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15.11 Editor changes

This section describes new features and other changes in the LispWorks editor, which is used in the Editor tool of the LispWorks IDE.

See the LispWorks Editor User Guide for details of these changes.

15.11.1 Improved Unicode support

The editor now supports the entire Unicode range, and provided that the system has suitable fonts it should be able to display all the characters correctly.

Note that external format :unicode now maps to UTF-16 rather than UCS-2. UTF-16 is quite likely to give an error trying to read a binary file. See "Unicode and other file encodings" in the LispWorks Editor User Guide for the recommended approach.

15.11.2 Editor bindings for keystrokes with modifiers

Use strings (rather than characters with bits, which are no longer supported) to define LispWorks Editor key sequences with modifiers, like this:

(editor:bind-key "Show Documentation" "Meta-Control-A")
(editor:bind-key "Search Examples" #("Control-x" "%"))

15.11.3 Directory mode

A buffer in Directory mode lists files and allows you to easily edit any of them, copy or move some of them to another directory, or delete some of them. It also makes it easy to keep a record of which files you already edited.

Create a Directory mode buffer by the new List Directory command (Ctrl+X D in Emacs emulation) or one of the other methods described in the guide section "Directory mode".

15.11.4 clear-undo exported and documented

The function editor:clear-undo is now exported and documented. It clears any undo information in an editor buffer.

In LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions the only exported way to clear undo information was the editor command Clear Undo. However, this command has changed behavior as described in Clear Undo command prompts.

15.11.5 Clear Undo command prompts

The editor command Clear Undo now prompts the user for confirmation.

Programmatic use (for example as editor:clear-undo-command or via capi:call-editor) can be replaced by the function editor:clear-undo.

15.11.6 Un-Kill As ... commands

The new editor command Un-Kill As String inserts text from the kill ring as a Lisp string, surrounded by double-quotes.

The new editor command Un-Kill As Filename inserts the namestring of the current buffer's pathname, first converting any backslash characters to forward slash so that it does not need to be escaped in a Lisp string.

15.11.7 Save Buffer Pathname command

The new editor command Save Buffer Pathname pushes the namestring of the pathname of the current buffer onto the kill ring. This can then be inserted elsewhere by commands such as Un-Kill and Un-Kill As Filename.

15.11.8 Find Source For Current Package

The new editor command Find Source For Current Package finds the defpackage definition for the package at the current point. If a prefix argument is given, it first prompts for a package name.

15.11.9 New Code Coverage commands

The new commands Code Coverage Current Buffer, Code Coverage File, Code Coverage Load Default Data and Code Coverage Set Default Data allow you to visualize code coverage data in the LispWorks editor.

The functions hcl:code-coverage-set-editor-colors and hcl:code-coverage-set-editor-default-data allow you to control how the editor displays code coverage data, and which data it displays.

See Code Coverage for information about the new Code Coverage interface.

15.11.10 Regular expression improvement

The replacement string used by the commands Replace Regexp and Query Replace Regexp can now contain \d where d is a digit to specify replacement by matching of \( and \) pairs.

The function editor:regular-expression-search can now return a vector specifying the matches of \( and \) in the pattern.

15.11.11 Editor commands now search *.cpp files

Editor commands such as Directory Search and System Query Replace now recognize files with type "cpp" as source files, and operate on them by default.

15.11.12 Editor file functions renamed

editor:append-file is now renamed as editor:append-region-to-file and editor:write-file is now editor:write-region-to-file.

These new names are clearer, and also avoid a clash with lw:append-file.

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 2 Mar 2015
