Displays a CAPI interface on a specified screen.
display interface &key screen owner window-styles process => interface
interface⇩ |
A CAPI interface. |
screen⇩ |
A screen, or any argument accepted by convert-to-screen. |
owner⇩ |
A CAPI interface. |
window-styles⇩ |
A list of keywords. |
process⇩ |
On GTK+, Microsoft Windows or Motif, a CAPI process, t or nil . On Cocoa, this argument is not supported. |
interface |
A CAPI interface. |
The function display
displays the CAPI interface interface on the specified screen (or the current one if not supplied).
If process is not supplied, then if owner is supplied interface runs in owner's process, otherwise interface runs in the process of the parent of interface if it is a document-container, or in a new process created for interface if not.
On Microsoft Windows and Motif, if process is t
, then interface runs in a newly-created process. If process is nil
, interface runs in the current process. Otherwise process is expected to be a CAPI process, and interface runs in it. A CAPI process is a mp:process
which was created by calling display
. You can pass only a CAPI process as process, because it needs to handle messages using the LispWorks event loop. The default value of process is t
On Cocoa, all CAPI interfaces run in the Cocoa Event Loop process (which is the main thread of LispWorks) and therefore process is not supported. If process is any process other than the Cocoa Event Loop process an error is signalled.
owner specifies an owner for interface, which should be another CAPI interface. interface inherits a number of attributes from owner, including the default process, default screen and default display state.
window-styles, if supplied, sets the window-styles slot of interface. See interface for information about window-styles.
returns its interface argument.
has finished preparing the interface to display, it calls interface-display to actually do the display. The primary method does the actual display, and you can :before
or :after
methods to execute code just before or just after the window appears.
(capi:display (make-instance 'capi:interface :title "Test"))
2 Getting Started
4.1 The correct thread for CAPI operations
19 Host Window System-specific issues
7 Programming with CAPI Windows
10.4 Dialog Owners
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22