All Manuals > LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual > 16 Common Defsystem and ASDF > 16.3 Using ASDF


16.3.2 Using ASDF in the LispWorks IDE

You can work with your ASDF systems using the LispWorks IDE tools.

This needs some integration code which makes the System Browser, Editor and Search Files tools work with ASDF systems as well as 'native' LispWorks systems. The ASDF integration code is in


in the LispWorks library and if necessary you can load it directly. However, it is more convenient to rely on this code being loaded automatically.

The variable *autoload-asdf-integration* is consulted when the LispWorks IDE starts. If its value is true (this is the default) then the ASDF integration code is loaded automatically when ASDF is loaded.

See the comments in asdf-integration.lisp for more information about using ASDF with LispWorks.


LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 21 Dec 2011
