Controls the number of object components printed in debugger output.
The variable *debug-print-length*
is used to control the number of components of an object which are printed during output from the debugger. If its value is a positive integer then the components up to that number are printed. If it is nil
then all the parts of an object are shown.
USER 83 > (setq dbg:*debug-print-length* 3)
3 USER 84 > (aref '(1 2 3 4 "Jenny" "cottage" "door") 2)
Error: (1 2 3 4 Jenny cottage door) must be an array 1 (abort) return to top loop level 0.
Type :c followed by a number to proceed
USER 85 : 1 > :v Call to ARRAY-ACCESS : Arg 0 (ARRAY): (1 2 3 ...) Arg 1 (SUBSCRIPTS): (2) Arg 2 (SET-P): NIL Arg 3 (VALUE): NIL
is an extension to Common Lisp.
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual - 18 Feb 2025 15:32:17