All Manuals > Developing Component Software with CORBA® > Appendix A: Common Lisp IDL Binding

A.1 Introduction to IDL

IDL, or Interface Definition Language, is a language defined by the Object Management Group. The key data type in IDL is the interface, which describes the behavior of objects that implement that interface. The IDL definition for an interface describes all of the operations to which an object that implements that interface can respond. For each such operation, it describes the allowed types of the parameters to the operation and the allowed type of the value returned by the operation.

IDL allows types other than interfaces to be expressed. For example, primitive types such as boolean, several signed and unsigned integer types, and some floating point types may be defined.

Constructed types analogous to the C struct or Pascal record type may be defined, and some simple type aliasing is possible in a way analogous to the C typedef construct. Arrays and sequences may also be defined.

Developing Component Software with CORBA® - 18 Feb 2025 15:39:53