All Manuals > LispWorks Objective-C and Cocoa Interface User Guide and Reference Manual




abstract classes 15

add-observer function 65

addObserver:selector:name:object: Objective-C method 65

alloc Objective-C method 11 , 19 , 58

alloc-init-object function 19

allocWithZone: Objective-C method 11 , 58

Apple Interface Builder 63

argument conversion 4 , 12

array return type 6

associated objects 10 , 11 , 14 , 17

autorelease function 9 , 20

autorelease Objective-C method 9

autorelease pools 9


boolean return type 5

boolean type 3


can-invoke-p function 8 , 9 , 20

class methods 3


abstract 15

cocoa-view-pane 74

defining 10

standard-objc-object 2 , 10 , 24 , 57

Cocoa application 62

cocoa-view-pane class 74

coerce-to-objc-class function 11 , 21

coerce-to-selector function 9 , 22


ns-not-found 66


argument and result 4 , 12

current-super macro 15 , 22


data types 2

define-c-struct macro 3

define-objc-class macro 10 , 14 , 15 , 23

define-objc-class-method macro 11 , 15 , 26

define-objc-method macro 11 , 15 , 28

define-objc-protocol macro 17 , 33

define-objc-struct macro 3 , 5 , 13 , 34


classes 10

methods 11

protocols 17

structures 3

description function 35


ensure-objc-initialized function 1 , 36


foreign types

ns-point 13 , 61 , 66

ns-range 13 , 61 , 67

ns-rect 6 , 13 , 61 , 67

ns-size 13 , 61 , 68

objc-at-question-mark 45

objc-bool 3 , 13 , 46

objc-c++-bool 47

objc-class 2 , 10 , 13 , 47

objc-c-string 2 , 13 , 46

objc-object-pointer 2 , 6 , 10 , 13 , 51

objc-unknown 54

sel 2 , 9 , 56


add-observer 65

alloc-init-object 19

autorelease 9 , 20

can-invoke-p 8 , 9 , 20

coerce-to-objc-class 11 , 21

coerce-to-selector 9 , 22

description 35

ensure-objc-initialized 1 , 36

invoke 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 15 , 37

invoke-bool 5 , 41

invoke-into 5 , 6 , 42

make-autorelease-pool 9 , 45

objc-class-method-signature 48

objc-class-name 49

objc-object-destroyed 17 , 50

objc-object-from-pointer 10 , 51

objc-object-pointer 10 , 11 , 52

objc-object-var-value 16 , 53

release 9 , 54

remove-observer 68

retain 8 , 55

retain-count 8 , 55

selector-name 9 , 56

set-ns-point* 61 , 69

set-ns-range* 61 , 70

set-ns-rect* 61 , 70

set-ns-size* 61 , 71

trace-invoke 59

untrace-invoke 59


@implementation 11

inheritance 14

init Objective-C method 11 , 19 , 58

:init-function initarg 11 , 57

initialization 1

instance methods 3

instance variables 16 , 53

integer types 3

@interface 11

invoke function 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 15 , 37

invoke-bool function 5 , 41

invoke-into function 5 , 6 , 42

invoking methods 3



current-super 15 , 22

define-c-struct 3

define-objc-class 10 , 14 , 15 , 23

define-objc-class-method 11 , 15 , 26

define-objc-method 11 , 15 , 28

define-objc-protocol 17 , 33

define-objc-struct 3 , 5 , 13 , 34

with-autorelease-pool 9 , 60

make-autorelease-pool function 9 , 45

memory management

foreign objects 8

Lisp objects 17


check for existence 8

defining 11

inheritance 14

instance and class 3

invoking 3

naming 4 , 12

multiple inheritance 16


New in LispWorks 7.1

vector types 7

nib file 63

NSArray Objective-C class 6 , 13 , 30 , 32 , 39 , 43 , 44

ns-not-found constant 66

NSObject Objective-C class 8 , 11 , 14 , 24

ns-point foreign type 13 , 61 , 66

ns-range foreign type 13 , 61 , 67

ns-rect foreign type 6 , 13 , 61 , 67

ns-size foreign type 13 , 61 , 68

NSString Objective-C class 6 , 13 , 30 , 32 , 39 , 43


objc-at-question-mark foreign type 45

objc-bool foreign type 3 , 13 , 46

objc-c++-bool foreign type 47

objc-class foreign type 2 , 10 , 13 , 47

objc-class-method-signature function 48

:objc-class-name class option 10 , 24

objc-class-name function 49

objc-c-string foreign type 2 , 13 , 46

:objc-instance-vars class option 16 , 24

objc-object-destroyed function 17 , 50

objc-object-from-pointer function 10 , 51

objc-object-pointer foreign type 2 , 6 , 10 , 13 , 51

objc-object-pointer function 10 , 11 , 52

objc-object-pointer reader function 57

objc-object-var-value function 16 , 53

:objc-protocols class option 17 , 25

:objc-superclass-name class option 14 , 24

objc-unknown foreign type 54

Objective-C classes

NSArray 6 , 13 , 30 , 32 , 39 , 43 , 44

NSObject 8 , 11 , 14 , 24

NSString 6 , 13 , 30 , 32 , 39 , 43

Objective-C methods

addObserver:selector:name:object: 65

alloc 11 , 19 , 58

allocWithZone: 11 , 58

autorelease 9

init 11 , 19 , 58

release 9

removeObserver:name:object: 69

respondsToSelector: 8 , 9

retain 8

retainCount 8

objects and pointers 10


:pointer initarg 57

pointer types 2

pointers and objects 10

protocols 17


reader functions

objc-object-pointer 57

reference count 8 , 17

release function 9 , 54

release Objective-C method 9

remove-observer function 68

removeObserver:name:object: Objective-C method 69

respondsToSelector: Objective-C method 8 , 9

result conversion 4 , 12

retain function 8 , 55

retain Objective-C method 8

retain-count function 8 , 55

retainCount Objective-C method 8

return types

array 6

boolean 5

string 6

structure 5 , 13 , 44

unsigned char * 43


sel foreign type 2 , 9 , 56

selector-name function 9 , 56

selectors 9

Self-contained examples

Cocoa and CAPI 74

Cocoa classes 74

definitions 73

nib files 74

set-ns-point* function 61 , 69

set-ns-range* function 61 , 70

set-ns-rect* function 61 , 70

set-ns-size* function 61 , 71

standard-objc-object class 2 , 10 , 24 , 57

string return type 6

strings 5 , 6

structure return type 5 , 13 , 44

structure types 3

super 15


trace-invoke function 59


unsigned char *

return type 43

untrace-invoke function 59


with-autorelease-pool macro 9 , 60

LispWorks Objective-C and Cocoa Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 21 Mar 2017
