All Manuals > CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual > 6 Laying Out CAPI Panes


6.7 Changing layouts and panes within a layout

To change to another layout, use (setf pane-layout):

(setf layout 
       (make-instance 'row-layout 
                      (list (make-instance 'title-pane :text "One") 
                            (make-instance 'title-pane :text "Two"))
                      :visible-min-height 100)))
 layout #'(setf pane-layout)
 (make-instance 'column-layout 
                (list (make-instance 'title-pane :text "Three") 
                      (make-instance 'title-pane :text "Four"))) 
 (element-interface layout))

To change the panes within a layout, use (setf layout-description):

(setf layout 
       (make-instance 'row-layout 
                      (list (make-instance 'title-pane :text "One") 
                            (make-instance 'title-pane :text "Two"))
                      :visible-min-height 100)))
 layout #'(setf layout-description)
 (list (make-instance 'title-pane :text "Three") 
       (make-instance 'title-pane :text "Four")
       (make-instance 'title-pane :text "Five"))

Note: A CAPI layout must not reuse panes that are already displayed in another layout.

CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 3 Aug 2017
