The commands described below allow the user to evaluate (interpret) or compile Lisp code that exists as text in a buffer. In some cases, the code may be used to modify the performance of the Editor itself.
current-package Editor Variable
Default value: nil
If non-nil, defines the value of the current package.
Set Buffer Package Editor Command
Arguments: package
Key sequence: None
Set the package to be used by Lisp evaluation and compilation while in this buffer. Not to be used in the Listener, which uses the value of *package* instead.
Set Buffer Output Editor Command
Arguments: stream
Key sequence: None
Sets the output stream that evaluation results in the current buffer are sent to.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Meta
Evaluates the current top-level form. If the current point is between two forms, the previous form is evaluated.
If the form is a defvar form, then the command may first make the variable unbound, according to the value of evaluate-defvar-action, and hence assign the new value. This is useful because cl:defvar does not reassign the value of a bound variable but when editing a program it is likely that you do want the new value.
evaluate-defvar-action Editor Variable
Default value: :reevaluate-and-warn
This affects the behavior of Evaluate Defun and Compile Defun when they are invoked on a defvar form. The allowed values are:
:evaluate-and-warn | Do not make the variable unbound before evaluating the form, and warn that it was not redefined. |
:evaluate |
Do not make the variable unbound before evaluating the form, but do not warn that it was not redefined. |
:reevaluate-and-warn | |
Make the variable unbound before evaluating the form, and warn that it was therefore redefined. | |
:reevaluate | Make the variable unbound before evaluating the form, but do not warn that it was therefore redefined. |
Reevaluate Defvar Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Evaluates the current top-level form if it is a defvar.
If the current point is between two forms, the previous form is evaluated. The form is treated as if the variable is not bound.
Re-evaluate Defvar
is a synonym for Reevaluate Defvar
Evaluate Expression Editor Command
Arguments: expression
Key sequence: Esc Esc
Key sequence: Meta+Esc
Evaluates expression. The expression to be evaluated is typed into the Echo Area and the result of the evaluation is displayed there also.
Evaluate Last Form Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+X Ctrl+E
Evaluates the Lisp form preceding the current point.
Without a prefix argument, prints the result in the Echo Area. With a non-nil prefix argument, inserts the result into the current buffer.
Evaluate Next Form Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Evaluates the Lisp form following the current point.
Without a prefix argument, prints the result in the Echo Area. With a non-nil prefix argument, inserts the result into the current buffer.
Evaluate Nearest Form Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Evaluates the Lisp form that is nearest to the current point. This form will be a symbol or number if the point is within that symbol or number, or will be the Lisp form that precedes or follows the point, whichever is nearest.
Without a prefix argument, prints the result in the Echo Area. With a non-nil prefix argument, inserts the result into the current buffer.
This command contrasts with Evaluate Last Form which always evaluate a form that precedes the point.
Evaluate Region Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+Shift+E
Evaluates the Lisp forms in the region between the current point and the mark.
Evaluate Buffer Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Evaluates the Lisp forms in the current buffer.
Arguments: file
Key sequence: None
Loads file into the current eval server, so that all Lisp forms in the file are evaluated.
See also the function editor:set-pathname-load-function.
Load File In Listener Editor Command
Arguments: file
Key sequence: None
Loads file in a Listener window, so that all Lisp forms in the file are evaluated within the Listener's its context.
Toggle Error Catch Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Toggles error catching for expressions evaluated in the editor. By default, if there is an error in an expression evaluated in the editor, a Notifier window is opened which provides the user with a number of options, including debug, re-evaluation and aborting of the editor command. However, this behavior can be changed by using Toggle Error Catch
, so that in the event of an error, the error message is printed in the Echo Area, and the user is given no restart or debug options.
Evaluate Buffer Changed Definitions Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Evaluates definitions that have been changed in the current buffer during the current LispWorks session (use Buffer Changed Definitions to see which definitions have changed). A prefix argument equal to the value of prefix-argument-default causes evaluation of definitions changed since last evaluated. A prefix argument of 1 causes evaluation of definitions changed since last saved.
Evaluate Changed Definitions Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Evaluates definitions in all Lisp buffers that have been changed during the current LispWorks session. The effect of prefixes is the same as for Evaluate Buffer Changed Definitions.
Evaluate System Changed Definitions Editor Command
Arguments: system
Key sequence: None
Evaluates definitions that have been changed in system during the current LispWorks session.
Evaluate Defun In Listener Editor Command
Arguments: editp
Key sequence: None
This command works rather like Evaluate Defun in that it evaluates the current top-level form and handles defvar forms usefully. However, instead of doing the evaluation in the Editor window, the form is evaluated in a Listener window as if you had entered it there.
If no prefix argument is given (the default), then the evaluation is done immediately as if the form was read from the buffer.
If a prefix argument is given, then the text of the form is inserted into the Listener for you to edit before pressing Return
to evaluate it. A in-package form is also inserted before the form when necessary, so this will change the current package in the Listener.
Evaluate Last Form In Listener Editor Command
Arguments: editp
Key sequence: None
This command works rather like Evaluate Last Form in that it evaluates the Lisp form preceding the current point. However, instead of doing the evaluation in the Editor window, the form is evaluated in a Listener window as if you had entered it there.
If no prefix argument is given (the default), then the evaluation is done immediately as if the form was read from the buffer.
If a prefix argument is given, then the text of the form is inserted into the Listener for you to edit before pressing Return
to evaluate it. A in-package form is also inserted before the form when necessary, so this will change the current package in the Listener.
Evaluate Next Form In Listener Editor Command
Arguments: editp
Key sequence: None
This command works rather like Evaluate Next Form in that it evaluates the Lisp form preceding the current point. However, instead of doing the evaluation in the Editor window, the form is evaluated in a Listener window as if you had entered it there.
If no prefix argument is given (the default), then the evaluation is done immediately as if the form was read from the buffer.
If a prefix argument is given, then the text of the form is inserted into the Listener for you to edit before pressing Return
to evaluate it. A in-package form is also inserted before the form when necessary, so this will change the current package in the Listener.
Evaluate Nearest Form In Listener Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
This command works rather like Evaluate Nearest Form in that it evaluates the Lisp form nearest the current point. However, instead of doing the evaluation in the Editor window, the form is evaluated in a Listener window as if you had entered it there.
If no prefix argument is given (the default), then the evaluation is done immediately as if the form was read from the buffer.
If a prefix argument is given, then the text of the form is inserted into the Listener for you to edit before pressing Return
to evaluate it. A in-package form is also inserted before the form when necessary, so this will change the current package in the Listener.
Evaluate Region In Listener Editor Command
Arguments: editp
Key sequence: None
This command works rather like Evaluate Region in that it evaluates the Lisp forms in the current region. However, instead of doing the evaluation in the Editor window, the forms are evaluated in a Listener window as if you had entered it there.
If no prefix argument is given (the default), then the evaluation is done immediately as if the forms were read from the buffer.
If a prefix argument is given, then the text of the forms is inserted into the Listener for you to edit before pressing Return
to evaluate it. A in-package form is also inserted before the forms when necessary, so this will change the current package in the Listener.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+Shift+C
Compiles the current top-level form. If the current point is between two forms, the previous form is evaluated.
If the form is a defvar form, then the command may first make the variable unbound, according to the value of evaluate-defvar-action, and hence assign the new value.This is useful because cl:defvar does not reassign the value of a bound variable but when editing a program it is likely that you do want the new value.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+Shift+R
Compiles the Lisp forms in the region between the current point and the mark.
Arguments: file
Key sequence: None
Compiles file unconditionally, with cl:compile-file.
No checking is done on write dates for the source and binary files, to see if the file needs to be compiled. Also, no checking is done to see if there is a buffer for the file that should first be saved.
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+Shift+B
Reads, compiles and then executes in turn each of the Lisp forms in the current buffer.
Compile Buffer File Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Compiles the source file in the current buffer as if by Compile File, but checks the buffer and file first.
If the buffer is modified it is saved (updating the source file) before compilation, although if compile-buffer-file-confirm is true the command prompts for confirmation before saving and compiling.
If its associated binary (fasl) file is older than the source file or does not exist or the prefix argument is supplied then the file is compiled, although if compile-buffer-file-confirm is t
the command prompts for confirmation before compiling.
If the binary file is up to date, command prompts for confirmation before compiling, although this prompt can be avoided by supplying the prefix argument.
Compile and Load Buffer File Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
The command Compile and Load Buffer File
compiles the source file in the current buffer just like Compile Buffer File, with the same checks.
It then loads the compiled file. In the case that the binary file is up to date and the user declines to compile, the command first prompts for confirmation before loading the existing binary file.
Compile and Load File Editor Command
Arguments: filename
Key sequence: None
The command Compile and Load File
prompts for a filename, and then compiles and loads that file.
compile-buffer-file-confirm Editor Variable
Default value: t
Determines whether Compile Buffer File should prompt for a compilation to proceed. If the value is true, the user is always prompted for confirmation.
Compile Buffer Changed Definitions Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Compiles definitions that have been changed in the current buffer during the current LispWorks session (use Buffer Changed Definitions to see which definitions have changed). A prefix argument equal to the value of prefix-argument-default causes compilation of definitions changed since last compiled. A prefix argument of 1 causes compilation of definitions changed since last saved.
Compile Changed Definitions Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: None
Compiles definitions in all Lisp buffers that have been changed during the current LispWorks session. The effect of prefixes is the same as for Compile Buffer Changed Definitions.
Arguments: system
Key sequence: None
Compiles all files in the system system.
If ASDF is loaded and the LispWorks tools are configured to use it, then this command works with ASDF systems as well as those defined by lispworks:defsystem.
Compile System Changed Definitions Editor Command
Arguments: system
Key sequence: None
Compiles definitions that have been changed in system during the current LispWorks session.
Disassemble Definition Editor Command
Arguments: definition
Key sequence: None
Outputs assembly code for definition to the Output window, compiling it first if necessary. The name of the current top-level definition is offered as a default value for definition.
Edit Recognized Source Editor Command
Arguments: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+X ,
Edit the source of the next compiler message, warning or error. It should be used while viewing the Output window. Without a prefix argument, it searches forwards in the Output window until it finds text which it recognizes as a compiler message, warning or error, and then shows the source code associated with that message. With a prefix argument, it searches backwards.
Editor User Guide (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:36:44