interface 4.1.1 : IDL for the account interface
account frames
initializing and exiting 5.4.1 : Initializing and exiting account frames
A.4.22 : Mapping for "any"
building and testing 2.1.6 : Building and testing the application
A.4.16 : Mapping for array
A.4.10 : Mapping for attribute
mapping for 4.3.3 : Mapping for attributes
readonly A.4.10.1 : readonly attribute
interface 4.1.3 : IDL for the bank interface
bank client 5.1 : The client
Bank example
about 3.1 : About the bank example
location of source code 3.2 : Where to find the example code
bank server 6.1 : The server
implementing 6.4 : Implementing the bank server
basic types A.4.3 : Mapping for basic types
A.4.3.1 : boolean
building and testing applications 2.1.6 : Building and testing the application
building the bank client and server 3.3 : Building the bank client and server
defining 5.4.2 : Defining the callbacks
A.4.3.2 : char
interface 4.1.2 : IDL for the checkingAccount interface
Common Lisp
mapping IDL to 4.3 : Mapping IDL to Common Lisp
compiling IDL for CORBA applications 4.2 : Compiling IDL for a CORBA application
interface repository 7.3 : Configuring a name service and an interface repository
name service 7.3 : Configuring a name service and an interface repository
A.4.15 : Mapping for const
constructors A.4.23 : Constructors
A.4.9.6 : context
examples 1.4 : CORBA examples
modules 7.1 : The CORBA modules
overview 1.1 : About CORBA
debugging 7.4 : Error handling in user code called by the server
deduced typecode A.4.24 : The deduced typecode
callbacks 5.4.2 : Defining the callbacks
interfaces 2.1.1 : Defining the interface , 5.4 : Defining the interfaces
methods A.6.3 : Defining methods
utilities for sharing an object reference 2.1.3 : Defining utilities for sharing an object reference
definitions A.4.6.1 : Definitions
Hello World source code 2.2.2 : The complete defsystem source code
designing IDL 4.1 : Designing the IDL
distinguished packages A.4.5 : Distinguished packages , A.4.5.1 : Nicknames for distinguished packages
efficiency optimization
using macros instead of functions A.4.9.4 : Efficiency optimization: Using macros instead of functions
A.4.12 : Mapping for enum
error handling
user code called by the server 7.4 : Error handling in user code called by the server
example of a named grid A.6.3.1 : Example: A Named Grid
example of a servant class A.6.3.2 : Example: A Servant Class
examples of scoping symbols A.4.6.2 : Examples of scoping symbols
exception A.4.9.5 : exception , A.4.18 : Mapping for exception
mapping for 4.3.5 : Mapping for exceptions
exiting account frames 5.4.1 : Initializing and exiting account frames
first object reference
obtaining initial POA object and registering 6.4.3 : Obtaining the initial POA object and registering the first object reference
floating point types A.4.3.6 : Floating point types
stub and skeleton code from IDL 2.1.2 : Generating the stub and skeleton code from IDL
implementing bank client's 5.3 : Implementing the bank client's GUI
Hello World 2.1 : A CORBA-based Hello World
complete source code 2.2 : Complete source code for the Hello World example
host name in IORs 7.8 : Specifying the host name in IORs
how IDL is used A.2 : How IDL is used
interface 4.1.1 : IDL for the account interface
interface 4.1.3 : IDL for the bank interface
interface 4.1.2 : IDL for the checkingAccount interface
designing 4.1 : Designing the IDL
generating stub and skeleton code 2.1.2 : Generating the stub and skeleton code from IDL
how it is used A.2 : How IDL is used
introduction A.1 : Introduction to IDL
parsing into stubs and skeletons 7.2 : Parsing IDL into stubs and skeletons
terminology A.4.4.1 : IDL naming terminology
IDL operations
implementation A.6.3.3 : Implementation of the IDL operations
IDL types
corresponding Lisp functions A.4.25.3 : Rule 3: Lisp functions corresponding to IDL types
implementation objects A.6.2 : Implementation objects
implementation of IDL operations A.6.3.3 : Implementation of the IDL operations
bank client GUI 5.3 : Implementing the bank client's GUI
bank server 6.4 : Implementing the bank server
CORBA objects on the server 6.2 : Implementing CORBA objects on the server
hello world client 2.1.4 : Implementing the client
hello world server 2.1.5 : Implementing the server
servant classes 6.4.1 : Implementing the servant classes
servant methods 6.4.2 : Implementing the servant methods
account frames 5.4.1 : Initializing and exiting account frames
the ORB 5.4.3 : Initializing the ORB and obtaining the first object reference
Initial References 7.3.1 : Configuring via initial references
integer types A.4.3.5 : Integer types
A.4.8 : Mapping for interface
interface repository
configuring 7.3 : Configuring a name service and an interface repository
defining 2.1.1 : Defining the interface , 5.4 : Defining the interfaces
mapping for 4.3.2 : Mapping for interfaces
IOR file 2.1.3 : Defining utilities for sharing an object reference , 2.2.3 : The complete source code for the file transfer of the IOR
IOR hostname 7.8 : Specifying the host name in IORs
Lisp functions
corresponding to IDL types A.4.25.3 : Rule 3: Lisp functions corresponding to IDL types
LispWorks ORB
about 1.2 : About the LispWorks ORB
features 1.3 : Features of the LispWorks ORB
of Bank example code 3.2 : Where to find the example code
of Hello World example code 2.2 : Complete source code for the Hello World example
A.4.22 : Mapping for "any"
A.4.16 : Mapping for array
A.4.10 : Mapping for attribute
attributes 4.3.3 : Mapping for attributes
basic types 4.3.1 : Mapping for basic types , A.4.3 : Mapping for basic types
A.4.15 : Mapping for const
details A.4 : Mapping in more detail
A.4.12 : Mapping for enum
A.4.18 : Mapping for exception
exceptions 4.3.5 : Mapping for exceptions
how names of operations are formed A.4.25.2 : Rule 2: How names of operations are formed
how names of types are formed A.4.25.1 : Rule 1: How names of types are formed
IDL into Common Lisp servants A.6 : The mapping of IDL into Common Lisp servants
IDL to Common Lisp 4.3 : Mapping IDL to Common Lisp
A.4.8 : Mapping for interface
interfaces 4.3.2 : Mapping for interfaces
Lisp functions corresponding to IDL types A.4.25.3 : Rule 3: Lisp functions corresponding to IDL types
A.4.11 : Mapping of module
native types A.6.1 : Mapping of native types
A.4.9 : Mapping for operation
operations 4.3.4 : Mapping for operations
overview A.4.25 : Mapping overview
pseudo-objects to Lisp A.5 : Mapping pseudo-objects to Lisp
A.4.17 : Mapping for sequence
A.4.13 : Mapping for struct
summary A.3 : Mapping summary
A.4.21 : Mapping for typedef
A.4.14 : Mapping for union
member accessors A.4.14.1 : Member accessors
defining A.6.3 : Defining methods
A.4.11 : Mapping of module
CORBA 7.1 : The CORBA modules
Multi-threading 7.5 : Multi-threading
named types A.4.4 : Introduction to named types
scoped A.4.6 : Scoped names and scoped symbols
name service
configuring 7.3 : Configuring a name service and an interface repository
narrowing an object reference A.5.1 : Narrowing
native types
mapping A.6.1 : Mapping of native types
nicknames for distinguished packages A.4.5.1 : Nicknames for distinguished packages
object reference
defining utilities for sharing 2.1.3 : Defining utilities for sharing an object reference
narrowing A.5.1 : Narrowing
obtaining first 5.4.3 : Initializing the ORB and obtaining the first object reference
Object URL 7.6 : Object URLs
A.4.3.3 : octet
A.4.9.3 : oneway
A.4.9 : Mapping for operation
operations 4.3.4 : Mapping for operations
initializing 5.4.3 : Initializing the ORB and obtaining the first object reference
ORB initargs
-IIOPhost 7.8 : Specifying the host name in IORs
-IIOPnumeric 7.8 : Specifying the host name in IORs
-IIOPport 7.7 : Specifying the port
-ORBDefaultInitRef 7.3.1 : Configuring via initial references
-ORBhost 7.8 : Specifying the host name in IORs
-ORBInitRef 7.3.1 : Configuring via initial references
-ORBnumeric 7.8 : Specifying the host name in IORs
-ORBport 7.7 : Specifying the port
pragma A.4.7 : The package_prefix pragma
distinguished A.4.5 : Distinguished packages
parameter passing modes A.4.9.1 : Parameter passing modes
parsing IDL into stubs and skeletons 7.2 : Parsing IDL into stubs and skeletons
PIDL 6.2 : Implementing CORBA objects on the server
POA object
Multi-threading 7.5 : Multi-threading
obtaining initial 6.4.3 : Obtaining the initial POA object and registering the first object reference
specifying 7.7 : Specifying the port
Portable Object Adapter (POA) 6.2 : Implementing CORBA objects on the server
pseudo IDL (PIDL) 6.2 : Implementing CORBA objects on the server
readonly attributes A.4.10.1 : readonly attribute
first object breference 6.4.3 : Obtaining the initial POA object and registering the first object reference
return values A.4.9.2 : Return values
running server and client 3.4 : Running the server and client
scoped names and scoped symbols A.4.6 : Scoped names and scoped symbols
scoping symbols
examples A.4.6.2 : Examples of scoping symbols
semantics of type mapping A.4.2 : Semantics of type mapping
A.4.17 : Mapping for sequence
servant classes
implementing 6.4.1 : Implementing the servant classes
servant methods
implementing 6.4.2 : Implementing the servant methods
IDL into Common Lisp A.6 : The mapping of IDL into Common Lisp servants
bank 6.1 : The server
implementing 2.1.5 : Implementing the server
implementing CORBA objects 6.2 : Implementing CORBA objects on the server
multiple servers 7.7 : Specifying the port
running 3.4 : Running the server and client
sharing an object reference 2.1.3 : Defining utilities for sharing an object reference
skeleton code
generating from IDL 2.1.2 : Generating the stub and skeleton code from IDL
parsing IDL into 7.2 : Parsing IDL into stubs and skeletons
source code
Bank example 3.2 : Where to find the example code
Hello World example 2.2 : Complete source code for the Hello World example
string A.4.3.4 : string
A.4.13 : Mapping for struct
stub code
generating from IDL 2.1.2 : Generating the stub and skeleton code from IDL
parsing IDL into 7.2 : Parsing IDL into stubs and skeletons
examples of scoping A.4.6.2 : Examples of scoping symbols
scoped A.4.6 : Scoped names and scoped symbols
system exception A.4.20 : System exception
IDL A.4.4.1 : IDL naming terminology
deduced A.4.24 : The deduced typecode
typecodes for parsed IDL A.5.2 : Typecodes for parsed IDL
A.4.21 : Mapping for typedef
type mapping
semantics A.4.2 : Semantics of type mapping
basic types 4.3.1 : Mapping for basic types
integer A.4.3.5 : Integer types
named types A.4.4 : Introduction to named types
native types A.6.1 : Mapping of native types
A.4.14 : Mapping for union
user exceptions A.4.19 : User exception
for sharing an object reference 2.1.3 : Defining utilities for sharing an object reference
Developing Component Software with CORBA® - 18 Feb 2025 15:59:32