


abort-callback function 1

abort-dialog function 2

abort-exit-confirmer function 3

:accelerator initarg 275

Accelerators 212 , 275

accepts-focus-p generic function 4

:accepts-focus-p initarg 50 , 135

accessor functions

application-interface-application-menu 43

application-interface-dock-menu 43

application-interface-message-callback 43

button-alternate-callback 385

button-armed-image 14

button-cancel-p 14

button-default-p 14

button-disabled-image 14

button-enabled 14

button-image 14

button-press-callback 385

button-selected 14

button-selected-disabled-image 14

button-selected-image 14

callbacks-action-callback 25

callbacks-callback-type 25

callbacks-extend-callback 25

callbacks-retract-callback 25

callbacks-selection-callback 25

capi-object-name 28

capi-object-plist 28

choice-initial-focus-item 32

choice-interaction 32

choice-selection 32

cocoa-view-pane-init-function 45

cocoa-view-pane-view-class 45

collection-items 50

collection-items-count-function 50

collection-items-get-function 50

collection-items-map-function 50

collection-print-function 50

collection-test-function 50

collector-pane-stream 55

display-pane-text 93

docking-layout-controller 98

docking-layout-divider-p 98

docking-layout-docking-test-function 98

docking-layout-items 98

docking-layout-orientation 98

document-frame-container 103

drawn-pinboard-object-display-callback 113

editor-pane-buffer 131

editor-pane-change-callback 124

editor-pane-enabled 124

editor-pane-fixed-fill 124

editor-pane-line-wrap-face 124

editor-pane-line-wrap-marker 124

editor-pane-text 124

editor-pane-wrap-style 124

element-interface 137

element-parent 137

filled 142 , 394

filtering-layout-matches-text 149

filtering-layout-state 149

form-title-adjust 157

form-title-gap 157

form-vertical-adjust 157

form-vertical-gap 157

graph-edge-from 165

graph-edge-to 165

graph-node-height 166

graph-node-in-edges 166

graph-node-out-edges 166

graph-node-width 166

graph-node-x 166

graph-node-y 166

graph-object-element 167

graph-object-object 167

graph-pane-layout-function 168

graph-pane-roots 168

help-key 50 , 137 , 275 , 333 , 503

image-height 594

image-pinboard-object-image 185

image-width 594

interactive-pane-stream 190

interactive-pane-top-level-function 190

interface-activate-callback 195

interface-confirm-destroy-function 195

interface-create-callback 195

interface-destroy-callback 195

interface-geometry-change-callback 195

interface-help-callback 195

interface-iconify-callback 195 , 201

interface-menu-bar-items 195

interface-message-area 195

interface-override-cursor 195

interface-pointer-documentation-enabled 195

interface-title 195

interface-tooltips-enabled 195

interface-window-styles 195

item-collection 220

item-data 220

item-print-function 220

item-selected 220

item-text 220

labelled-line-text-foreground 223

layout-description 225

layout-ratios 57 , 413

layout-x-adjust 549

layout-x-gap 178

layout-x-ratios 178

layout-y-adjust 549

layout-y-gap 178

layout-y-ratios 178

list-panel-right-click-selection-behavior 228

list-view-auto-reset-column-widths 236

list-view-columns 236

list-view-image-function 236

list-view-state-image-function 236

list-view-subitem-function 236

list-view-subitem-print-functions 236

list-view-view 236

menu-image-function 268

menu-items 268

menu-object-enabled 280

menu-popup-callback 279

menu-title 493

menu-title-function 493

ole-control-component-pane 293

option-pane-enabled 304

option-pane-enabled-positions 304

option-pane-image-function 304

option-pane-popup-callback 304

option-pane-separator-item 304

option-pane-visible-items-count 304

output-pane-create-callback 308

output-pane-destroy-callback 308

output-pane-display-callback 308

output-pane-focus-callback 308

output-pane-graphics-options 308

output-pane-input-model 308

output-pane-resize-callback 308

output-pane-scroll-callback 308

pane-layout 19 , 195

password-pane-overwrite-character 327

pinboard-object-activep 333

pinboard-object-graphics-args 333

pinboard-object-pinboard 333

popup-menu-button-menu 348

popup-menu-button-menu-function 348

range-callback 393

range-end 393

range-orientation 393

range-slug-end 393

range-slug-start 393

range-start 393

rich-text-pane-change-callback 403

rich-text-pane-limit 403

rich-text-pane-text 403

screen-depth 415

screen-height 415

screen-height-in-millimeters 415

screen-interfaces 102 , 415

screen-number 415

screen-width 415

screen-width-in-millimeters 415

scroll-bar-line-size 421

scroll-bar-page-size 421

shell-pane-command 450

simple-pane-background 455

simple-pane-cursor 455

simple-pane-drop-callback 455

simple-pane-enabled 149 , 455 , 509

simple-pane-font 455

simple-pane-foreground 455

simple-pane-horizontal-scroll 455

simple-pane-scroll-callback 455

simple-pane-vertical-scroll 455

simple-pane-visible-border 455

slider-show-value-p 465

slider-start-point 465

switchable-layout-combine-child-constraints 470

switchable-layout-visible-child 470

tab-layout-combine-child-constraints 472

tab-layout-visible-child-function 472

text-input-pane-before-change-callback 483

text-input-pane-buttons-enabled 478

text-input-pane-callback 478

text-input-pane-caret-position 478

text-input-pane-change-callback 478

text-input-pane-completion-function 478

text-input-pane-confirm-change-function 478

text-input-pane-editing-callback 478

text-input-pane-enabled 478

text-input-pane-max-characters 478

text-input-pane-navigation-callback 478

text-input-pane-text 478

text-input-range-callback 491

text-input-range-callback-type 491

text-input-range-end 491

text-input-range-start 491

text-input-range-value 491

text-input-range-wraps-p 491

titled-object-message 495

titled-object-message-font 201 , 495

titled-object-title 495

titled-object-title-font 495

title-pane-text 492

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu 503

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu-function 503

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu-kind 503

toolbar-button-image 503

toolbar-button-popup-interface 503

toolbar-button-selected-image 503

toolbar-flat-p 500

toolbar-object-enabled-function 509

top-level-interface-external-border 195

top-level-interface-transparency 195

tree-view-action-callback-expand-p 520

tree-view-checkbox-change-callback 520

tree-view-checkbox-child-function 520

tree-view-checkbox-initial-status 520

tree-view-checkbox-next-map 520

tree-view-checkbox-parent-function 520

tree-view-checkbox-status 520

tree-view-children-function 520

tree-view-expandp-function 520

tree-view-has-root-line 520

tree-view-image-function 520

tree-view-leaf-node-p-function 520

tree-view-retain-expanded-nodes 520

tree-view-right-click-extended-match 520

tree-view-roots 520

tree-view-state-image-function 520

:action-callback initarg 25

:action-callback-expand-p initarg 518

:activate-callback initarg 193

activate-pane function 5

:activep initarg 332 , 392

ActiveX 298

:adjust initarg 57 , 413

:adjust item in :buttons initarg 482

:after-input-callback initarg 124

:alternate-callback initarg 385

:alternative initarg 275

analyze-external-image function 551

append-items generic function 6

Application menu 42

application-interface-application-menu accessor function 43

application-interface-dock-menu accessor function 43

application-interface-message-callback accessor function 43

:application-menu initarg 43

apply-in-pane-process function 6

apply-rotation function 552

apply-scale function 552

apply-translation function 553

apropos-color-alias-names function 659

apropos-color-names function 660

apropos-color-spec-names function 661

:armed-image initarg 14

:armed-images initarg 18

arrow-pinboard-object class 7

attach-interface-for-callback function 9

attach-simple-sink function 10

attach-sink function 11

augment-font-description function 553

:auto-menus initarg 193

:auto-reset-column-widths initarg 235 , 286


:background initarg 454

beep-pane function 12

:before-change-callback initarg 483

:before-input-callback initarg 124

:best-height initarg 193

:best-width initarg 193

:best-x initarg 193

:best-y initarg 193

:browse-file item in :buttons initarg 481

:buffer-modes initarg 123

:buffer-name initarg 55 , 123

built-in scrolling 163

button class 13

button-alternate-callback accessor function 385

button-armed-image accessor function 14

button-cancel-p accessor function 14

:button-class initarg 18

button-default-p accessor function 14

button-disabled-image accessor function 14

button-enabled accessor function 14

:button-height initarg 500

button-image accessor function 14

button-panel class 18

button-press-callback accessor function 385

:buttons initarg 477

button-selected accessor function 14

button-selected-disabled-image accessor function 14

button-selected-image accessor function 14

:button-width initarg 500


calculate-constraints generic function 23

calculate-layout generic function 24

:callback initarg 13 , 15 , 148 , 279 , 392 , 421 , 477 , 490 , 502

:callback-data-function initarg 279

:callback-object initarg 148

callbacks 25

for button panels 18

for buttons 15

passing different variables 10

callbacks class 24

:callbacks initarg 18 , 500 , 508

callbacks-action-callback accessor function 25

callbacks-callback-type accessor function 25

callbacks-extend-callback accessor function 25

callbacks-retract-callback accessor function 25

callbacks-selection-callback accessor function 25

:callback-type initarg 25 , 472 , 477 , 491

call-editor generic function 27

:cancel item in :buttons initarg 480

cancel-button image identifier 483

:cancel-button initarg 18

:cancel-function item in :buttons initarg 481

:cancel-p initarg 13

CAPI process 87

capi-object class 28

capi-object-name accessor function 28

capi-object-plist accessor function 28

capi-object-property function 29

:caret-position initarg 477

:change-callback initarg 123 , 148 , 403 , 477

:change-callback-type initarg 477

:character-format initarg 403

:checkbox-change-callback initarg 519

:checkbox-child-function initarg 519

:checkbox-initial-status initarg 519

:checkbox-next-map initarg 519

:checkbox-parent-function initarg 519

:checkbox-status initarg 519

check-button class 30

check-button-panel class 31

%child% geometry slot 540

:child initarg 463

:children-function initarg 167 , 517

choice class 31

choice-initial-focus-item accessor function 32

choice-interaction accessor function 32

choice-selected-item generic function 35

choice-selected-item-p function 37

choice-selected-items generic function 37

choice-selection accessor function 32

choice-update-item function 39

class options

:coclass 82

:definition 75

:interfaces 82

:layouts 75

:menu-bar 75

:menus 75

:panes 75

:source-interfaces 82


arrow-pinboard-object 7

button 13

button-panel 18

callbacks 24

capi-object 28

check-button 30

check-button-panel 31

choice 31

cocoa-default-application-interface 42

cocoa-view-pane 45

collection 49

collector-pane 55

color-screen 56

column-layout 57

display-pane 92

docking-layout 97

document-container 102

document-frame 103

double-headed-arrow-pinboard-object 106

double-list-panel 107

drawn-pinboard-object 113

echo-area-pane 121

editor-pane 123

element 135

ellipse 142

expandable-item-pinboard-object 147

extended-selection-tree-view 147

external-image 578

filtering-layout 148

foreign-owned-interface 156

form-layout 157

graph-edge 165

graph-node 165

graph-object 166

graph-pane 167

grid-layout 177

image 594

image-list 183

image-pinboard-object 185

interactive-pane 190

interface 192

item 220

item-pinboard-object 222

labelled-arrow-pinboard-object 222

labelled-line-pinboard-object 223

layout 224

line-pinboard-object 226

listener-pane 240

list-panel 228

list-view 234

menu 267

menu-component 272

menu-item 274

menu-object 279

message-pane 283

mono-screen 285

multi-column-list-panel 286

multi-line-text-input-pane 290

ole-control-component 292

ole-control-doc 294

ole-control-frame 295

ole-control-pane 298

ole-control-pane-simple-sink 302

option-pane 303

output-pane 306

password-pane 327

pinboard-layout 329

pinboard-object 331

pixmap-port 619

popup-menu-button 348

progress-bar 361

push-button 385

push-button-panel 386

radio-button 389

radio-button-panel 390

range-pane 392

rectangle 393

rich-text-pane 403

right-angle-line-pinboard-object 411

row-layout 412

screen 414

scroll-bar 421

shell-pane 450

simple-layout 452

simple-network-pane 453

simple-pane 453

simple-pinboard-layout 463

slider 464

sorted-object 466

switchable-layout 469

tab-layout 471

text-input-choice 475

text-input-pane 476

text-input-range 490

titled-menu-object 493

titled-object 494

titled-pinboard-object 497

title-pane 492

toolbar 500

toolbar-button 502

toolbar-component 507

toolbar-object 509

tracking-pinboard-layout 514

tree-view 517

x-y-adjustable-layout 549

clear-external-image-conversions function 554

clear-graphics-port function 555

clear-graphics-port-state function 555

clear-rectangle function 556

clipboard function 40

clipboard-empty function 41

clone generic function 42

:close-callback initarg 299

:coclass class option 82

Cocoa Event Loop process 87

cocoa-default-application-interface class 42

cocoa-view-pane class 45

cocoa-view-pane-init-function accessor function 45

cocoa-view-pane-view function 47

cocoa-view-pane-view-class accessor function 45

collect-interfaces generic function 48

collection class 49

:collection initarg 220

collection-find-next-string generic function 52

collection-find-string generic function 53

collection-items accessor function 50

collection-items-count-function accessor function 50

collection-items-get-function accessor function 50

collection-items-map-function accessor function 50

collection-last-search generic function 54

collection-print-function accessor function 50

collection-search generic function 54

collection-test-function accessor function 50

collector-pane class 55

collector-pane-stream accessor function 55

color- <component> function 662

*color-database* variable 663

:color-function initarg 228

color-level function 662 , 664

color-model function 665

colors= function 665

color-screen class 56

:column initarg 177

:column-function initarg 286

column-layout class 57

column-layout-divider 59

:columns initarg 286

:combine-child-constraints initarg 469 , 472

:command initarg 450

Command key 309

command table 307

complete-button image identifier 483

:completion item in :buttons initarg 480

:completion-function initarg 477

component-name function 60

:component-name initarg 298 , 302

compress-external-image function 556

compute-char-extents function 557

comtab 307

Confirm Before Exiting 61 , 428

:confirm-change-function initarg 477

:confirm-destroy-function initarg 193

confirmer-pane function 62

confirm-quit function 60

confirm-yes-or-no function 61

contain function 63

container 103

container special slot 103

continuation function, dialog

creating 537

using 90 , 317 , 344 , 352 , 364 , 365 , 368 , 370 , 372 , 373 , 375 , 378 , 380 , 381 , 383 , 384

:controller initarg 97

convert-color function 666

convert-external-image function 557

convert-relative-position function 64

convert-to-font-description function 558

convert-to-screen function 65

copy-external-image function 559

copy-pixels function 559

copy-transform function 560

count-collection-items generic function 67

:create-callback initarg 193 , 292 , 307

create-pixmap-port function 561

current-dialog-handle function 68

current-document generic function 69

current-pointer-position function 70

current-printer function 71

:cursor initarg 454


:data initarg 220

:default initarg 224

:default-button initarg 18

*default-editor-pane-line-wrap-marker* variable 71

:default-image-set initarg 500 , 508

*default-image-translation-table* variable 562 , 601

default-library function 72

:default-p initarg 13

define-color-alias function 667

define-color-models macro 668

define-command macro 72

define-font-alias function 562

define-interface macro 74

define-layout macro 80

define-menu macro 83

define-ole-control-component macro 81

:definition class option 75

delete-color-translation function 669

:depth initarg 415

:description initarg 224 , 472

destroy button

removal 200

destroy generic function 83

:destroy-callback initarg 193 , 293 , 307

destroy-pixmap-port function 563

detach-simple-sink function 84

detach-sink function 85

dialog continuation function

creating 537

using 90 , 317 , 344 , 352 , 364 , 365 , 368 , 370 , 372 , 373 , 375 , 378 , 380 , 381 , 383 , 384


aborting 2

:disabled-image initarg 13

:disabled-images initarg 18

display function 86

:display-callback initarg 113 , 307

display-dialog function 88

display-errors macro 91

display-message function 91

display-message-for-pane function 92

display-message-on-screen function 92

display-pane class 92

display-pane-text accessor function 93

display-popup-menu function 94

display-replacable-dialog function 95

:display-state initarg 194

display-tooltip generic function 96

dither-color-spec function 563

:divider-p initarg 97

:dividerp initarg 500

Dock menu 42

:docking-callback initarg 97

docking-layout class 97

docking-layout-controller accessor function 98

docking-layout-divider-p accessor function 98

docking-layout-docking-test-function accessor function 98

docking-layout-items accessor function 98

docking-layout-orientation accessor function 98

docking-layout-pane-docked-p function 101

docking-layout-pane-visible-p function 101

:docking-test-function initarg 97

:dock-menu initarg 43

document-container class 102

document-frame class 103

document-frame-container accessor function 103

double-headed-arrow-pinboard-object class 106

:double-head-predicate initarg 106

double-list-panel class 107

Drag and drop

coordinates 118 , 119

dragging 109

dropping 455

effect 116

formats 120 , 431

object 117

drag-pane-object function 109

draw-arc function 564

draw-arcs function 565

draw-character function 566

draw-circle function 566

draw-ellipse function 567

draw-image function 568

draw-line function 569

draw-lines function 570

draw-metafile function 111

draw-metafile-to-image function 111

drawn-pinboard-object class 113

drawn-pinboard-object-display-callback accessor function 113

draw-pinboard-object generic function 114

draw-pinboard-object-highlighted generic function 115

draw-pinboard-object-unhighlighted generic function 115

draw-point function 571

draw-points function 571

draw-polygon function 572

draw-polygons function 573

draw-rectangle function 574

draw-rectangles function 575

draw-string function 576

:drop-callback initarg 455

:dropdown-menu initarg 503

:dropdown-menu-function initarg 503

:dropdown-menu-kind initarg 503

drop-object-allows-drop-effect-p function 116

drop-object-drop-effect function 116

drop-object-get-object function 117

drop-object-pane-x function 118

drop-object-pane-y function 119

drop-object-provides-format function 120


:echo-area initarg 124

*echo-area-cursor-inactive-style* variable 120

echo-area-pane class 121

:edge-pinboard-class initarg 168

:editing-callback initarg 477

*editor-cursor-active-style* variable 122

*editor-cursor-color* variable 121

*editor-cursor-drag-style* variable 122

*editor-cursor-inactive-style* variable 123

editor-pane class 123

editor-pane-blink-rate generic function 131

editor-pane-buffer accessor function 131

editor-pane-change-callback accessor function 124

editor-pane-enabled accessor function 124

editor-pane-fixed-fill accessor function 124

editor-pane-line-wrap-face accessor function 124

editor-pane-line-wrap-marker accessor function 124

editor-pane-native-blink-rate function 132

editor-pane-selected-text function 133

editor-pane-selected-text-p function 133

editor-pane-stream function 134

editor-pane-text accessor function 124

editor-pane-wrap-style accessor function 124

editor-window generic function 134

element class 135

element-container function 140

element-interface accessor function 137

element-interface-for-callback function 141

element-parent accessor function 137

element-screen function 141

ellipse class 142

:enabled initarg 13 , 123 , 148 , 279 , 303 , 454 , 477 , 509

:enabled-function initarg 279 , 509

:enabled-positions initarg 304

:enabled-slot initarg 279

:enable-pointer-documentation initarg 194

:enable-tooltips initarg 194

:end-x initarg 226

:end-y initarg 226

ensure-<command> function 670

ensure-area-visible generic function 142

ensure-gdiplus function 576

ensure-interface-screen function 143

Escape key 342

event handler

key strokes 308

mouse click 308

mouse gestures 308

mouse move 308

execute-with-interface function 143

execute-with-interface-if-alive function 144

exit-confirmer function 145

exit-dialog function 146

expandable-item-pinboard-object class 147

:expandp-function initarg 518

:extend-callback initarg 25

extended-selection-tree-view class 147

:external-border initarg 194

external-image class 578

external-image-color-table function 578 , 579

externalize-image function 580

:external-max-height initarg 136 , 333

:external-max-width initarg 136 , 332

:external-min-height initarg 136 , 332

:external-min-width initarg 136 , 332


:filename initarg 403

filled accessor function 142 , 394

:filled initarg 142 , 394

filtering-layout class 148

filtering-layout-matches-text accessor function 149

filtering-layout-match-object-and-exclude-p function 152

filtering-layout-state accessor function 149

find-best-font function 581

find-graph-edge generic function 152

find-graph-node generic function 153

finding panes

interfaces 75

find-interface generic function 154

find-matching-fonts function 581

find-pane 75

find-string-in-collection generic function 155

:fit-size-to-children initarg 329

:fixed-fill initarg 124

:flatp initarg 500


keyboard input on Cocoa 201

mouse events on Cocoa 201

moving to a new pane 5

setting to a pane 321 , 434

:focus-callback initarg 307

:font initarg 454

font-description function 582

font-description-attributes function 583

font-description-attribute-value function 583

font-fixed-width-p function 584

force-screen-update function 155

force-update-all-screens function 156

:foreground initarg 454

foreign-owned-interface class 156

form-layout class 157

form-title-adjust accessor function 157

form-title-gap accessor function 157

form-vertical-adjust accessor function 157

form-vertical-gap accessor function 157

frame 495

free-image function 584

free-image-access function 585

free-metafile function 158

free-sound function 158

:from initarg 165


abort-callback 1

abort-dialog 2

abort-exit-confirmer 3

activate-pane 5

analyze-external-image 551

apply-in-pane-process 6

apply-rotation 552

apply-scale 552

apply-translation 553

apropos-color-alias-names 659

apropos-color-names 660

apropos-color-spec-names 661

attach-interface-for-callback 9

attach-simple-sink 10

attach-sink 11

augment-font-description 553

beep-pane 12

capi-object-property 29

choice-selected-item-p 37

choice-update-item 39

clear-external-image-conversions 554

clear-graphics-port 555

clear-graphics-port-state 555

clear-rectangle 556

clipboard 40

clipboard-empty 41

cocoa-view-pane-view 47

color- <component> 662

color-level 662 , 664

color-model 665

colors= 665

component-name 60

compress-external-image 556

compute-char-extents 557

confirmer-pane 62

confirm-quit 60

confirm-yes-or-no 61

contain 63

convert-color 666

convert-external-image 557

convert-relative-position 64

convert-to-font-description 558

convert-to-screen 65

copy-external-image 559

copy-pixels 559

copy-transform 560

create-pixmap-port 561

current-dialog-handle 68

current-pointer-position 70

current-printer 71

default-library 72

define-color-alias 667

define-font-alias 562

delete-color-translation 669

destroy-pixmap-port 563

detach-simple-sink 84

detach-sink 85

display 86

display-dialog 88

display-message 91

display-message-for-pane 92

display-message-on-screen 92

display-popup-menu 94

display-replacable-dialog 95

dither-color-spec 563

docking-layout-pane-docked-p 101

docking-layout-pane-visible-p 101

drag-pane-object 109

draw-arc 564

draw-arcs 565

draw-character 566

draw-circle 566

draw-ellipse 567

draw-image 568

draw-line 569

draw-lines 570

draw-metafile 111

draw-metafile-to-image 111

draw-point 571

draw-points 571

draw-polygon 572

draw-polygons 573

draw-rectangle 574

draw-rectangles 575

draw-string 576

drop-object-allows-drop-effect-p 116

drop-object-drop-effect 116

drop-object-get-object 117

drop-object-pane-x 118

drop-object-pane-y 119

drop-object-provides-format 120

editor-pane-native-blink-rate 132

editor-pane-selected-text 133

editor-pane-selected-text-p 133

editor-pane-stream 134

element-container 140

element-interface-for-callback 141

element-screen 141

ensure-<command> 670

ensure-gdiplus 576

ensure-interface-screen 143

execute-with-interface 143

execute-with-interface-if-alive 144

exit-confirmer 145

exit-dialog 146

external-image-color-table 578 , 579

externalize-image 580

filtering-layout-match-object-and-exclude-p 152

find-best-font 581

find-matching-fonts 581

font-description 582

font-description-attributes 583

font-description-attribute-value 583

font-fixed-width-p 584

force-screen-update 155

force-update-all-screens 156

free-image 584

free-image-access 585

free-metafile 158

free-sound 158

get-all-color-names 671

get-bounds 585

get-character-extent 586

get-char-ascent 587

get-char-descent 587

get-char-width 588

get-color-alias-translation 672

get-color-spec 673

get-constraints 159

get-enclosing-rectangle 588

get-font-ascent 589

get-font-average-width 589

get-font-descent 590

get-font-height 590

get-font-width 591

get-graphics-state 591

get-origin 592

get-page-area 161

get-printer-metrics 162

get-scroll-position 163

get-string-extent 593

get-transform-scale 593

graphics-port-transform 594

graphics-state-background 611

graphics-state-dash 611

graphics-state-dashed 611

graphics-state-fill-style 611

graphics-state-font 611

graphics-state-foreground 611

graphics-state-line-end-style 611

graphics-state-line-joint-style 611

graphics-state-mask 611

graphics-state-mask-x 611

graphics-state-mask-y 611

graphics-state-operation 611

graphics-state-pattern 611

graphics-state-scale-thickness 611

graphics-state-stipple 611

graphics-state-thickness 611

graphics-state-transform 611

graph-pane-edges 174

graph-pane-nodes 175

graph-pane-object-at-position 175

hide-interface 182

image-access-pixel 595

image-access-pixels-from-bgra 596

image-access-pixels-to-bgra 597

image-access-transfer-from-image 598

image-access-transfer-to-image 599

image-freed-p 600

image-loader 600

image-set 186

image-translation 601

initialize-dithers 601

inset-rectangle 602

inside-rectangle 603

installed-libraries 189

install-postscript-printer 187

interface-display-title 208

interface-iconified-p 211

interface-visible-p 216

invalidate-pane-constraints 218

invalidate-rectangle 603

invert-transform 604

invoke-command 218

invoke-untranslated-command 219

line-pinboard-object-coordinates 227

list-all-font-names 604

listener-pane-insert-value 240

load-color-database 674

load-cursor 241

load-icon-image 605

load-image 607

load-sound 243

lower-interface 246

make-dither 609

make-docking-layout-controller 247

make-font-description 610

make-foreign-owned-interface 248

make-general-image-set 249

make-graphics-state 611

make-gray 675

make-hsv 676

make-icon-resource-image-set 250

make-image 612

make-image-from-port 614

make-image-locator 251

make-menu-for-pane 252

make-resource-image-set 255

make-rgb 677

make-scaled-general-image-set 256

make-scaled-image-set 257

make-sorting-description 258

make-sub-image 615

make-transform 616

map-typeout 266

merge-font-descriptions 616

modify-editor-pane-buffer 284

offset-rectangle 617

ole-control-add-verbs 291

ole-control-close-object 292

ole-control-i-dispatch 296

ole-control-insert-object 297

ole-control-ole-object 298

ole-control-pane-frame 301

ole-control-user-component 302

ordered-rectangle-union 618

page-setup-dialog 316

pane-close-display 320

pane-has-focus-p 321

pixblt 619

play-sound 328

popup-confirmer 340

port-height 620

port-string-height 620

port-string-width 621

port-width 621

postmultiply-transforms 622

premultiply-transforms 622

print-dialog 351

print-editor-buffer 352

printer-configuration-dialog 355

printer-metrics-device-height 356

printer-metrics-device-width 356

printer-metrics-dpi-x 357

printer-metrics-dpi-y 357

printer-metrics-height 357

printer-metrics-left-margin 357

printer-metrics-max-height 357

printer-metrics-max-width 357

printer-metrics-min-left-margin 357

printer-metrics-min-top-margin 357

printer-metrics-paper-height 357

printer-metrics-paper-width 357

printer-metrics-top-margin 357

printer-metrics-width 357

printer-port-handle 358

printer-port-supports-p 359

print-file 353

print-rich-text-pane 354

print-text 355

process-pending-messages 361

prompt-for-color 362

prompt-for-confirmation 363

prompt-for-directory 364

prompt-for-file 366

prompt-for-files 369

prompt-for-font 370

prompt-for-form 371

prompt-for-forms 373

prompt-for-integer 374

prompt-for-items-from-list 375

prompt-for-number 376

prompt-for-string 377

prompt-for-symbol 379

prompt-for-value 381

prompt-with-list 382

prompt-with-message 384

quit-interface 388

raise-interface 391

read-and-convert-external-image 623

read-color-db 678

read-external-image 624

read-sound-file 393

rectangle-union 628

redisplay-menu-bar 395

redraw-pinboard-layout 396

redraw-pinboard-object 396

register-image-load-function 630

register-image-translation 631

remove-capi-object-property 397

replace-dialog 399

reset-image-translation-table 632

reuse-interfaces-p 402

rich-text-pane-character-format 405

rich-text-pane-operation 406

rich-text-pane-paragraph-format 410

rich-text-version 411

screen-active-interface 416

screen-active-p 417

screen-internal-geometry 418

screen-logical-resolution 417

screens 418

selection 423

selection-empty 424

separation 633

set-application-interface 425

set-clipboard 426

set-confirm-quit-flag 428

set-default-editor-pane-blink-rate 428

set-default-image-load-function 633

set-default-interface-prefix-suffix 429

set-drop-object-supported-formats 431

set-geometric-hint 432

set-graphics-port-coordinates 634

set-graphics-state 635

set-hint-table 432

set-object-automatic-resize 435

set-pane-focus 434

set-printer-metrics 445

set-printer-options 446

set-rich-text-pane-character-format 439

set-rich-text-pane-paragraph-format 442

set-selection 444

set-text-input-pane-selection 447

set-top-level-interface-geometry 447

show-interface 451

show-pane 452

simple-pane-handle 460

simple-print-port 464

sort-object-items-by 466

start-gc-monitor 468

stop-gc-monitor 469

tab-layout-panes 474

tab-layout-visible-child 475

text-input-copy 486

text-input-cut 486

text-input-delete 487

text-input-pane-complete-text 485

text-input-pane-selected-text 488

text-input-pane-selection 489

text-input-pane-selection-p 489

text-input-paste 487

top-level-interface-display-state 510

top-level-interface-geometry 511

transform-area 636

transform-distance 636

transform-distances 637

transform-is-rotated 637

transform-point 638

transform-points 638

transform-rect 639

tree-view-ensure-visible 526

tree-view-item-checkbox-status 527

tree-view-item-children-checkbox-status 527

unconvert-color 679

undefine-font-alias 640

uninstall-postscript-printer 530

unit-transform-p 641

unmap-typeout 531

untransform-distance 642

untransform-distances 643

untransform-point 643

untransform-points 644

update-all-interface-titles 531

update-pinboard-object 532

update-screen-interface-titles 533

update-toolbar 534

validate-rectangle 645

wrap-text 547

wrap-text-for-pane 547

write-external-image 656


:gap initarg 57 , 413

generic functions

accepts-focus-p 4

append-items 6

calculate-constraints 23

calculate-layout 24

call-editor 27

choice-selected-item 35

choice-selected-items 37

clone 42

collect-interfaces 48

collection-find-next-string 52

collection-find-string 53

collection-last-search 54

collection-search 54

count-collection-items 67

current-document 69

destroy 83

display-tooltip 96

draw-pinboard-object 114

draw-pinboard-object-highlighted 115

draw-pinboard-object-unhighlighted 115

editor-pane-blink-rate 131

editor-window 134

ensure-area-visible 142

find-graph-edge 152

find-graph-node 153

find-interface 154

find-string-in-collection 155

get-collection-item 159

get-horizontal-scroll-parameters 160

get-vertical-scroll-parameters 164

graph-node-children 166

graph-pane-add-graph-node 171

graph-pane-delete-object 172

graph-pane-delete-objects 172

graph-pane-delete-selected-objects 173

graph-pane-direction 173

graph-pane-select-graph-nodes 176

graph-pane-update-moved-objects 176

hide-pane 182

highlight-pinboard-object 183

interactive-pane-execute-command 191

interface-display 207

interface-editor-pane 209

interface-extend-title 209

interface-geometry 210

interface-keys-style 211

interface-match-p 214

interface-menu-groups 214

interface-reuse-p 215

interpret-description 217

itemp 221

list-panel-enabled 233

locate-interface 244

make-container 246

make-image-access 613

make-pane-popup-menu 253

manipulate-pinboard 260

map-collection-items 263

map-pane-children 263

map-pane-descendant-children 266

merge-menu-bars 282

move-line 285

over-pinboard-object-p 316

pane-adjusted-offset 317

pane-adjusted-position 318

pane-got-focus 321

pane-initial-focus 322

pane-popup-menu-items 323

pane-string 325

parse-layout-descriptor 326

pinboard-object-at-position 335

pinboard-object-graphics-arg 336

pinboard-object-overlap-p 337

pinboard-pane-position 338

pinboard-pane-size 339

print-capi-button 349

print-collection-item 350

redisplay-collection-item 394

redisplay-interface 394

reinitialize-interface 397

remove-items 398

replace-items 400

report-active-component-failure 401

scroll 419

search-for-item 423

set-button-panel-enabled-items 426

set-horizontal-scroll-parameters 433

set-scroll-position 420

set-scroll-range 434 , 449

set-vertical-scroll-parameters 448

simple-pane-visible-height 461

simple-pane-visible-size 461

simple-pane-visible-width 462

sorted-object-sort-by 467

switchable-layout-switchable-children 471

top-level-interface 509

top-level-interface-geometry-key 512

top-level-interface-p 514

top-level-interface-save-geometry-p 514

tree-view-expanded-p 526

tree-view-update-an-item 528

tree-view-update-item 529

unhighlight-pinboard-object 530

update-interface-title 532

geometry slots

%child% 540

%height% 541

%max-height% 541

%max-width% 541

%min-height% 541

%min-width% 541

%object% 540

%ratio% 541

%scroll-height% 541

%scroll-horizontal-page-size% 541

%scroll-horizontal-slug-size% 541

%scroll-horizontal-step-size% 541

%scroll-start-x% 541

%scroll-start-y% 541

%scroll-vertical-page-size% 542

%scroll-vertical-slug-size% 542

%scroll-vertical-step-size% 542

%scroll-width% 541

%scroll-x% 542

%scroll-y% 542

%width% 541

%x% 540

%y% 540

:geometry-change-callback initarg 193

get pane

interface 75

get-all-color-names function 671

get-bounds function 585

get-character-extent function 586

get-char-ascent function 587

get-char-descent function 587

get-char-width function 588

get-collection-item generic function 159

get-color-alias-translation function 672

get-color-spec function 673

get-constraints function 159

get-enclosing-rectangle function 588

get-font-ascent function 589

get-font-average-width function 589

get-font-descent function 590

get-font-height function 590

get-font-width function 591

get-graphics-state function 591

get-horizontal-scroll-parameters generic function 160

get-origin function 592

get-page-area function 161

get-pane 75

get-printer-metrics function 162

get-scroll-position function 163

get-string-extent function 593

get-transform-scale function 593

get-vertical-scroll-parameters generic function 164

graph-edge class 165

graph-edge-from accessor function 165

graph-edge-to accessor function 165

:graphics-args initarg 332

:graphics-options initarg 308

graphics-port-transform function 594

graphics-state-background function 611

graphics-state-dash function 611

graphics-state-dashed function 611

graphics-state-fill-style function 611

graphics-state-font function 611

graphics-state-foreground function 611

graphics-state-line-end-style function 611

graphics-state-line-joint-style function 611

graphics-state-mask function 611

graphics-state-mask-x function 611

graphics-state-mask-y function 611

graphics-state-operation function 611

graphics-state-pattern function 611

graphics-state-scale-thickness function 611

graphics-state-stipple function 611

graphics-state-thickness function 611

graphics-state-transform function 611

graph-node class 165

graph-node-children generic function 166

graph-node-height accessor function 166

graph-node-in-edges accessor function 166

graph-node-out-edges accessor function 166

graph-node-width accessor function 166

graph-node-x accessor function 166

graph-node-y accessor function 166

graph-object class 166

graph-object-element accessor function 167

graph-object-object accessor function 167

graph-pane class 167

graph-pane-add-graph-node generic function 171

graph-pane-delete-object generic function 172

graph-pane-delete-objects generic function 172

graph-pane-delete-selected-objects generic function 173

graph-pane-direction generic function 173

graph-pane-edges function 174

graph-pane-layout-function accessor function 168

graph-pane-nodes function 175

graph-pane-object-at-position function 175

graph-pane-roots accessor function 168

graph-pane-select-graph-nodes generic function 176

graph-pane-update-moved-objects generic function 176

grid-layout class 177

groupbox 495


:has-root-line initarg 519

:has-title-column-p initarg 177

:head initarg 7

:head-breadth initarg 7

:head-direction initarg 7

:header-args initarg 286

:head-graphics-args initarg 7

:head-length initarg 7

%height% geometry slot 541

:height initarg 415


context help 201

help-callback 197

:help item in :buttons initarg 481

:help-callback initarg 194

help-key accessor function 50 , 137 , 275 , 333 , 503

:help-key initarg 50 , 135 , 275 , 332 , 502

:help-keys initarg 18

hide-interface function 182

hide-pane generic function 182

highlight-pinboard-object generic function 183

:highlight-style initarg 329

:horizontal-scroll initarg 422 , 454

HWND 68 , 460


:iconify-callback initarg 193

image class 594

image identifiers

cancel-button 483

complete-button 483

ok-button 483

:image initarg 13 , 185 , 502

image-access-pixel function 595

image-access-pixels-from-bgra function 596

image-access-pixels-to-bgra function 597

image-access-transfer-from-image function 598

image-access-transfer-to-image function 599

image-freed-p function 600

:image-function initarg 234 , 268 , 304 , 517

image-height accessor function 594

:image-height initarg 184 , 500 , 518

image-list class 183

:image-lists initarg 235 , 517

image-loader function 600

image-pinboard-object class 185

image-pinboard-object-image accessor function 185

:images initarg 18 , 500 , 507

image-set function 186

:image-sets initarg 184

image-translation function 601

image-width accessor function 594

:image-width initarg 184 , 500 , 518

:init-function initarg 45

:initial-focus initarg 194 , 224

:initial-focus-item initarg 32

initialize-dithers function 601

input focus 4

:input-model initarg 307

:insert-callback initarg 299

inset-rectangle function 602

inside-rectangle function 603

installed-libraries function 189

install-postscript-printer function 187

:interaction initarg 13 , 32

interaction styles 15


for choice 33

interactive-pane class 190

interactive-pane-execute-command generic function 191

interactive-pane-stream accessor function 190

interactive-pane-top-level-function accessor function 190

interactive-stream 190

interactive-stream-stream 190

interactive-stream-top-level-function 190

interface class 192

:interface initarg 135

interface-activate-callback accessor function 195

interface-confirm-destroy-function accessor function 195

interface-create-callback accessor function 195

interface-destroy-callback accessor function 195

interface-display generic function 207

interface-display-title function 208

interface-editor-pane generic function 209

interface-extend-title generic function 209

interface-geometry generic function 210

interface-geometry-change-callback accessor function 195

interface-help-callback accessor function 195

interface-iconified-p function 211

interface-iconify-callback accessor function 195 , 201

interface-keys-style generic function 211

interface-match-p generic function 214

interface-menu-bar-items accessor function 195

interface-menu-groups generic function 214

interface-message-area accessor function 195

interface-override-cursor accessor function 195

interface-pointer-documentation-enabled accessor function 195

interface-reuse-p generic function 215

:interfaces class option 82

:interfaces initarg 415

interface-title accessor function 195

interface-tooltips-enabled accessor function 195

interface-visible-p function 216

interface-window-styles accessor function 195

internal scrolling 311

:internal-border initarg 454

:internal-max-height initarg 136 , 333

:internal-max-width initarg 136 , 333

:internal-min-height initarg 136 , 333

:internal-min-width initarg 136 , 333

interpret-description generic function 217

invalidate-pane-constraints function 218

invalidate-rectangle function 603

invert-transform function 604

invoke-command function 218

invoke-untranslated-command function 219

item class 220

item-collection accessor function 220

item-data accessor function 220

itemp generic function 221

item-pinboard-object class 222

item-print-function accessor function 220

:item-print-functions initarg 286

:items initarg 49 , 97 , 268 , 272 , 472

:items-count-function initarg 49

item-selected accessor function 220

:items-function initarg 268 , 272

:items-get-function initarg 49

:items-map-function initarg 50

item-text accessor function 220


:keep-selection-p initarg 32

key press event handler 308

:key-function initarg 472

key-press events 308


labelled-arrow-pinboard-object class 222

labelled-line-pinboard-object class 223

labelled-line-text-foreground accessor function 223

:large-image-height initarg 235

:large-image-width initarg 235

layout class 224

:layout initarg 193

:layout-args initarg 18

:layout-class initarg 18

layout-description accessor function 225

*layout-divider-default-size* 59 , 414

:layout-function initarg 167

layout-ratios accessor function 57 , 413

:layouts class option 75

layout-x-adjust accessor function 549

:layout-x-adjust initarg 168

layout-x-gap accessor function 178

layout-x-ratios accessor function 178

layout-y-adjust accessor function 549

:layout-y-adjust initarg 168

layout-y-gap accessor function 178

layout-y-ratios accessor function 178

:leaf-node-p-function initarg 518

line-pinboard-object class 226

line-pinboard-object-coordinates function 227

:line-size initarg 421

:line-wrap-face initarg 124

:line-wrap-marker initarg 124

LispWorks as ActiveX control 81 , 292

list-all-font-names function 604

listener-pane class 240

listener-pane-insert-value function 240

list-panel class 228

list-panel-enabled generic function 233

list-panel-right-click-selection-behavior accessor function 228

list-view class 234

list-view-auto-reset-column-widths accessor function 236

list-view-columns accessor function 236

list-view-image-function accessor function 236

list-view-state-image-function accessor function 236

list-view-subitem-function accessor function 236

list-view-subitem-print-functions accessor function 236

list-view-view accessor function 236

load-color-database function 674

load-cursor function 241

load-icon-image function 605

load-image function 607

load-sound function 243

locate-interface generic function 244

lookup pane

interface 75

lookup-pane 75

lower-interface function 246


Mac OS X Dock 42


define-color-models 668

define-command 72

define-interface 74

define-layout 80

define-menu 83

define-ole-control-component 81

display-errors 91

rectangle-bind 625

rectangle-bottom 626

rectangle-height 626

rectangle-left 627

rectangle-right 627

rectangle-top 628

rectangle-width 629

rect-bind 630

undefine-menu 529

union-rectangle 640

unless-empty-rect-bind 642

with-atomic-redisplay 534

with-busy-interface 535

with-dialog-results 536

with-dither 646

with-document-pages 538

with-external-metafile 538

with-geometry 540

with-graphics-mask 646

with-graphics-rotation 647

with-graphics-scale 648

with-graphics-state 649

with-graphics-transform 650

with-graphics-translation 651

with-internal-metafile 542

with-inverse-graphics 651

with-output-to-printer 543

without-relative-drawing 652

with-page 544

with-page-transform 545

with-pixmap-graphics-port 652

with-print-job 545

with-random-typeout 546

with-transformed-area 653

with-transformed-point 654

with-transformed-points 655

with-transformed-rect 656

make-container generic function 246

make-dither function 609

make-docking-layout-controller function 247

make-font-description function 610

make-foreign-owned-interface function 248

make-general-image-set function 249

make-graphics-state function 611

make-gray function 675

make-hsv function 676

make-icon-resource-image-set function 250

make-image function 612

make-image-access generic function 613

make-image-from-port function 614

make-image-locator function 251

make-menu-for-pane function 252

make-pane-popup-menu generic function 253

make-resource-image-set function 255

make-rgb function 677

make-scaled-general-image-set function 256

make-scaled-image-set function 257

make-sorting-description function 258

make-sub-image function 615

make-transform function 616

manipulate-pinboard generic function 260

map-collection-items generic function 263

map-pane-children generic function 263

map-pane-descendant-children generic function 266

map-typeout function 266

:matches-title initarg 149

:max-characters initarg 477

%max-height% geometry slot 541

*maximum-moving-objects-to-track-edges* variable 267

%max-width% geometry slot 541

MDI 65 , 69 , 103

menu class 267

:menu initarg 348

:menu-bar class option 75

:menu-bar-items initarg 193

menu-component class 272

:menu-function initarg 348

menu-image-function accessor function 268

menu-item class 274

menu-items accessor function 268

menu-object class 279

menu-object-enabled accessor function 280

menu-popup-callback accessor function 279

:menus class option 75

menu-title accessor function 493

menu-title-function accessor function 493

merge-font-descriptions function 616

merge-menu-bars generic function 282

:message initarg 495

:message-area initarg 194

:message-callback initarg 43

:message-gap initarg 495

message-pane class 283

%min-height% geometry slot 541

%min-width% geometry slot 541

:mnemonic initarg 14 , 19 , 268 , 275

:mnemonic-escape initarg 14 , 19 , 268 , 275

:mnemonic-text initarg 14 , 19

:mnemonic-title initarg 19 , 268 , 275 , 495

modal dialogs 90 , 344 , 536

modify-editor-pane-buffer function 284

mono-screen class 285

mouse clicks 308

mouse coordinates 70

mouse events 308

mouse position 70

move-line generic function 285

multi-column-list-panel class 286

multi-line-text-input-pane class 290

Multiple Document Interface 65 , 69 , 103

multiple-selection interaction style 15


:name initarg 28

:navigation-callback initarg 477

:node-pane-function initarg 168

:node-pinboard-class initarg 168

no-selection interaction style 15

:number initarg 415


%object% geometry slot 540

offset-rectangle function 617

:ok item in :buttons initarg 480

ok-button image identifier 483

OLE control 81 , 292

OLE embedding 81 , 292

ole-control-add-verbs function 291

ole-control-close-object function 292

ole-control-component class 292

ole-control-component-pane accessor function 293

ole-control-doc class 294

ole-control-frame class 295

ole-control-i-dispatch function 296

ole-control-insert-object function 297

ole-control-ole-object function 298

ole-control-pane class 298

ole-control-pane-frame function 301

ole-control-pane-simple-sink class 302

ole-control-user-component function 302

option-pane class 303

option-pane-enabled accessor function 304

option-pane-enabled-positions accessor function 304

option-pane-image-function accessor function 304

option-pane-popup-callback accessor function 304

option-pane-separator-item accessor function 304

option-pane-visible-items-count accessor function 304

ordered-rectangle-union function 618

ordinary scrolling 311

:orientation initarg 97 , 177 , 393

:orientation item in :buttons initarg 482

output-pane class 306

output-pane-create-callback accessor function 308

output-pane-destroy-callback accessor function 308

output-pane-display-callback accessor function 308

output-pane-focus-callback accessor function 308

output-pane-graphics-options accessor function 308

output-pane-input-model accessor function 308

output-pane-resize-callback accessor function 308

output-pane-scroll-callback accessor function 308

over-pinboard-object-p generic function 316

:override-cursor initarg 194


page-setup-dialog function 316

:page-size initarg 421

pane-adjusted-offset generic function 317

pane-adjusted-position generic function 318

:pane-can-scroll initarg 307

pane-close-display function 320

:pane-function initarg 292

pane-got-focus generic function 321

pane-has-focus-p function 321

pane-initial-focus generic function 322

pane-layout accessor function 19 , 195

:pane-menu initarg 455

pane-popup-menu-items generic function 323

:panes class option 75

pane-string generic function 325

:paragraph-format initarg 403

:parent initarg 135

parse-layout-descriptor generic function 326

password-pane class 327

password-pane-overwrite-character accessor function 327

:pinboard initarg 332

pinboard-layout class 329

pinboard-object class 331

pinboard-object-activep accessor function 333

pinboard-object-at-position generic function 335

pinboard-object-graphics-arg generic function 336

pinboard-object-graphics-args accessor function 333

pinboard-object-overlap-p generic function 337

pinboard-object-pinboard accessor function 333

pinboard-pane-position generic function 338

pinboard-pane-size generic function 339

pixblt function 619

pixmap-port class 619

play-sound function 328

:plist initarg 28

:popup-callback initarg 279 , 304 , 476

popup-confirmer function 340

:popup-interface initarg 503

popup-menu-button class 348

popup-menu-button-menu accessor function 348

popup-menu-button-menu-function accessor function 348

port-height function 620

port-string-height function 620

port-string-width function 621

port-width function 621

:position item in :buttons initarg 482

postmultiply-transforms function 622

*ppd-directory* variable 358

premultiply-transforms function 622

:press-callback initarg 385

print-capi-button generic function 349

print-collection-item generic function 350

print-dialog function 351

print-editor-buffer function 352

printer-configuration-dialog function 355

printer-metrics structure type 356

printer-metrics-device-height function 356

printer-metrics-device-width function 356

printer-metrics-dpi-x function 357

printer-metrics-dpi-y function 357

printer-metrics-height function 357

printer-metrics-left-margin function 357

printer-metrics-max-height function 357

printer-metrics-max-width function 357

printer-metrics-min-left-margin function 357

printer-metrics-min-top-margin function 357

printer-metrics-paper-height function 357

printer-metrics-paper-width function 357

printer-metrics-top-margin function 357

printer-metrics-width function 357

printer-port-handle function 358

printer-port-supports-p function 359

*printer-search-path* variable 360

print-file function 353

:print-function initarg 49 , 220 , 472

print-rich-text-pane function 354

print-text function 355



Cocoa Event Loop 87

process-pending-messages function 361

progress-bar class 361

prompt-for-color function 362

prompt-for-confirmation function 363

prompt-for-directory function 364

prompt-for-file function 366

prompt-for-files function 369

prompt-for-font function 370

prompt-for-form function 371

prompt-for-forms function 373

prompt-for-integer function 374

prompt-for-items-from-list function 375

prompt-for-number function 376

prompt-for-string function 377

prompt-for-symbol function 379

prompt-for-value function 381

prompt-with-list function 382

prompt-with-message function 384

:protected-callback initarg 403

push-button class 385

push-button-panel class 386


quit-interface function 388


radio-button class 389

radio-button-panel class 390

raise-interface function 391

range-callback accessor function 393

range-end accessor function 393

range-orientation accessor function 393

range-pane class 392

range-slug-end accessor function 393

range-slug-start accessor function 393

range-start accessor function 393

%ratio% geometry slot 541

:ratios initarg 57 , 413

read-and-convert-external-image function 623

read-color-db function 678

read-external-image function 624

read-sound-file function 393

rectangle class 393

rectangle-bind macro 625

rectangle-bottom macro 626

rectangle-height macro 626

rectangle-left macro 627

rectangle-right macro 627

rectangle-top macro 628

rectangle-union function 628

rectangle-width macro 629

rect-bind macro 630

redisplay-collection-item generic function 394

redisplay-interface generic function 394

redisplay-menu-bar function 395

redraw-pinboard-layout function 396

redraw-pinboard-object function 396

register-image-load-function function 630

register-image-translation function 631

reinitialize-interface generic function 397

:remapped initarg 503

remove-capi-object-property function 397

remove-items generic function 398

replace-dialog function 399

replace-items generic function 400

report-active-component-failure generic function 401

reset-image-translation-table function 632


dialogs 201

elements 139

windows 196

:resize-callback initarg 307

resizing 139 , 196 , 201

:retain-expanded-nodes initarg 518

:retract-callback initarg 15 , 25

Return key 342

reuse-interfaces-p function 402

rich-text-pane class 403

rich-text-pane-change-callback accessor function 403

rich-text-pane-character-format function 405

rich-text-pane-limit accessor function 403

rich-text-pane-operation function 406

rich-text-pane-paragraph-format function 410

rich-text-pane-text accessor function 403

rich-text-version function 411

right-angle-line-pinboard-object class 411

:right-click-extended-match initarg 518

:right-click-selection-behavior initarg 228

:roots initarg 167 , 517

row-layout class 412

row-layout-divider 414

:rows initarg 178


:save-name initarg 299


usable region of 418

screen class 414

screen-active-interface function 416

screen-active-p function 417

screen-depth accessor function 415

screen-height accessor function 415

screen-height-in-millimeters accessor function 415

screen-interfaces accessor function 102 , 415

screen-internal-geometry function 418

screen-logical-resolution function 417

screen-number accessor function 415

screens function 418

screen-width accessor function 415

screen-width-in-millimeters accessor function 415

scroll generic function 419

scroll-bar class 421

scroll-bar-line-size accessor function 421

scroll-bar-page-size accessor function 421

:scroll-callback initarg 307

%scroll-height% geometry slot 541

%scroll-horizontal-page-size% geometry slot 541

%scroll-horizontal-slug-size% geometry slot 541

%scroll-horizontal-step-size% geometry slot 541


built-in 163

internal 311

ordinary 311

%scroll-start-x% geometry slot 541

%scroll-start-y% geometry slot 541

%scroll-vertical-page-size% geometry slot 542

%scroll-vertical-slug-size% geometry slot 542

%scroll-vertical-step-size% geometry slot 542

%scroll-width% geometry slot 541

%scroll-x% geometry slot 542

%scroll-y% geometry slot 542

search-for-item generic function 423

:selected initarg 13 , 220

:selected-disabled-image initarg 14

:selected-disabled-images initarg 18

:selected-function initarg 275

:selected-image initarg 13 , 502

:selected-images initarg 18

:selected-item initarg 32 , 525

:selected-item-function initarg 273

:selected-items initarg 32

:selected-items-function initarg 273

selection function 423

:selection initarg 32

:selection-callback initarg 15 , 25 , 472

selection-empty function 424

:selection-function initarg 272

separation function 633

:separator-item initarg 304

set-application-interface function 425

set-button-panel-enabled-items generic function 426

set-clipboard function 426

set-confirm-quit-flag function 428

set-default-editor-pane-blink-rate function 428

set-default-image-load-function function 633

set-default-interface-prefix-suffix function 429

set-drop-object-supported-formats function 431

set-geometric-hint function 432

set-graphics-port-coordinates function 634

set-graphics-state function 635

set-hint-table function 432

set-horizontal-scroll-parameters generic function 433

set-object-automatic-resize function 435

set-pane-focus function 434

set-printer-metrics function 445

set-printer-options function 446

set-rich-text-pane-character-format function 439

set-rich-text-pane-paragraph-format function 442

set-scroll-position generic function 420

set-scroll-range generic function 434 , 449

set-selection function 444

set-text-input-pane-selection function 447

set-top-level-interface-geometry function 447

:setup-callback-argument initarg 279

set-vertical-scroll-parameters generic function 448

shell-pane class 450

shell-pane-command accessor function 450

show-interface function 451

show-pane function 452

:show-value-p initarg 465 , 467

simple-layout class 452

simple-network-pane class 453

simple-pane class 453

simple-pane-background accessor function 455

simple-pane-cursor accessor function 455

simple-pane-drop-callback accessor function 455

simple-pane-enabled accessor function 149 , 455 , 509

simple-pane-font accessor function 455

simple-pane-foreground accessor function 455

simple-pane-handle function 460

simple-pane-horizontal-scroll accessor function 455

simple-pane-scroll-callback accessor function 455

simple-pane-vertical-scroll accessor function 455

simple-pane-visible-border accessor function 455

simple-pane-visible-height generic function 461

simple-pane-visible-size generic function 461

simple-pane-visible-width generic function 462

simple-pinboard-layout class 463

simple-print-port function 464

single-selection interaction style 15

:sinks initarg 299

slider class 464

slider-show-value-p accessor function 465

slider-start-point accessor function 465

:slug-end initarg 392

:slug-start initarg 392

:small-image-height initarg 235

:small-image-width initarg 235

sorted-object class 466

sorted-object-sort-by generic function 467

sort-object-items-by function 466

:source-interfaces class option 82

special slots

container 103

windows-menu 103

:start initarg 392 , 490

start-gc-monitor function 468

:start-point initarg 465

:start-x initarg 226

:start-y initarg 226

:state-image-function initarg 235 , 517

:state-image-height initarg 236 , 518

:state-image-width initarg 236 , 518

stop-gc-monitor function 469

:stream initarg 55

streams 55

:stretch-text-p initarg 500

structure types

printer-metrics 356

:subitem-function initarg 234

:subitem-print-functions initarg 234

switchable-layout class 469

switchable-layout-combine-child-constraints accessor function 470

switchable-layout-switchable-children generic function 471

switchable-layout-visible-child accessor function 470


tab-layout class 471

tab-layout-combine-child-constraints accessor function 472

tab-layout-panes function 474

tab-layout-visible-child function 475

tab-layout-visible-child-function accessor function 472

tabstops 4

:test-function initarg 49

:text initarg 93 , 123 , 148 , 220 , 403 , 477 , 490 , 492

:text-foreground initarg 223

text-input-choice class 475

text-input-pane class 476

text-input-pane-before-change-callback accessor function 483

text-input-pane-buttons-enabled accessor function 478

text-input-pane-callback accessor function 478

text-input-pane-caret-position accessor function 478

text-input-pane-change-callback accessor function 478

text-input-pane-complete-text function 485

text-input-pane-completion-function accessor function 478

text-input-pane-confirm-change-function accessor function 478

text-input-pane-copy function 486

text-input-pane-cut function 486

text-input-pane-delete function 487

text-input-pane-editing-callback accessor function 478

text-input-pane-enabled accessor function 478

text-input-pane-max-characters accessor function 478

text-input-pane-navigation-callback accessor function 478

text-input-pane-paste function 487

text-input-pane-selected-text function 488

text-input-pane-selection function 489

text-input-pane-selection-p function 489

text-input-pane-text accessor function 478

text-input-range class 490

text-input-range-callback accessor function 491

text-input-range-callback-type accessor function 491

text-input-range-end accessor function 491

text-input-range-start accessor function 491

text-input-range-value accessor function 491

text-input-range-wraps-p accessor function 491

:text-limit initarg 403

title bar

removal 200

:title initarg 193 , 493 , 494

:title-adjust initarg 157 , 494

:title-args initarg 494

titled-menu-object class 493

titled-object class 494

titled-object-message accessor function 495

titled-object-message-font accessor function 201 , 495

titled-object-title accessor function 495

titled-object-title-font accessor function 495

titled-pane 497

titled-pane-message 497

titled-pane-title 497

titled-pinboard-object class 497

:title-font initarg 494

:title-function initarg 493

:title-gap initarg 157 , 494

title-pane class 492

title-pane-text accessor function 492

:title-position initarg 494

:to initarg 165

toolbar class 500

toolbar-button class 502

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu accessor function 503

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu-function accessor function 503

toolbar-button-dropdown-menu-kind accessor function 503

toolbar-button-image accessor function 503

toolbar-button-popup-interface accessor function 503

toolbar-button-selected-image accessor function 503

toolbar-component class 507

toolbar-flat-p accessor function 500

toolbar-object class 509

toolbar-object-enabled-function accessor function 509

:tooltip initarg 502

:tooltips initarg 500 , 508

:top-level-function initarg 190

:top-level-hook initarg 194

top-level-interface generic function 509

top-level-interface-display-state function 510

top-level-interface-external-border accessor function 195

top-level-interface-geometry function 511

top-level-interface-geometry-key generic function 512

top-level-interface-p generic function 514

top-level-interface-save-geometry-p generic function 514

top-level-interface-transparency accessor function 195

tracking-pinboard-layout class 514

transform type 635

transform-area function 636

transform-distance function 636

transform-distances function 637

transform-is-rotated function 637

transform-point function 638

transform-points function 638

transform-rect function 639

:transparency initarg 194

tree-view class 517

tree-view-action-callback-expand-p accessor function 520

tree-view-checkbox-change-callback accessor function 520

tree-view-checkbox-child-function accessor function 520

tree-view-checkbox-initial-status accessor function 520

tree-view-checkbox-next-map accessor function 520

tree-view-checkbox-parent-function accessor function 520

tree-view-checkbox-status accessor function 520

tree-view-children-function accessor function 520

tree-view-ensure-visible function 526

tree-view-expanded-p generic function 526

tree-view-expandp-function accessor function 520

tree-view-has-root-line accessor function 520

tree-view-image-function accessor function 520

tree-view-item-checkbox-status function 527

tree-view-item-children-checkbox-status function 527

tree-view-leaf-node-p-function accessor function 520

tree-view-retain-expanded-nodes accessor function 520

tree-view-right-click-extended-match accessor function 520

tree-view-roots accessor function 520

tree-view-state-image-function accessor function 520

tree-view-update-an-item generic function 528

tree-view-update-item generic function 529

:type initarg 412


transform 635


unconvert-color function 679

undefine-font-alias function 640

undefine-menu macro 529

unhighlight-pinboard-object generic function 530

:uniform-size-p initarg 57 , 413

uninstall-postscript-printer function 530

union-rectangle macro 640

*unit-transform* variable 641

unit-transform-p function 641

unless-empty-rect-bind macro 642

unmap-typeout function 531

untransform-distance function 642

untransform-distances function 643

untransform-point function 643

untransform-points function 644

update-all-interface-titles function 531

update-interface-title generic function 532

update-pinboard-object function 532

*update-screen-interfaces-hooks* variable 533

update-screen-interface-titles function 533

update-toolbar function 534

:use-images initarg 518

:use-large-images initarg 235

:user-component initarg 298

:use-small-images initarg 235

:use-state-images initarg 235 , 518


validate-rectangle function 645


*color-database* 663

*default-editor-pane-line-wrap-marker* 71

*default-image-translation-table* 562 , 601

*echo-area-cursor-inactive-style* 120

*editor-cursor-active-style* 122

*editor-cursor-color* 121

*editor-cursor-drag-style* 122

*editor-cursor-inactive-style* 123

*maximum-moving-objects-to-track-edges* 267

*ppd-directory* 358

*printer-search-path* 360

*unit-transform* 641

*update-screen-interfaces-hooks* 533

:vertical-adjustment initarg 157

:vertical-gap initarg 157

:vertical-scroll initarg 422 , 454

:view initarg 234 , 235

:view-class initarg 45

:visible-border initarg 454

:visible-child initarg 469

:visible-child-function initarg 472

:visible-items-count initarg 304 , 476

:visible-max-height initarg 136 , 333

:visible-max-width initarg 136 , 333

:visible-min-height initarg 136 , 333

:visible-min-width initarg 136 , 333


%width% geometry slot 541

:width initarg 415

windoid 201

Window handle 68 , 460

window title

removal 200

window-modal dialogs 90 , 344 , 536

windows-menu 104

windows-menu special slot 103

:window-styles initarg 194

with-atomic-redisplay macro 534

with-busy-interface macro 535

with-dialog-results macro 536

with-dither macro 646

with-document-pages macro 538

with-external-metafile macro 538

with-geometry macro 540

with-graphics-mask macro 646

with-graphics-rotation macro 647

with-graphics-scale macro 648

with-graphics-state macro 649

with-graphics-transform macro 650

with-graphics-translation macro 651

with-internal-metafile macro 542

with-inverse-graphics macro 651

with-output-to-printer macro 543

without-relative-drawing macro 652

with-page macro 544

with-page-transform macro 545

with-pixmap-graphics-port macro 652

with-print-job macro 545

with-random-typeout macro 546

with-transformed-area macro 653

with-transformed-point macro 654

with-transformed-points macro 655

with-transformed-rect macro 656

:wraps-p initarg 490

:wrap-style initarg 124

wrap-text function 547

wrap-text-for-pane function 547

write-external-image function 656


%x% geometry slot 540

:x initarg 136 , 332

X window ID 68 , 460

X Window System

display 65

fallback resources 65

:x-adjust initarg 549

:x-gap initarg 178 , 453

:x-ratios initarg 178

:x-uniform-size-p initarg 178

x-y-adjustable-layout class 549


%y% geometry slot 540

:y initarg 136 , 332

:y-adjust initarg 549

:y-gap initarg 178

:y-ratios initarg 178

:y-uniform-size-p initarg 178



of interfaces 49

of pinboard-objects 226 , 330

LispWorks CAPI Reference Manual - 17 Mar 2008
