A pane that displays a group of items and provides support for selecting items and performing actions on them. Each item may optionally have an image.
:right-click-selection-behavior | |
A keyword or nil . Controls the behavior on a right mouse button click. | |
:color-function |
A function designator or nil . Controls item text color on Microsoft Windows, Cocoa and GTK+. |
:alternating-background | |
A boolean influencing the use of alternating background color on Cocoa and GTK+. | |
:filter |
A boolean. The default value is nil . Only used when filter is non-nil. |
:the | |
:filter-automatic-p | |
A boolean. The default value is t . Only used when filter is non-nil. | |
:filter-callback |
A function designator or the keyword :default , which is the default value. Only used when filter is non-nil. |
:filter-change-callback-p | |
A boolean. Only used when filter is non-nil. | |
:filter-short-menu-text | |
A boolean. The default value is nil . Only used when filter is non-nil. | |
:filter-matches-title | |
A string, t or nil . Only used when filter is non-nil. | |
:filter-help-string | |
A string, t or nil . Only used when filter is non-nil. | |
:filter-added-filters | |
:keyboard-search-callback | |
A function that is used to search for an item when the user types ordinary characters. | |
:image-function |
Returns an image for an item. |
:state-image-function | |
Returns a state image for an item. | |
:image-lists |
A plist of keywords and image-list objects. |
:use-images |
Flag to specify whether items have images. Defaults to t . |
:use-state-images |
Flag to specify whether items have state images. Defaults to nil . |
:image-width |
Defaults to 16. |
:image-height |
Defaults to 16. |
:state-image-width |
Defaults to image-width. |
:state-image-height | |
Defaults to image-height. | |
:separators |
One of nil (the default), :horizontal , :vertical , :both or t . |
The class list-panel
gains much of its behavior from choice, which is an abstract class that handles items and their selection. By default, a list panel has both horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
does not support the :no-selection
interaction style. For a non-interactive list use a display-pane.
To scroll a list-panel
, call scroll with scroll-operation :move
mnemonic-title is interpreted as for menu.
color-function allows you to control the text colors on Microsoft Windows, Cocoa and GTK+. If color-function is non-nil, then it is a function used to compute the text color of each item, with signature:
color-function list-panel item state => result
When alternating-background is true, the list panel is drawn with alternating background on Cocoa. On GTK+ it provides a hint, which the theme can override. Experience suggests that theme may draw with alternating background even when alternating-background is false, but when it is true they tend to draw it always. The default value of alternating-background is nil
state is a keyword representing the state of the item. It can be one of :normal
, :selected
or :disabled
. The value result should be a value suitable for the function convert-color. The pane uses the converted color as the foreground color for the item item. color-function is called while list-panel is being drawn, so it should not do heavyweight computations.
If filter is non-nil, the system automatically adds a filtering-layout above the list. The items in the list-panel
are filtered by the value in the filtering-layout. Filtering displays only those items whose print representation matches the filter. (The print representation is the result of print-collection-item, and is what the user sees.) Only the items that match, or those that do not match if Exclude is set, are displayed in the list-panel
Here filtering means mapping over the unfiltered items, collecting each item that matches the current setting in the filter, and then setting the items of the list-panel
to the collected items.
For a list-panel
with a filter, collection-items returns only the filtered items, and the selection (that is, the result of choice-selection and the argument to (setf choice-selection)
) index into the filtered items.
Calling (setf collection-items)
on a filtered list-panel
sets an internal unfiltered list, and then clears the filtering so that all items are visible.
To get and set the unfiltered items, use the accessor list-panel-unfiltered-items. To access the filter-state, use list-panel-filter-state. To access both the unfiltered items and the filter simultaneously, which is especially useful when setting both of them at the same time, use list-panel-items-and-filter.
filter-automatic-p controls whether the filter automatically does the filtering whenever the text in the filter changes, and filter-callback defines the callback of the filtering-layout.
If filter-automatic-p is t
, whenever a change occurs in the filter the list is refreshed against the new value in the filter. The filter-callback (if non-nil) is called with two arguments, the filtering-layout and the list-panel
itself, when the user "confirms" (that is, she presses Return
or clicks the Confirm button). If filter-automatic-p is false and filter-callback is :default
, then the filtering-layout is given a callback that does the filtering when the user "confirms". If filter-automatic-p is false and filter-callback is non-nil, then no filtering is done explicitly, and it is the responsibility of the callback to do any filtering that is required.
filter-matches-title (default t
) and filter-help-string (default t
) are passed down to the filtering layout using the filtering-layout initargs :matches-title
and :help-string
respectively. See filtering-layout for a description of these initargs.
If filter-short-menu-text is true, the filter menu has a short title. For example if the filter is set for case-sensitive plain inclusive matching the short label is PMC. If filter-short-menu-text were false then this label would be Filter:C.
When filter-added-filters is non-nil, it adds additional filters that apply to the items of the list-panel
. Each element of filter-added-filters must be one of:
A cons of a string and a function. | |
This specifies a check-button, with the string as its text, plus an associated function. | |
A list of conses, where each cons is a cons of a string and a function. | |
This specifies an option-pane, where the string of each cons specifies the text of an item in the option-pane, plus an associated function for the item. The function can also be |
The check-button and option-pane panes are displayed in the same row as the filter.
Before checking if an item in the list-panel
matches the filter's text, the filter passes the item to the associated function from each selected check-button and from the selected item of each option-pane (unless the associated function is nil
). If any of these functions returns nil
, then the item is excluded (so it is not displayed). Note that the Exclude setting of the filter does not apply to the added filters, and the functions are called with the item in the list-panel
, rather than its printed representation.
Any change in the selection of any of the check-button and option-pane panes causes the filter to be applied, which recomputes the displayed items.
There is a simple example of using filter-added-filters in:
(example-edit-file "capi/choice/filter-added-filters")
If you use filter:
, because it is implemented by wrapping some layouts around the list-panel
.keyboard-search-callback should be a function with signature:
keyboard-search-callback pane string position => index, last-match, last-match-reset-time
pane is the list-panel
, string is a string to match and position is the item index from which the system thinks that the search should start.
string contains the character that the user typed, appended to the "last match", if there is one. There is a "last match" if the previous call to keyboard-search-callback returned it (see below).
index is an index in the collection-items to move to. Apart from an integer inside the items range of the list-panel
, this can be nil
, which means do nothing, or :no-change
, which selects the current item.
last-match is a string that should be recorded as the "last match" (if it is not a string, the "last match" is reset). This is prepended to the character in the next call, if the character is typed before the "last match" is reset.
last-match-reset-time is the time to wait before resetting the "last match", in seconds. Once this time passes, the last match is reset to nil
. If last-match-reset-time is nil
, the default value (which defaults to 1) is used. This default value can be changed by set-list-panel-keyboard-search-reset-time.
You can simplify the implementation of keyboard-search-callback by using list-panel-search-with-function.
As a special case, passing :keyboard-search-callback t
tells CAPI to use its own internal search mechanism in preference to the native one. That can be useful on GTK+, where the default is to use the native search mechanism (for GTK+ versions after 2.4).
keyboard-search-callback is intended for searching, but it is not limited to doing a search, and in fact can be used for implementing other functionality. However, since the system waits for the result, if the callback does something heavy or interacts with the user, it should schedule it in some way and return, for example:
(defun my-keyboard-search-callback (pane string pos) (declare (ignore pane pos)) ;; cause a call to display-message in event loop (mp:current-process-send (list 'capi:display-message (format nil "You pressed ~a" string))) nil ; return nil so do nothing )
The image-function is called on an item to return an image associated with the item. It can return one of the following:
A pathname or string | This specifies the filename of a file suitable for loading with load-image. Currently this must be a bitmap file. |
A symbol |
The symbol must have been previously registered by means of a call to register-image-translation. It can also one of the following symbols, which map to standard images:
On Microsoft Windows, the following symbols are also recognized. They map to view images:
Also on Microsoft Windows, these symbols are recognized. They map to history images: |
An image object |
For example, as returned by load-image. |
An image locator object | |
This allowing a single bitmap to be created which contains several button images side by side. See make-image-locator for more information. On Microsoft Windows, it also allows access to bitmaps stored as resources in a DLL. | |
An integer |
This is a zero-based index into the list panel's image lists. This is generally only useful if the image list is created explicitly. See image-list for more details. |
The state-image-function is called on an item to determine the state image: an additional optional image used to indicate the state of an item. It can return one of the above, or nil
to indicate that there is no state image.
If image-lists is specified, it should be a plist containing the following keywords as keys. The corresponding values should be image-list objects.
:normal |
Specifies an image-list object that contains the item images. The image-function should return a numeric index into this image-list. |
:state |
Specifies an image-list object that contains the state images. The state-image-function should return a numeric index into this image-list. |
right-click-selection-behavior can take the following values:
nil |
Corresponds to the behavior in LispWorks 4.4 and earlier. The data is not passed. |
All non-nil values pass the clicked item as data to the pane-menu:
:existing-or-clicked/restore/discard | |
If the clicked item is not already selected, make it be the entire selection while the menu is displayed. If the clicked item is already selected, do not change the selection. If the menu is cancelled, the original selection is restored. If the user chooses an item from the menu, the selection is not restored. | |
:temporary-selection | |
A synonym for | |
:existing-or-clicked/restore/restore | |
If the clicked item is not already selected, make it be the entire selection while the menu is displayed. If the clicked item is already selected, do not change the selection. If the user chooses an item from the menu and the item's callback does not set the selection then the original selection is restored after the callback. If the callback sets the selection, then this selection remains. The original selection is restored if the user cancels the menu. | |
:temporary-restore |
A synonym for |
:clicked/restore/discard | |
Make the clicked item be the entire selection while the menu is displayed. If the menu is cancelled, the original selection is restored. If the user chooses an item from the menu, the selection is not restored. | |
:temporary-always |
A synonym for |
:clicked/restore/restore | |
Make the clicked item be the entire selection while the menu is displayed. If the user chooses an item from the menu and the item's callback does not set the selection then the original selection is restored after the callback. If the callback sets the selection, then this selection remains. The original selection is restored if the user cancels the menu. | |
:existing-or-clicked/discard/discard | |
If the clicked item is not already selected, make it be the entire selection while the menu is displayed. If the clicked item is already selected, do not change the selection. The original selection is never restored, regardless of whether the user chooses an item from the menu or cancels the menu. | |
:discard-selection |
A synonym for |
:clicked/discard/discard | |
Make the clicked item be the entire selection. The original selection is never restored, regardless of whether the user chooses an item from the menu or cancels the menu. | |
:discard-always |
A synonym for |
:no-change | Does not affect the selection, but the clicked item is nonetheless passed as the data. |
The default value of right-click-selection-behavior is :no-change
separators controls whether there are separators. Horizontal separators means that each row is separated from the previous row by a horizontal line. Vertical separators are applicable only in multi-column-list-panel, and means that by default each column is separated by a vertical line from the previous column. This can be overridden by the :separator
option in the column specification (see entry for multi-column-list-panel). If separators is nil
(the default), there are no separators. :both
and t
are equivalent, and specify both horizontal and vertical separators. :horizontal
and :vertical
specify separators for one direction.
(setq list (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(:red :blue :green) :selected-item :blue :print-function 'string-capitalize))) (capi:apply-in-pane-process list #'(setf capi:choice-selected-item) :red list) (capi:apply-in-pane-process list #'(setf capi:choice-selected-item) :green list)
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(:red :blue :green) :print-function 'string-capitalize :selection-callback #'(lambda (data interface) (capi:display-message "~S" data))))
This example illustrates the use of :right-click-selection-behavior
(capi:define-interface click () ((keyword :initarg :right-click-selection-behavior)) (:panes (list-panel capi:list-panel :items '("foo" "bar" "baz" "quux") :visible-min-height '(:character 4) :pane-menu 'my-menu :interaction :multiple-selection :right-click-selection-behavior keyword))) (defun my-menu (pane data x y) (declare (ignore pane x y)) (make-instance 'capi:menu :items (list "Hi There" "" "Here's the data:" data))) (capi:display (make-instance 'click :right-click-selection-behavior :clicked/restore/restore))
See also this example:
(example-edit-file "capi/choice/list-panel-pane-menu")
There are further examples here:
(example-edit-file "capi/choice/")
This example illustrates the use of color-function:
(example-edit-file "capi/applications/simple-symbol-browser")
There are further examples in 20 Self-contained examples.
1.2.1 CAPI elements Controlling Mnemonics
19.3.3 Matching resources for GTK+
5 Choices - panes with items
7 Programming with CAPI Windows
10.2.3 Prompting for an item in a list
13.10 Working with images
17 Drag and Drop
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22