public class com.lispworks.LispCalls implements InvocationHandler
The Java class com.lispworks.LispCalls
defines methods for calling from Java to Lisp.
is part of the LispWorks distribution. For Android it is part of the 8-1-0-0/etc/lispworks.aar
file. See the 16 Android interface for details. On other platforms it is defined in the JAR file lispcalls.jar
which is part of the LispWorks distribution in the etc
directory, that is (lispworks-file "etc/lispcalls.jar")
. This JAR file needs to be on the classpath (for example by the keyword argument :java-class-path
to init-java-interface).
public static int callIntV(String name, Object... args)
public static int callIntA(String name, Object[] args)
public static double callDoubleV(String name, Object... args)
public static double callDoubleA(String name, Object[] args)
public static Object callObjectV(String name, Object... args)
public static Object callObjectA(String name, Object[] args)
public static void callVoidV(String name, Object... args)
public static void callVoidA(String name, Object[] args)
The <type>
in each method name call<type>[VA]
, the type specifies the return type, and V
or A
specifies whether the arguments are supplied as Variable
arguments or Array
. Otherwise the pairs of V
and A
methods behave the same.
name argument is a string specifying a Lisp symbol. The name is parsed by a simple parser as described for com.lispworks.LispCalls.checkLispSymbol (with fboundp = true
If the symbol is not found or is not fbound, these methods throw a RuntimeException
with a string giving the reason for failure.
If the symbol is found, it is applied to the arguments args. For each argument, if it is a primitive type or of a class corresponding to a primitive type or a string, it is converted to the corresponding Lisp value. Otherwise it is passed as a jobject. See 15.2 Types and conversion between Lisp and Java. The result of the call is converted to the return type of the method and returned from the method. The conversion of the result type allows any float to be returned as a double, but does not coerce between integers and floats. For the Object
return value, the result must be either a Java object (jobject or an instance of standard-java-object), or a Lisp object that can be converted to a Java object. See 15.2 Types and conversion between Lisp and Java.
The Lisp function is an ordinary Lisp function, but it needs to return the right value. Unless the call is using the Void
callers (com.lispworks.LispCalls.callVoidA or com.lispworks.LispCalls.callVoidV), returning the wrong value will call the java-to-lisp-debugger-hook (see init-java-interface) with an appropriate condition, and then return zero of the correct type (that is 0, 0d0 or Java null
) from the call.
The call to the Lisp function is wrapped such that trying to throw out of it does not actually finish the throw, and instead returns zero of the correct type from the call. It is also wrapped by a debugger hook, which is invoked if the code tries to enter the debugger (normally as a result of an unhandled error, but could be any call to cl:invoke-debugger). The hook calls the java-to-lisp-debugger-hook (see init-java-interface) with the condition, and then calls cl:abort. If there is no cl:abort restart inside the Lisp function that catches this abort, this causes returning a zero of the correct type.
An important issue to remember is that when delivering with shaking, LispWorks eliminates symbols for which there is no reference. If the only call to a Lisp symbol foo
is from Java, LispWorks will not see the reference and it will eliminate foo
. To guard against this, you can either pass foo
in a list to the deliver keyword :keep-symbols
, or more conveniently, use the function deliver-keep-symbols (see the Delivery User Guide), for example:
(defun function-called-from-java (arg1 arg2) ... ) (deliver-keep-symbols 'function-called-from-java)
int sum = com.lispworks.LispCalls.callIntV("+", 2, 3, 10); => sum = 15 int position = com.lispworks.LispCalls.callIntV("search", "r", "international"); => position = 4 double logThree = com.lispworks.LispCalls.callDoubleV("log", 3); => logThree = 1.0986123
public static boolean checkLispSymbol(String name, boolean fboundp)
Checks whether a Lisp symbol exists, and optionally whether it is fbound.
name specifies the name of the Lisp symbol. The string name is parsed in a simple way, rather than using the Lisp reader. The parsing involves:
, check whether the symbol is fbound.
If all these steps succeed, checkLispSymbol
returns true
. Otherwise it returns false
For symbols with names that do not need escaping, the result is the same normal processing by the Lisp reader without interning when there is no symbol.
caches the results in the Java side, which means that if the symbol appears or gets defined after the first call to checkLispSymbol
it may return the wrong result.
15.4 Calling from Java to Lisp
public static native Object createLispProxy(String name)
Creates a Lisp proxy, which is a Java proxy which calls Lisp functions.
name specifies a symbol which is the name of a proxy definition, defined in Lisp by either define-lisp-proxy or setup-lisp-proxy. name is parsed by a simple parser as described for com.lispworks.LispCalls.checkLispSymbol (with fboundp = false
Once it found the symbol, it makes a proxy the same way that calling make-lisp-proxy with name would, and returns it. The result is an Object
that implements all the interfaces that are defined in the proxy definition, and when the methods of these interfaces are called on the object it calls into Lisp. See define-lisp-proxy for details.
If createLispProxy
is successful it returns the proxy object. If there is any problem, this will cause a call to cl:error. If the cl:error call is not handled, the java-to-lisp-debugger-hook (see init-java-interface) is called with the condition, and then null
is returned from createLispProxy
. If the error is handled and tries to throw out of the context of the Lisp side of createLispProxy
, the throw is blocked and createLispProxy
returns null
static public boolean waitForInitialization()
static public boolean waitForInitialization(long seconds)
static public boolean waitForInitialization(long timeout , java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
Waits for a LispWorks dynamic library to finish initialization and accept foreign calls.
Note: You should not call waitForInitialization
from the main thread on Android. Use the methods in com.lispworks.Manager instead, in particular com.lispworks.Manager.init and com.lispworks.Manager.status. If you call waitForInitialization
from a non-main thread on Android, then this must be after the call to com.lispworks.Manager.init.
The method without arguments waits for up to 10000 seconds. The method that takes long
waits for up to seconds seconds. The method that takes long
and java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
waits for up to the period defined by timeout and unit. See the Java documentation for the possible values of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
returns when LispWorks has finished its initialization or when the wait period has passed. If LispWorks finishes its initialization first, waitForInitialization
returns true. If the wait period has passed, waitForInitialization
returns false.
When waitForInitialization
is called with 0 seconds, it returns immediately with true if LispWorks is already initialized, and false otherwise. Thus it can be used as a predicate without waiting.
Until LispWorks finishes its initialization, calls into LispWorks from Java using the other methods in com.lispworks.LispCalls
hang, and raise an exception if hanging for too long. If this is an acceptable behavior, then you do not need waitForInitialization
. If this is not acceptable, waitForInitialization
allows you to check and avoid this situation. Typically your code will do something like:
if (com.lispworks.LispCalls.waitForInitialization(1)) com.lispworks.LispCalls.callIntV("A-LISP-FUNCTION"); else do_something_else();
If the LispWorks dynamic library was created with synchronous initialization (the default), then by the time the loading method (normally System.loadLibrary
or System.load
) returns, LispWorks has finished initializing. In this case you need waitForInitialization
only in code that does not know if the loading method has returned (or even called at all).
If the LispWorks dynamic library was created with asynchronous initialization (setup-deliver-dynamic-library-for-java was called with true for asynchronous), the loading method returns immediately, and LispWorks initializes asynchronously. In this situation you can be sure that LispWorks finished initializing only after a call to waitForInitialization
has returned true.
If you don't know how the LispWorks dynamic library was created, just assume that it is asynchronous and always check using waitForInitialization
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:35