
17.2.3 Examples of CLIM Graph Formatting

(defstruct node (name "") (children nil))
(defvar g1 (let* ((2a (make-node :name "2A"))
                  (2b (make-node :name "2B"))
                  (2c (make-node :name "2C"))
                  (1a (make-node :name "1A" :children (list 2a 2b)))
                  (1b (make-node :name "1B" :children (list 2b 2c)))) 
             (make-node :name "0" :children (list 1a 1b))))
(defun test-graph (root-node &rest keys) 
  (apply #'clim:format-graph-from-root root-node 
         #'(lambda (node s)
             (write-string (node-name node) s)) 
         #'node-children keys)) 

Evaluating (test-graph g1 :stream *my-window*) results in the following graph:

Figure 32. A Horizontal Graph

In Figure 32., the graph has a horizontal orientation and grows toward the right by default. We can supply the :orientation keyword to control this. Evaluating (test-graph g1 :stream *my-window* :orientation :vertical) results in the following graph:


Figure 33. A Vertical Graph

The following example uses format-graph-from-roots to create a graph with multiple parents, that is, a graph in which node D is a child of both nodes B and C. Note that it interprets its first argument as a list of top-level graph nodes, so we have wrapped the root node inside a list.

(defun test-graph (win)
  (window-clear win)
  (format-graph-from-roots '((a (b (d)) (c (d))))
                           #'(lambda (x s) (princ (car x) s))
                           :stream win
                           :orientation :vertical
                           :merge-duplicates t
                           :duplicate-key #'car)
  (force-output win))

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 27 Feb 2008
