All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 12 The Editor

12.5 Changed definitions

The Changed Definitions view allows you to see which definitions have been edited in the current session.

Edit some of the definitions in the Othello game example in examples/capi/applications/othello.lisp and then click on the Changed Definitions tab. The Editor appears as shown in The Changed Definitions view in the Editor below.

The Changed Definitions view in the Editor

Notice that the Changed Definitions view is similar to the Definitions view. The Editor's Works > Definitions menu, and the filter box, can be used on definitions listed here in the same way as in the Definitions view.

12.5.1 Setting the reference point for changed definitions

The Changed Definitions view has an additional area labelled Show definitions changed since:. This allows you to change the reference point against which the current buffer is compared when computing the changes.

The reference point can be:

First Edit
The state of the buffer just before you first edited it in the current LispWorks session. This is the initial reference point.
Last Save
The state of the buffer when you last saved it to file.
Last Compile
The state of the buffer when you last compiled it.

Select from the Show definitions changed since: popup list to change the reference point.

Setting the reference point in the Changed Definitions view.

When you alter the reference point, the list of changed definitions is recomputed.

The list of changed definitions is computed using the editor command Buffer Changed Definitions. See the Editor User Guide for more information about this and related commands.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:18