A layout which positions its children on a two dimensional grid.
:columns |
The number of columns in the grid. |
:has-title-column-p | |
A boolean specifying whether the first column is a title column. | |
:orientation |
The orientation of the children. |
:rows |
The number of rows in the grid. |
:x-ratios |
The ratios between the columns. |
:y-ratios |
The ratios between the rows. |
:x-gap |
The gap between each column. |
:y-gap |
The gap between each row. |
:x-uniform-size-p |
If t , make each of the columns the same size. |
:y-uniform-size-p |
If t , make each of the rows the same size. |
:min-column-width | nil , or a real number which provides a minimum of the width of each column. |
:min-row-height | nil , or a real number which provides a minimum of the height of each row. |
The class grid-layout
is a layout which positions its children on a two dimensional grid.
The row and column sizes are controlled by the constraints on their children. For example, the visible-min-width of any column is the maximum of the visible-min-width in of the children in the column. The size of the layout is controlled by the constraints on the rows and columns.
For grid-layout
description is either a two dimensional array or a list in the order specified by orientation (which defaults to :row
). In the case of a list, one of columns or rows can be supplied to specify the dimensions (the default is two columns). As well as panes, slot names and strings, description may contain the element nil
, which is interpreted as a special dummy pane with suitable geometry for resizable gaps. This special interpretation of nil
in the description is specific to grid-layout
and its subclasses.
x-ratios and y-ratios control the sizes of the elements in a grid layout.
If x-ratios (or y-ratios) is a list, then each of its elements control the size of each child relative to the others. If an element in x-ratios (or y-ratios) is nil
then the child is fixed at its minimum size. If an element in x-ratios (or y-ratios) is :fixed
then it is treated initially as 1 but the child is not resized when the user resizes the layout (typically by resizing the whole window), though this child can resized by the user if there is a divider in the layout. Otherwise the element should be a positive real and size is calculated as follows:
(round (* total ratio) ratio-sum)
where ratio-sum is the sum of the real elements of x-ratios (or y-ratios) and ratio is the element of ratios corresponding to the child. If this ideal ratio size does not fit the maximum or minimum constraints on the child size, and the constraint means that changing the ratio size would not assist the sum of the child sizes fitting the total space available, then the child is fixed at its constrained size, the child is removed from the ratio calculation, and the calculation is performed again. If x-ratios (or y-ratios) has fewer elements than the number of children, 1 is used for each of the missing ratios. Leaving x-ratios (or y-ratios) nil
(the default) causes all of the children to be the same size.
If the user moves a divider in the layout then x-ratios (or y-ratios) are changed to match the sizes of the panes, so layout-ratios, layout-x-ratios
and layout-y-ratios
return these ratios rather than the initial ones.
The positions of each pane in the layout can be specified using x-adjust and y-adjust like every other x-y-adjustable-layout, except that if there is one value then it is used for all of the panes, whereas if it is a list then each value in the list refers to one row or column. If the list does not contain a value for every row or column then the last value is taken to refer to all of the remaining panes.
Normally, the items in a grid-layout
are arranged to look like a set of columns that are joined horizontally and rows that are joined vertically. All the cells in each column have the same width and all the cells in each row have the same height. The keyword :right-extend
(or :bottom-extend
) can be used to allow an item to span more than one column (or row). The keyword should be placed in the cell of the description that you want the item to expand into. For :right-extend
, the cell immediately to the left will be extended to fill both columns in that row. For :bottom-extend
, the cell immediately above will be extended to fill both rows in that column. Note that the item can only be extended if its constraints allow this. Fosr example, a push-button-panel will not extend by default with :bottom-extend
because its constraints fix its height at its min-height.
If has-title-column-p is true, then the items in the description which correspond to the first column are treated specially:
A string |
Equivalent to specifying (:title string) |
A list of the form (:title string . options) . | |
Make a title using the given list as initargs. options is a plist of options, which can include the keys | |
A list of the form (:mnemonic-title string . options) . | |
Make a title using the given list as initargs. string can contain the mnemonic escape. options is a plist of options, which can include the keys |
Mnemonics are not supported on all platforms.
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:grid-layout :description '("1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9") :columns 3))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:grid-layout :description (list "List:" (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(1 2 3)) "Buttons:" (make-instance 'capi:button-panel :items '(1 2 3)))))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:grid-layout :description (list "List:" (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(1 2 3)) "Buttons:" (make-instance 'capi:button-panel :items '(1 2 3))) :x-adjust '(:right :left) :y-adjust '(:center :bottom)))
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:grid-layout :description (list "List:" (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(1 2 3)) "Buttons:" (make-instance 'capi:button-panel :items '(1 2 3))) :orientation :column))
This example illustrates the special interpretation of nil
in the description:
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:grid-layout :description (cdr (loop for i below 5 appending (list nil (make-instance 'capi:simple-pane :background :red :visible-min-width 50 :visible-max-width t :visible-min-height 50 :visible-max-height t)))) :columns 3) :height 150 :width 150 :title "Resize Me")
This example illustrates the use of :right-extend
and :bottom-extend
to make cells span multiple columns and rows:
(example-edit-file "capi/layouts/extend")
There are more examples here:
(example-edit-file "capi/applications/")
This example is a grid with :has-title-column-p t
(example-edit-file "capi/layouts/titles-in-grid")
1.2.1 CAPI elements Controlling Mnemonics
6 Laying Out CAPI Panes
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:09