 127 - 128 , 131 - 132

:toolbar-states initarg 537

:toolbar-title initarg 896

:tooltip initarg 991

tooltips 35 , 280

self-contained examples 289

:tooltips initarg 36 , 130 , 988 , 997

top level interface 137

top level window 137

:top-level-function initarg 531

:top-level-hook initarg 536

top-level-interface generic function 1000

top-level-interface-display-state function 105

top-level-interface-display-state generic function 1000

top-level-interface-external-border accessor function 538

top-level-interface-geometry function 42 , 99 , 151

top-level-interface-geometry generic function 1002

top-level-interface-geometry-key generic function 1003

top-level-interface-p generic function 1005

top-level-interface-save-geometry-p generic function 1005

top-level-interface-transparency accessor function 538

touch input 182

touch-screen 182

touchscreen 182

touchscreen gestures 182

tracking-pinboard-layout class 1006

track-pad 182

trackpad 182

trackpad gestures 182

transform graphics state parameter 1122

transform type 1181

transform-area function 1181

transform-distance function 1182

transform-distances function 1183

transform-is-rotated function 1183

transform-point function 1184

transform-points function 1184

transform-rect function 1185

:transparency initarg 537

tree-view class 55 , 1006

tree-view-action-callback-expand-p accessor function 1009

tree-view-checkbox-change-callback accessor function 1009

tree-view-checkbox-child-function accessor function 1009

tree-view-checkbox-initial-status accessor function 1009

tree-view-checkbox-next-map accessor function 1009

tree-view-checkbox-parent-function accessor function 1009

tree-view-checkbox-status accessor function 1009

tree-view-children-function accessor function 1009

tree-view-ensure-visible function 1018

tree-view-expanded-p generic function 1018

tree-view-expandp-function accessor function 1009

tree-view-has-root-line accessor function 1009

tree-view-image-function accessor function 1009

tree-view-item-checkbox-status function 1019

tree-view-item-children-checkbox-status function 1020

tree-view-leaf-node-p-function accessor function 1009

tree-view-retain-expanded-nodes accessor function 1009

tree-view-right-click-extended-match accessor function 1009

tree-view-roots accessor function 1009

tree-view-state-image-function accessor function 1009

tree-view-update-an-item generic function 1021

tree-view-update-item generic function 1021

Truetype fonts 212

:type initarg 835


font 1104

font-description 1105

image-locator 525

transform 1181


unconvert-color function 227 , 1272

undefine-font-alias function 1186

undefine-menu macro 1022

underlined letters 13

unhighlight-pinboard-object function 1022

:uniform-size-p initarg 371 , 836

uninstall-postscript-printer function 1023

union-rectangle macro 1186

*unit-transform* variable 1187

unit-transform-p function 1187

unless-empty-rect-bind macro 1188

unmap-typeout function 1024

unrecord-dependent-object generic function 814

:unselected-items-filter initarg 432

:unselected-items-title initarg 432

untransform-distance function 1189

untransform-distances function 1189

untransform-point function 1190

untransform-points function 1191

update-all-interface-titles function 1024

:update-commands-callback initarg 310

update-drawing-with-cached-display function 1025

update-drawing-with-cached-display-from-points function 1025

update-interface-title generic function 1027

update-internal-scroll-parameters function 203 , 1028

update-pinboard-object function 1029

*update-screen-interfaces-hooks* variable 1030

update-screen-interface-titles function 1030

update-toolbar function 1031

:url initarg 310

:use-images initarg 584 , 1009

*use-in-place-completion* variable 169

:use-large-images initarg 601

:use-metafile initarg 1243

:use-native-input-method initarg 187 , 458 , 690

user input 153 - 168

:user-component initarg 679

:use-small-images initarg 601

:use-state-images initarg 585 , 601 , 1009

using callback functions 11

using the CAPI 5 - 6


validate-rectangle generic function 1191

:value initarg 919

:value-function keyword argument 165


prompting for 155 - 161


*color-database* 1252

*default-editor-pane-line-wrap-marker* 388

*default-image-translation-table* 1072 , 1140

*default-non-focus-message-timeout* 389

*default-non-focus-message-timeout-extension* 389

*echo-area-cursor-inactive-style* 450

*editor-cursor-active-style* 451

*editor-cursor-color* 451

*editor-cursor-drag-style* 452

*editor-cursor-inactive-style* 452

*editor-pane-composition-selected-range-face-plist* 464

*editor-pane-default-composition-face* 466

*maximum-moving-objects-to-track-edges* 636

*ppd-directory* 758

*printer-search-path* 769

*unit-transform* 1187

*update-screen-interfaces-hooks* 1030

*use-in-place-completion* 169

:vertical-adjustment initarg 494

:vertical-gap initarg 494

:vertical-scroll initarg 12 , 29 , 74 , 199 , 849 , 895

:view initarg 600 , 601

:view-class initarg 358

:view-details image symbol 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-large-icons image symbol 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-list image symbol 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-net-connect image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:view-net-disconnect image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:view-new-folder image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:view-parent-folder image symbol 590 , 993 , 1012

:view-small-icons image symbol 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-sort-date image symbol 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-sort-name image symbol 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-sort-size image symbol 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-sort-type image symbol 589 , 993 , 1012

virtual-screen-geometry function 42 , 152 , 1032

visible constraints 81

:visible-border initarg 896

:visible-child initarg 943

:visible-child-function initarg 946 , 947

:visible-items-count initarg 684 , 952

:visible-max-height initarg 81 , 471 , 735

:visible-max-width initarg 81 , 471 , 735

:visible-min-height initarg 81 , 471 , 735

:visible-min-width initarg 81 , 82 , 471 , 735


WAV sound files 611

:widget-name initarg 470

%width% geometry slot 1042

:width initarg 838

windoid 544

Window handle 384 , 907

window title

removal 544

window titles 18 , 150

window-modal dialogs 161 , 410 , 749 , 1035

Windows history image symbols

:hist-addtofavorites 590 , 993 , 1012

:hist-back 590 , 993 , 1012

:hist-favorites 590 , 993 , 1012

:hist-forward 590 , 993 , 1012

:hist-viewtree 590 , 993 , 1012

Windows themes 271

Windows view image symbols

:view-details 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-large-icons 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-list 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-net-connect 590 , 993 , 1012

:view-net-disconnect 590 , 993 , 1012

:view-new-folder 590 , 993 , 1012

:view-parent-folder 590 , 993 , 1012

:view-small-icons 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-sort-date 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-sort-name 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-sort-size 589 , 993 , 1012

:view-sort-type 589 , 993 , 1012

Windows XP themes 271

windows-menu 93 , 430

windows-menu special slot 93 , 430

:window-styles initarg 537 , 684

with-atomic-redisplay macro 1032

with-busy-interface macro 1033

with-dialog-results macro 162 , 1034

with-dither macro 1192

with-document-pages macro 254 , 1037

with-external-metafile macro 208 , 1038

with-geometry macro 28 , 1041

with-graphics-mask macro 1193

with-graphics-post-translation macro 1195

with-graphics-rotation macro 1196

with-graphics-scale macro 1196

with-graphics-state macro 213 , 1197

with-graphics-transform macro 1199

with-graphics-transform-reset macro 1200

with-graphics-translation macro 1196

with-internal-metafile macro 208 , 1044

with-inverse-graphics macro 1201

with-output-to-printer macro 256 , 1046

without-relative-drawing macro 1206

with-page macro 254 , 1047

with-page-transform macro 255 , 1048

with-pixmap-graphics-port macro 208 , 229 , 1201

with-print-job macro 208 , 254 , 1049

with-random-typeout macro 1051

with-transformed-area macro 1203

with-transformed-point macro 1204

with-transformed-points macro 1205

with-transformed-rect macro 1205

Works > Refresh menu command 119

Works menu

in CAPI objects 6

workspaces on Linux 42

:wraps-p initarg 979

:wrap-style initarg 454

wrap-text function 1051

wrap-text-for-pane function 1052

write-external-image function 1207


%x% geometry slot 1042

:x initarg 188 , 470 , 734

X resources

fallback resources 273 , 276

in delivered applications 273 , 276

X window ID 384 , 907

X Window System

display 379

fallback resources 379


resources 273 , 276

:x-adjust initarg 77 , 1053

:x-gap initarg 517 , 894

:x-ratios initarg 74 , 517

:x-uniform-size-p initarg 517

x-y-adjustable-layout class 1053


%y% geometry slot 1042

:y initarg 188 , 470 , 734

:y-adjust initarg 77 , 1053

:y-gap initarg 517

:y-ratios initarg 74 , 517

:y-uniform-size-p initarg 518



of interfaces 362

of pinboard-objects 729

CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 3 Aug 2017
