
LispWorks® User Guide and Reference Manual

Version 6.1

This manual consists of two sections.

The first section describes the main programmatic interface to LispWorks, including some of the different libraries supplied for use in your source code. Note that it does not describe the Foreign Language Interface or the CAPI. Details about these libraries can be found in the LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual , and the LispWorks CAPI User Guide and the LispWorks CAPI Reference Manual respectively.

The second section contains reference pages for all symbols in LispWorks except those in the CAPI, GP, COLOR, FLI , COM, OBJC, COCOA and EDITOR packages. Its last chapter documents the C functions available in a LispWorks dynamic library.




1 Starting LispWorks

2 The Listener

3 The Debugger

4 The REPL Inspector

5 The Trace Facility

6 The Advice Facility

7 Dspecs: Tools for Handling Definitions

8 Action Lists

9 The Compiler

10 Storage Management

11 The Profiler

12 Customization of LispWorks

13 LispWorks as a dynamic library

14 The Metaobject Protocol

15 Multiprocessing

16 Common Defsystem and ASDF

17 The Parser Generator

18 Dynamic Data Exchange

19 Common SQL

20 User Defined Streams

21 TCP/IP socket communication and SSL

22 Internationalization

23 LispWorks' Operating Environment

24 64-bit LispWorks

25 The CLOS Package

26 The COMM Package

27 The COMMON-LISP Package

28 The COMPILER Package

29 The DBG Package

30 The DSPEC Package


32 The HCL Package

33 The LINK-LOAD Package

34 The LISPWORKS Package

35 The MP Package

36 The PARSERGEN Package

37 The SERIAL-PORT Package

38 The SQL Package

39 The STREAM Package

40 The SYSTEM Package

41 Miscellaneous WIN32 symbols

42 The Windows registry API

43 The DDE client interface

44 The DDE server interface

45 Dynamic library C functions


LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 21 Dec 2011
