All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 16 The Search Files tool > 16.5 Configuring the Search Files tool


16.5.1 Search Parameters

In the Search Parameters view of the Search Files preferences you can configure some aspects of searching operations.

Figure 16.6 Setting Search Parameter Preferences

Enter a file name pattern to add when invoking the tool from an Editor command in the Pattern to add when no file name is specified box.

Check Match flat file-namestring if you want the tool to match filename component of patterns as a flat string, rather than a name and type. If this option is not selected, then any text after the final . in the filename is treated as the type and is only matched by similar text after the . in the pattern. For example, when Match flat file-namestring is not selected, the pattern dir /*p matches interp.exe , where the name interp ends with p but does not match file.lisp , where the name file ends with e . Conversely, when Match flat file-namestring is selected, dir /*p matches file.lisp , where the file-namestring file.lisp ends with p , but does not match interp.exe , where the file-namestring interp.exe ends with e .

You can specify a limit on the size of files to search in the Maximum file size to search box. This limit represents the maximum file size in bytes, and typical values can be selected from the dropdown list. If larger files are found during a search, they are skipped and a message ...files skipped because they are bigger than... appears at the top of the results in the main area.

You can specify a limit on the number of matches displayed by the tool in the Maximum number of matches box. Typical values can be selected from the dropdown list. If more matches are found during a search, you are asked whether to stop searching.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 25 Nov 2011
