A mixin class which provides support for decorating a pane with a title and a message.
:title |
A title string for the pane (or nil ). |
:title-args |
Initargs to the title make-instance. |
:title-font |
The font used for the title. |
:title-position |
The position of the title. |
:title-adjust |
How to adjust the title relative to the pane. |
:title-gap |
The gap between the title and the pane. |
:message |
A message string for the pane (or nil ). |
:mnemonic-title |
A string specifying the title and a mnemonic. Applies only to the subclasses specified below. |
:message-gap |
The gap between the message and the pane. |
The abstract class titled-object
is a mixin class which provides support for decorating a pane with a title (a piece of text positioned next to the pane) and with a message (a piece of text below the pane).
The titled pane makes its title decoration from a title-pane and the message decoration from a message-pane.
The text of the title-pane is passed via the titled-object
initarg title and the text of the message-pane is passed via the titled-object
initarg message.
The initargs and font for the title-pane are passed via the titled-object
initargs title-args and title-font respectively.
title-gap specifies the size in pixels of the gap between the title and the pane. The default value of title-gap is 3.
For subclasses other than interface, the font used for the message can be found by titled-object-message-font and set by (setf titled-object-message-font).
message-gap specifies the size in pixels of the gap between the message and the pane. The default value of message-gap is 3.
The message is always placed below the pane, but the title's position can be adjusted by specifying title-position which can be any of the following.
:left |
Place the title to the left of the pane. |
:right |
Place the title to the right of the pane. |
:top |
Place the title above the pane. |
:bottom |
Place the title below the pane. |
:frame |
Place the title in a frame (like a groupbox) around the pane. |
The title-adjust slot is used to adjust the title so that it is left justified, right justified or centered. The value of title-adjust can be any of the values accepted by the function pane-adjusted-offset, which are :left
, :right
, :top
, :bottom
, :center
and :centre
Note: title-adjust cannot handle both x and y. It is designed for cases like this:
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(1 2 3 4 5) :title "Temp" :title-position :left :title-adjust :center :title-args '(:visible-min-width (:character 12))))
mnemonic-title offers an alternate way to provide the pane's title, and with a mnemonic. It takes effect only for button-panel, list-panel, list-view, option-pane, output-pane, progress-bar, scroll-bar, slider, text-input-pane, text-input-range, tree-view and their subclasses, and is interpreted as described for menu.
Note: titles and mnemonic titles can now be added in a grid-layout.
corresponds to the LispWorks 4.1 class titled-pane
. For backwards compatibility the accessors titled-pane-title
and titled-pane-message
, including setf methods, are provided. These simply trampoline to titled-object-title
and titled-object-message
, and may not be supported in future releases.
Try each of these examples to see some of the effects that titled panes can produce. Note that text-input-pane is a subclass of titled-object
, and that it has a default title-position of :left
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane :title "Enter some text:"))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane :title "Enter some text:" :title-position :top))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane :title "Enter some text:" :title-position :top :title-adjust :center))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane :title "Enter some text:" :title-position :top :title-adjust :right))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane :message "A message"))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane :message "A message" :title "Enter some text:"))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:text-input-pane :title "Enter some text:" :title-args '(:foreground :red)))
title-pane Controlling Mnemonics
3.3 Specifying titles
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:09