Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Inserts a pair of parentheses, positioning the current point after the left parenthesis. A prefix argument p causes the parentheses to be placed around p following (or preceding) forms.
Insert Parentheses For Selection Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Inserts a pair of parentheses around the selected text, if any. If there is no selected text and a prefix argument p is supplied, inserts them around p following (or preceding) forms. Otherwise it inserts them at the current point. The point is left on the character after the left parenthesis.
highlight-matching-parens Editor Variable
Default value: t
Mode: Lisp
When the value is true, matching parentheses are displayed in a different font when the cursor is directly to the right of the corresponding right parenthesis.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Inserts a new line after the next left parenthesis, moving the current point to the new line. Any indentation preceding the right parenthesis is deleted, and the new line is indented.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: )
Mode: Lisp
Inserts a right parenthesis and highlights the matching left parenthesis, thereby allowing the user to examine the extent of the parentheses.
Lisp Insert ) Indenting Top Level Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
The command Lisp Insert ) Indenting Top Level
is the same as Lisp Insert ), but if it looks like the insertion closes a top level form (when the left parenthesis is at the beginning of a line) then it also indents the form.
Note: This command is intended as alternative binding to )
in Lisp mode for users that like this behavior.
Find Unbalanced Parentheses Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Moves the point to the end of the last properly matched form, thereby allowing you to easily identify any parentheses in your code which are unbalanced.
Editor User Guide (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:52