Controls the depth to which nested objected are printed in debugger output.
The variable *debug-print-level*
controls the depth to which nested objects are printed during output from the debugger. If its value is a positive integer then components at or above that level are printed. By definition an object to be printed is considered to be at level 0, its components are at level 1, their subcomponents are at level 2, and so on. If *debug-print-level*
is nil
then objects are printed to arbitrary depth.
USER 89 > (setq dbg:*debug-print-level* 2)
2 USER 90 > (subseq 3 '(cat (dog) ((goldfish)) (((hamster)))))
Error: Illegal START argument (CAT (DOG) ((GOLDFISH)) (((HAMSTER)))) 1 (abort) return to top loop level 0.
Type :c followed by a number to proceed
USER 91 : 1 > :v Call to CHECK-START-AND-END : Arg 0 (START): (CAT (DOG) (#) (#)) Arg 1 (END): NIL
is an extension to Common Lisp.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:17