All Manuals > CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual

2 Getting Started

This chapter introduces some of the most basic CAPI elements and functions. The intention is simply that you should become familiar with the most useful elements available, before learning how you can use them constructively.

You should work through the examples in this chapter. For extended example code, see:

(example-edit-file "capi/elements/")

A CAPI application consists of a hierarchy of CAPI objects. CAPI objects are created using make-instance, and although they are standard CLOS objects, CAPI slots should generally be accessed using the documented accessors, and not using the CLOS slot-value function. You should not rely on slot-value because the implementation of the CAPI classes may evolve.

Once an instance of a CAPI object has been created in an interface, it can be displayed on your screen using the function display.

2.1 Using the CAPI package

2.2 Creating a window

2.3 Linking code into CAPI elements

CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:12