All Manuals > CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual

20 Self-contained examples

This chapter enumerates the set of CAPI examples in the LispWorks library. Each example contains complete, self-contained code and detailed comments, which include one or more entry points near the start of the file which you can run to start the program.

To run the example code:

  1. Open the file in the Editor tool in the LispWorks IDE. Evaluating the call to example-edit-file shown below will achieve this.
  2. Compile the example code, by Ctrl+Shift+B.
  3. Place the cursor at the end of the entry point form and press Ctrl+X Ctrl+E to run it.
  4. Read the comment at the top of the file, which may contain further instructions on how to interact with the example.

20.1 Output pane examples

20.2 Graphics examples

20.3 Pinboard examples

20.4 Examples using timers to implement "animation"

20.5 Drag and Drop examples

20.6 Graph examples

20.7 Cocoa-specific examples

20.8 Examples of complete CAPI applications

20.9 Choice examples

20.10 Examples of dialogs and prompts

20.11 editor-pane examples

20.12 Menu examples

20.13 Miscellaneous examples

20.14 GTK+ specific examples

20.15 Motif specific examples

20.16 Layout examples

20.17 Tooltip examples

20.18 Examples illustrating other pane classes

20.19 Printing examples

20.20 Graphic Tools examples

CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:20